weekly *manda* updated

Southdowns said:
And yes I think pinterest might well be a Gal thing! I've had a look, and can't for the life of me work out what it's all about! I just don't get the concept :(

It's like a global pin board! You find a recipe, or way to make something cool out of cheap stuff and pin it on your board. Someone may like it and pin it to theirs, before you know it it's gone global!!! There are some funky things out there, like how to make a big photo board using foam style paper and hodge podge glue;)
Hi all,

So sorry I've neglected you all. I'm going to play catch up and break all the rules. Do you mind if I post a couple of images I took this year and vaguely meet the criteria? Now that the summer hols have started, I thought I could try and join in properly once I'm up to date. I'm hoping you don't throw rotten tomatoes at me!

26/ 52 Joy

This image was taken for a paid shoot [get me]. They are actually outtakes and the mum didn't want them. They are my favourite, however, for the dynamics and pure joy of being a child.

The girls were having 'time out' lying on my gold reflector. I had to crank up the BW to cancel out the distracting reflector.

amanda-herbert-photography.com by M@ndy, on Flickr
Hi all,

So sorry I've neglected you all. I'm going to play catch up and break all the rules. Do you mind if I post a couple of images I took this year and vaguely meet the criteria? Now that the summer hols have started, I thought I could try and join in properly once I'm up to date. I'm hoping you don't throw rotten tomatoes at me!


Welcome back :)
Welcome back Mandy :wave: glad to see you stil with us.

I don't mind you cheating!

Joy, I saw these on FB, gorgeous photos of gorgeous girls, are they twins? I wish my two would pose so willingly for me!

Abstract, is definitely that as it messes with my head!

You do take some cracking portrait shots:clap:

Authority, no mistakes what that arrow is telling you!

Random, what on earth was she thinking when she got dressed that morning? 'Mmm, I wonder what colour label they're using in store today?'
A big welcome back.

Joy – I like the idea for using the cast offs. Nice natural images.

Abstract – Very abstract and pp’ing to suit the subject.

Authority – I like this one. A different take on the theme.

Random – A bit of a snap but well spotted with the boots. I can’t decide whether it’s a fashion statement or just a sign of the British weather.