weekly *manda* updated

Blank_Canvas said:
Hi Mandy,

I really like your 'vice' image. I wish I had your photoshop knowledge, if ever you are considering running a workshop on how to.... Count me in.

Very simple and effective and a good take on a challenging theme. ! (y)


Hi Nick (& other kind folk), I'm visiting my parents in chesterfield if you want to meet up for a coffee & huddle over a laptop to pixel peek? Thanks Mandy (ps my PM function doesn't work, but you can flickr or Facebook mail me).
Hi Nick (& other kind folk), I'm visiting my parents in chesterfield if you want to meet up for a coffee & huddle over a laptop to pixel peek? Thanks Mandy (ps my PM function doesn't work, but you can flickr or Facebook mail me).

Thanks Mandy, I have just send you a message on Flicr.....
very unusual :clap:
Fantastic shot, love it! Tiny tiny gripe would be the printing from the reverse showing through the paper, but it's really no big deal.
Hi manda

brilliant idea for Vice & really well shot.... love it :clap:

Had a peek at your pinterest link...some cracking images from you on there....(y)
Week 12 - Magic

Inspiration for this was from pinterest again - here.

It was surprisingly challenging - dad held the reflector; my sister patiently blew and mum sat laughing at us. I've merged at least 5 pictures together to get the result - 1 of my sister with a half way decent expression & the rest for the glitter. Not quite as good as I'd hoped, but a great learning curve.

Week 12 - magic by M@ndy, on Flickr
Lovely shot, which works fantastically well. I'd have liked to see her looking at he glitter perhaps, but very very nice.

Can't find entrance though, mentioned in your thread title?

Edit; must have cross posted!

Can't fault that shot for entrance; I love it. It's perfect in every way I think :)
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Good work Amanda on magical, I like the eye contact in the image, i know the focal point is your sisters hand, but you've left just the right amount of detail in your sisters face to let the viewer know whats going on.

Entrance, I like the processing, the monochrome blue works well with the subject. Not sure if the focus could be on the door :thinking: really not sure :). It is certainly bang on theme, with lots of detail in the stairs and fence. Iain
Well, well, 2 crackers.

Magic, liked it as soon as it popped up. Really hits the theme and I really like the movement in the stars. I wasn't sure about the far left star, but after looking again it really adds to the photograph. It has a Tinkerbell feel to it.

Just the RH side of your sister's face seems a tad bright. Nonetheless a cracker :clap:

Entrance, :bat: another cracker...nice and minimal with a hint of tilt and shift :thinking: Processing works well...it has a foreboding feel feel to it. Minor point, just slightly off with the composition...but it really is a minor point.

Massive well done with these two...weren't you going to quite a few weeks ago...:nono:

Entrance, I like the processing, the monochrome blue works well with the subject. Not sure if the focus could be on the door :thinking: really not sure :). It is certainly bang on theme, with lots of detail in the stairs and fence. Iain

:plus1: personally would have liked more focus on the door but that's just my irrelevant opinion :)
very nice shot :)
These two work for me too. In both cases the really bold use of DOF (or lack of it) that works well. The interesting thing is that you have shunned colour, sharp focus, even your DSLR (all the things that make 21st century photography what it is) and come up with two great images.
Hi Manda,

Magical i really like the use of a shallow depth of field on this one, and i have to agree that the b/w makes this a really nice photo.

Entrance again i like the processing, but i do agree with the others personally i would have like to have seen the door in focus
'Entrance' - like it Mandy, the blue hues and composition work for me. think it would make a good backdrop for a portrait too. Nice work - Nick (y)
Entrance I like this a lot, lovely use of colour and depth of field too. I like the door itself ie the actual entrance is out of focus as to me the steps are in focus and enticing me to go to the entrance and that, for me, is the story of this picture.
Hi Manda

knew I 'd get here eventually !

Magical....great idea , nice focus....have no idea how you merge 5 shots but you've done it...wouldn't have guessed if you hadn't said :)

I took a peek at the image you refered to & am going to be different to everyone else...I think I'd prefer it with soft misty color...or at least some color in the stars

Entrance....playing havoc with my eye's & OCD for straightness.... the railings appear level , the bottom step seems to be up slightly at the right & the top of the door leans down a bit......however I guess thats how it is in reality :bonk: I like the low POV & that the steps lead your eye to the door which is blurred...
for someone who was gonna leave us you've done a cracking job on both images..:clap:....who needs a DSLR anyway :LOL:
Hi Mandy,

Thanks for all your help and guidance. it was nice to meet up with you and it's a shame a few more people couldn't make it. I leaned so much from you in just a couple of hours. Thank you. (y)

And recorded for posterity....


Hi Mandy,

Thanks for all your help and guidance. it was nice to meet up with you and it's a shame a few more people couldn't make it. I leaned so much from you in just a couple of hours. Thank you. (y)

And recorded for posterity....



It's great to meet follow TPers (y)

BTW, weren't you drinking :D
Hi Manda

Vice - absolutely stunning shot, love it and the pp-ing is just superb

Magical - again loving the shot and the idea

Entrance - just shows what you can do with an iphone camera. Again a cracking shot (y)
Magic - very magical, sounds like it took a bit work to get it put together but has worked out well. Really like the glitter blowing around.

Entrance - really like this one, nice colours and focus. Good capture with the iPhone
Entrance - nice idea and well taken on an iPhone, but agree with gramps maybe more focus on the door...like the old feel to it aswell:)
I've seen one egg on here already for soft, this is such a different take on the same subject!

I love this, I could see it in a magazine for John Lewis or something similar:clap:
The colours are great, how have you edited it?

Light edit in lightroom only as I wanted it to look natural. I darkened the white of the egg slightly as there was a lot of glare from the window.

I didn't know there were other eggs this week - I've just got back onto the forum after my hols - I must take a look!

Week 16 - pride

I do a lot of TFPs - time for prints to gain experience with my flash etc. Mum contacted me via facebook as she wanted a picture of her newborn. I processed with the florebella actions again & added a texture. If I could nit pick my own image - I think the fingers are a distraction, the blanket is too white and I would have liked to have seen more of the child's face. The session was outside and it was very, very bright that day. It was my first newborn shot though so I am pleased with my results. I'll post the Facebook link once I start processing the images!

Talk Photography 52 project 'pride' by M@ndy, on Flickr
Soft is a really really nice shot, I think the white of the egg is still a tad bright but the overall shot is lovely, I absolutely love the colours and the contrast of the wooden table really adds to the whole scene, as does the spoon and the other egg.

Pride is certainly on theme and I don't think I'd say anything else other than exactly what you said yourself. However, given the fact it's your first newborn shot I'd be happy with it, the fact you've been able to self critique already shows you are learning what you can apply to your next one (y)
'Soft', I think a trickle of yolk would have enhanced the image but that's just me.
'Pride' this has to be absolutely on theme, you mention you would like to see more of the baby's face but to keep on theme it's the mum's face that's key so you've got it right IMO.
Mandy, this has 'pride' written all over it. I agree with Gramps in that the Mums face being most prominent is bang on theme.
You have critiqued the image already but I dont find the fingers a distraction, the viewers eye is drawn to the Mums face then around the image.
The subject suits the B&W conversion, a lovely portrait. What does Mum think? Iain
Hi Mandy, Soft totally different to the other egg shot, the DOF i like and it definately does say soft.

Pride its a lovely shot, i think you know where the shortcomings are on that