weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

Great idea from historical knowledge, salt crystals nice and clear but as has been said, contrasting peppercorns a bit lost in the exposure - good attempt (y)
Oooo another history lesson!

It doesn't scream money without your description, but another good example of thinking outside the box!

Was the window on the right? Perhaps a reflector on the left would have bought the detail out on some of the peppercorns that are a little darker.
Sorry I missed your thread last time I looked through :(

Great take on Money! I love the composition and slightly abstract nature of it, but do think it's a little dark (my monitor has had a basic calibration, so I think I'm seeing it as you intended). You have your edit box ticked, so I hope you don't mind but I had a go. I was able to push the exposure and fill light quite a bit, far more than was needed, before the salt started to blow. Better results could be achieved with the original raw file I guess:

6788422290_29d3e93d2e_b.jpg by MarkBerry1963, on Flickr

I increased the contrast a little too, but am less sure about that.
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Good result for homemade and I like the story about it. I wonder how much of todays handmade will still be in existence 100 years fom now? The only comment I can make is it may have looked better on an old oak table rather than the stark white background.

Money again has a brilliant tale and provides thought provoking ideas of what else could be added. I think Mark's edit has improved the image, especially the peppercorns which could be mistaken for raisins
Many thanks for the edit Mark looks a lot better and yours too Fazer I agree but unfortunately Ikea don't do oak tables..... (y)
good shot and informative, excellent :clap:
Week 10 'Win'

Challenging subject this week. The only thing I have ever won was the egg & spoon race in primary school so this is my subject. I wanted to get out and about but this theme has given me an opportunity to improve on a couple of points which you 52'ers have kindly pointed out namely lighting and focus which hopefully I have addressed this week.

Ok, having got the concept I decided to frame the egg and spoon within a Racing Post banner as a background and lead in. The egg was balanced and held in place with a blob of bluetack. The spoon was clamped in place by a pack of cheap clamps from the £1 shop (brilliant investment and something I always keep in my gear bag)

Exposure - I set the aperture for F/5 focusing on the egg (manual focus) in order to blur the background but still enable 'Racing Post' to be apparent. Shutter speed was 1/4 sec with tripod. 400 ISO.

Lighting - Nikon speedlight off camera and bounced flash with a little painted light to show the texture and equatorial symmetry of the egg. More importantly for the egg and wooden spoon to retain their natural colours.

PP - Very little apart from small crop and a little sharpening.


I am quite pleased with my result this week, I managed to capture the image that I visualised. Certainly all previous comments have all helped me in achieving this.

However, in the grand scheme of things, I still have a long way to go.............

Many thanks,

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I think that's perfect Nick, even down to the egg being upright. Can't fault it, and great interpretation.
Very good Nick, I saw a couple of eggs this very morning with a few soldiers alongside to dip in. :D
Hi Nick,

Love the idea for this week's theme of 'Win'....especially with the background of Racing Post. A very good idea again and it works really well. Great photo!!!!:)
Great idea well implemented (y)
well taken for win and bang on theme
Egg and spoon race...or blooming kids holding the egg onto the spoon while running :bat:

Good idea. I'd rather have the spoon leading in from the bottom.

Nice and sharp and well done for an original idea (y)
Hi Nick,

I like your thinking on this one, the Racing Post in the background is a nice touch.
As already said, focus, lighting dof all spot on. Great shot (y)

Handmade – I like #1 as it shows what the object is used for

Money – This didn’t shout money to me without the explanation. However the image has been well taken – nice and sharp and well lit

Win - Cazagee has summed up my views
Ok, having got the concept I decided to frame the egg and spoon within a Racing Post banner as a background and lead in...

...in order to blur the background but still enable 'Racing Post' to be apparent.
Good concept! For me, the problem is I cannot actually make out the words Racing Post in the background because you've cropped the image halfway through the word Racing and also, it is a little too out of focus. Without your description, I would not have noticed it. But still, well done for working on the points you feel need improving. (y)
Mark, Amanda, Michael, Darren, Darren, Barbara, Victoria, Phil, Gramps, Paul, Liz, Lynne, Marsha, Sarah, Andy, Carol, Peter, Robert, Alan and Nathalie.

Thank you very much for all your comments this week much appreciated (y) It really does help to spur me on and give me something to aim for each week. Week 11 already - 'Shiny' Have one in the bag already but undecided whether to post may try something else today.

Week 11 - Shiny

This week I was determined to get out in the sun rather than stay inside and photograph the themes, as I have seemed to have over the last three weeks.

Well, here's my interpretation of 'Shiny' - York Minster was positively shining earlier as the warmth from the sunlight as it rose up and bathed the 604 year old cathedral in light.

Between the two illuminated and 'shining' lamps, the 'Heart of Yorkshire' as it is affectionally known forms the centre piece in the great window.


Technical information

Tripod used to assist with composition. Lens 10-24mm wide angle at 10mm to give the converging perspective. Shutter speed of 1/15 sec. used to record the twin illuminated lamps but more importantly to enable a small aperture to record the detail in the building. In this case F/22. (Spot metered)

As ever, your comments and critique welcome. (y)

Many thanks,

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I suspect a few would have taken it from the other side of the lamp so :clap: for incorporating it into the photograph.

My first reaction was, "Not keen on the vignetting". I might come back to that in a day or so..see if it's grown on me.

I do like the looming feel to the photograph and well done for getting detail in the lamps.

Being uber critical, the symmetry is slightly off...but it's hardly noticeable.

My first reaction was, "Not keen on the vignetting".

Same here and I don't think I'm going to change on that but a very good alternative 'shiny' offering ... especially from the lamp glass.
There are times when a tilt & shift lens should be used and in front of York Minster is one of them. That said this really does work. The use of the 10mm has added a dramatic feeling to the picture. I like it.
Hi Nick,

I like this one too, it kind of reminds me of St Giles on The Royal Mile. I've tried many times to get a shot of it that I'm happy with, so I know from experience that this kind of shot isn't and easy one to get right. I think you should be really pleased with this, I like the position of the lamp posts, the colours and the symmetry.(y)
