weekly *manda* updated

Hi Manda

You have done some great shots in your 52 and I think you have a very individual style something I am searching or just waiting for as I like so many.

Some of the themes for this 52 I have thought "great" lets go and the other 7 its been "oh no" but at the end of the day is't all fun and a learning a curve.

I did the practical photography modules last year and learnt a lot, it was tough at times though. Good luck with it and nice start.
Money - Gosh those £1 notes take me back. I would have liked less reflections on the plastic but that's often easier said than done

Win - I like you almost journalistic style win/lose pair.

As others have said keep your head up on this one Amanda. Just think we've got through 10 weeks worth now when some of the themes have been difficult and the short days have restricted many of us to taking lots of indoor shots.
Hi Manda

Money - not your best. Bit jumbled, out of focus, too much reflection.

Win - good idea. Usually when ther is a win, ther is a loss and this indicats that. Good choice of mono as colour might have distracted from the story

as an aside the pic of the forks is stunning in composition, colour, lighting. That is your standard and i am pleased that you have posted it because it shows what we all might achieve.
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Slightly off topic here but I just looked, there's no thread this year for the DSLR Skills yet, perhaps I'll start one later. Here's my entry linky It was a challenge shooting a JPEG as I didn't want any PP on mine.

Mandy it gives me hope that someone of your ability is still doing basic courses and learning.
Slightly off topic here but I just looked, there's no thread this year for the DSLR Skills yet, perhaps I'll start one later. Here's my entry linky It was a challenge shooting a JPEG as I didn't want any PP on mine.

Mandy it gives me hope that someone of your ability is still doing basic courses and learning.

Fab - I left a comment on ur photo.
I'm not a lover of angled shots Manda but I think it works well with this shot (y)
I like that, the lights are blown a bit but this adds to the effect, well done :clap:
Good angle for your shiny shot, and a very shiny wall/mirror.
Very blown in the highlights though, which takes away from the picture for me.
I really love your shot for shiny Manda. Everything about it does the trick for me; perfect!
Hi Manda, I'm glad you have continued the challenge. Although you think its just lame posting of an image theres more to it than that. The thought process of interpreting the theme, composition, equipment etc all come into play. As long as the final submission meets the theme somehow shows achievement. I agree with all the comments above and as long as these are taken as meaningfull and taken onboard will lead to long term improvement throughout the years to come. I also did a couple of previous PP module courses and aiming for their certificate helped a lot.
Wow Manda. Firstly it's good to have you back and in the zone :). Cracking shot for shiny, bang on theme too, the angle absolutely works. Top shot, and so glad you've persevered with your 52 (y). Right now need to think about my shiny shot!!!
I think this is right up there as one of the best this week love the angle and the blown highlights just add to the shot with the dark floor. Superb :clap::clap:
I'm playing catch up this week due to not coming up with anything I was happy with for Shiny and won't post the one I have come up with last night 'til I've gone through everyone elses.

Shiny - It's obviously very shiny, which I like, then there's the angle of the shot, which I like. However, the highlights are just too far gone for me.
Hi manda

great image for Shiny...certainly on theme...quite like the different angle....makes for an interesting view of a possibly boring subject ( no offence intended there)...yup...like it lots :clap:
Hi Mandy,

Just been catching up since my last post. Your works is not in the slightest bit lame. I have had a look at your portraits on Flicr and they are fab ! I love the interlocking forks, the composition and tones are lovely.

'Shiny' I really like this image, the tilt works, the black, white and grey(s) are really pleasing. I like the way you have framed just the top and bottom of the image with a black half-border. The border contrasts nicely with door jamb(s).

Really nice work - don't give up on yourself and keep smiling.(y)

Thanks to everyone's comments - like most here I'm behind and busy with the demands of life.

Week 13 - Vice

A conceptual shot as I want to make life easy for myself. I've become addicted to pinterest and gather lots of visuals there. The below photograph was actually based on a positive approach [take what you need - happiness, love, trust etc]. I thought I might post it outside my flat and see if any one takes a slip! I'll post a time lapse if they do!

Processing - I've started to use photoshop again, just for fun. I used some actions by Flo and textures from my files.

WEEK 12 - VICE by M@ndy, on Flickr
Mandy, I have to say what a brilliant photo. I like the fact you've crumpled the paper up, ripped on of the strips of and given it some complimentary pp'ing. Well done you.
I really like it having difficulty myself in thinking of anything that fits the theme.
Hi Mandy,

I really like your 'vice' image. I wish I had your photoshop knowledge, if ever you are considering running a workshop on how to.... Count me in.

Very simple and effective and a good take on a challenging theme. ! (y)
