weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

Think it's all been said already Nick, but two great photos for this week's theme. Think I am drawn more towards #2 though as you really caught the atmosphere :)
I like the second shot best. They're both great, but that one's really special.
Hi all,

First off i'm very sorry that I haven't managed to get around to you all this week to comment on your images but I have had an extremely busy week and am in danger of slipping behind or bombing out of the challenge completely. I hope to redress the balance very shortly.

Week 7 - Root

This week after much deliberation I photographed a ginger root and also a beetroot. I quite liked the vivid colours of the beetroot which I cut in half and placed on a reflective surface with a sharp knife in the foreground. However, I thought that the knife detracted from the subject (root) if you want to have a look at this it's on my Flicr link.

My submission this week then is 'Ginger Root' I decided to use my Macro lens to try to capture the close-up detail and textures. I decided that the image looked more interesting in black and white.


As ever any comments and criticism welcome!

Right then, on to week 8 handmade ????
Industry – My like #1 - you’ve got the lighting spot on with this one

Root – Nice and sharp but feel it’s a bit too cropped at the top
Thank you all for your comments and duly noted. It's a good feeling to have caught up at last !

Week 8 - Handmade ('Jolly Jack Tar')

Quite an easy subject for me this week the concept came to me quite quickly (just for a change). Seafarers have traditionally crafted objects whilst at sea both in peacetime and at war.

I used to be very close to my grandfather who gave me 'Jolly Jack Tar' quite a few years ago before he died. As an Engineer he started this little project on the maiden voyage of the R.M.S Queen Mary from Southampton to New York in 1936 and made this in the workshops onboard whilst he was off-watch. What is even more remarkable in my opinion is that he took with him a small block of discarded wood from the very early preservation from H.M.S Victory which he knew was special and made this.


I have no idea what it's value is but its of historic interest and to me is priceless and I would never part with it.


For this weeks shoot I positioned the object on a lightbox and used a combination of natural light and fill-in flash (off camera)
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Loverly photograph of what is obviously a very precious item to you.

I prefer number 1 as it does show what it is. Being picky I would have prefered to see the front of the base not the rear though.
Hi Nick,

I really like both your industry shots, different and both equally good imho. Love the pink in no 1 but there's something very appealing about shot 2. Can't pick a favourite.

Ginger, fits the theme very well, love the detail, you've captured. Checked your flickr page and I do quite like the beetroot shot too:)

Handmade, another vote for no2! Good to hear the personal story behind it.

Hi Nick,

2 great shots there and very interesting history behind them, which adds to the appeal.

Great idea and it works really well.

Hi Nick, I really like both those shots, but number one is by far the best for me, partly because it tells me more about the object, but also because I think the eyes needed to be in focus on the second one for it to work well.
#1 here too, an interesting piece of history (y)
Many thanks all. Shot in haste, just had a look at the data, F5.6 and camera wasn't on single-point focus. If time permits this week I'll reshoot on F16 or < and use SP focus on the eyes - that'll sort it !

Great feedback thank you :)
Thank you all for your comments and duly noted. It's a good feeling to have caught up at last !

Week 8 - Handmade ('Jolly Jack Tar')

Quite an easy subject for me this week the concept came to me quite quickly (just for a change). Seafarers have traditionally crafted objects whilst at sea both in peacetime and at war.

I used to be very close to my grandfather who gave me 'Jolly Jack Tar' quite a few years ago before he died. As an Engineer he started this little project on the maiden voyage of the R.M.S Queen Mary from Southampton to New York in 1936 and made this in the workshops onboard whilst he was off-watch. What is even more remarkable in my opinion is that he took with him a small block of discarded wood from the very early preservation from H.M.S Victory which he knew was special and made this.


I have no idea what it's value is but its of historic interest and to me is priceless and I would never part with it.


For this weeks shoot I positioned the object on a lightbox and used a combination of natural light and fill-in flash (off camera)

That's great and such a lovely family keepsake.(y)
Its all been said above Nick, but #1 for me too but with the front of the figure showing. Definitely worth a reshoot of #2 to do this fantastic object justice. Lovely back story to this too. Iain
What a lovely story and a special family heirloom!

#1 for me- it shows it off better but like some of the other comments above it would be better if it showed the front of the base as well!
Thanks for all your comments last week and I may well just reshoot this as suggested when we get to that point and the card is pulled. I just ran out of time this week but building on lessons learned I am now using single-point focus.

Week 9 - Money

Well this week I thought I would try to create an image rather than just photograph one. I also didn't want to go for the blatantly obvious which for me would have been too easy. So onto this weeks image which is made up of three components.

Peppercorns - from perpercorn rent. A peppercorn in legal parlance is a metaphor for a very small payment, a nominal consideration, used to satisfy the requirements for the creation of a legal contract. For example, the Vine Cricket Ground pay Sevenoaks Town Council a yearly rent of two peppercorns which covers the ground rent and pavilion.

Sea Salt - The word salary comes from the Latin world salarium, and In fact, Roman soldiers were once paid in salt due to it's high commercial value as it was once a very rare commodity. Salts ability to preserve food led people to travel and discovery. Wars were fought over its possession and civilisations rose and fell because of it.

Monopoly House - The board game Monopoly is synonymous with money no further explanation required.


I shot this with the smallest aperture I could, in this case F/36 to provide the maximum depth of field to increase the overall front-to-back sharpness. Camera speed: 1.3s facilitated by a tripod. Lighting was a combination of ambient window light and bounced flash at ISO 400.

I considered using both a reflective white background and also a black but preferred the natural wood from the chopping board to compliment the colours of the peppercorns.

As ever, all C & C welcome :)
Hi Nick

Jolly Jack Tar is a wonderful little heirloom & you've done it justice with your shots (y) Nu 1 for me as well with the body rotated :)

Money....cripes,you put some thought into that one...interesting read (y) Can't really give any crit as quite like the layout but you've possibly lost a little detail in the corns nearest the house ? I suspect this would be quite diffiuclt to alter as you have the 2 extremes of color...black & white which will confuse the cameras sensor ....so , nope , think you've done well & top marks for out of the box thinking (y)

Just ahd a little play in pse8 & it is possible to lighten the corns & not lose the salt detail :)
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Hi Nick,

Another great idea for the theme of the week!!!! It works really well and alot of thought has obviously gone into the shot. Well done!!!