weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

we had the tall ships on the Tyne a few times, gorgeous ships and dedicated crew - when the Polish ship was declared unfit to sail they had to stay here until it was repaired, they had no money or means, so the kind Tyneside folk opened their doors and 'fostered' the sailors until the repairs were done - and I believe a fund was set up to pay for the repairs - actually it might have been a Russian ship - anyway it was 1987 and the Russians/Polish were still part of the Eastern Bloc and supposedly 'the enemy'

anyway - I do like your shot altho I might have pointed the camera up the steps - but I wasn't there so maybe it looked rubbish from that pov :LOL:

I think your pp has blended in the building well enough altho as allan says might have been better to try and get it without it showing - def on theme tho and the pp is great :clap:
Hey Nick

Great to see you still here :)

Gawd I'm so far behind on comments :bonk: Sorry, here goes.....

Straight - I think it's a tad wonky, but love the detail in the shot and the lines leading you down the corridor - Nice one !!!

Letter - Not sure on the crop as it took me a while to work out the wording, but Nice Bright colours and texture on the letters

Contrast - Well spotted, a great contrast in styles that's for sure, plenty going on in the shot which adds nicely for me

Mineral - Good idea !!!! some good colours in there and the Oil can still stands out

Dark - A different take on the theme, with the explanation it's spot on, and a good effective shot (y)

Time - Another great idea, love the PP, the industrial look has worked very well

Body - Wow... that mahoosive :eek: it still amazes me how things float :thinking: spot on for the theme imo

Re-shoot - Letter - Works for me, good focus on the individual letter, nice and sharp where it needs to be

Liquid - Now that is a super image :clap: excellent depth to the shot, like the bright colours and being able to see the machine

Up - Loads of converging lines helping show the height, the pp is very effective (y)
Hi Nick :wave:

Great color processing for UP & right for the theme....lovely detail in the sail ...can't help thinking thou...lying on your back shoting up the mast might have worked also & avoided the building ?

Good to see you're still with us & putting in some great images given your restrictions (y)
Hi all,

Many thanks for all your comments. I really do appreciate them and I can only apologise for not getting around to you all. I hope to be off the ship in a couple of months and get around to all your threads when i'm on leave.


I was really stumped this week and then I came across this......

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Hi, as Alan says, nice and simple yet effective.

I might have even simplified even more by removing the lower plate. I thought the DOF was a little shallow as the LH button is OOF so I thought I'd check your Flickr for the settings.....I smiled. Amazing what phones can do these days.

ooo well done :clap: was there something at the sides getting in the way? Otherwise I might have given it a lil more room right and left :)
I'm still in the game and managing to grab a few images which can be quite challenging onboard. Thank you all for your comments. As ever, very much appreciated. (y)

Week 38 - 'Flow'

Glad I have my own shower wouldn't want to take the camera in there otherwise ! I'm not sure about this one......

Hi Nick :wave:

Nothing to add to other comments about Duo....I'm amazed you keep coming up with suitable shots when in such a limited environment :clap:

Flow....couldn't be more on theme...I'm struggling with your shots still....when I'm logged in they are simply mahooosive...can't see them whole , have to move the screen about -the shower head overfills my monitor :bonk: The only crit I'd give is it seems a bit noisey...not sure if it was phone or camera though ?

When you back off tour mister ?

have you seen this :

now then, I'm using a lap top so not a good screen - If I have the screen upright the bottom half of your pic is too bright to see the water, so if I tip it back I can see the water and it looks much better, altho there is a halo around the shower head, so apart from my cr@p screen it looks pretty good :clap:
Good one that Nick, perhaps a slight bit cropped of the bottom and maybe a thin black border to lift it off the white page. It looks better viewed on the tp black theme. Looks like the white of the sides has caused a bit of over exposure. A great effort though and well gone on keeping up to date whilst being so busy.
Good take on flow although the jets of water seem to disappear on my screen. They stand out better against the darker background which I suppose is the ceiling of the shower cubicle.

Hi Nick, how's tricks?

Like Lynne I'm amazed you keep coming up with ideas whilst away!

Duo, very simple. I like the tatty look, is that standard for today's Navy? I know my work has a similar look to it, in fact you have given me an idea for this theme :)

Flow, ooooo you get your own shower, very posh! I agree about a crop off the bottom.

How long until you're back on Terra firma?
Hi All,

I hope you're all keeping well. Less than a month now until I'll be home ! :clap:, then I'll spend a bit of time catching up with you all. Once again thank you all for you're comments which have kept me going. Sorry about the size issue, not sure what that is all about but hopefully I have cracked it this week. :bang:

Week 39 - 'Friendship'

Difficult subject this week for me, not many shipmates willing to pose for a picture and not many opportunities to go ashore and grab any candids. After much soul searching for inspiration I've taken the very cynical view that some friendships are based solely on money and material gain.......

I must admit seeing the photo on Flickr first and didn't get the connection. When I read your post I realised I was being a bit slow and definitely see it now. I like the close up yet wide angle feel to it.
Hi ya :wave:

different take on the theme...shame you couldn't get some of you colleagues to help you out though:crying: Connection didnt register at 1st but , yup it works & given how many restrictions you have to work round on boardddddd I think you've done well (y)
Hi Nick,

Well done for sticking to this while you're out at sea.

I like your cynical take on Friendship - well, I like the photo, not the idea that this kind of friendship exists! The PP works very well.
I like Flow. Sort of gives me a "Psycho" feel. Good shot.

Friendship: Great take on the theme. With limited resources, you've come up trumps.
Hi Nick, good work on keeping up your 52 in your position (y)
Friendship, I like the processing on this, it has a great contrasty feel to it.
Like Alan above, I too feel this is too tenuous a link to the theme and would be better suited to this weeks theme. Iain
Can't wait to get off this ship and looking forward to 3 months leave !

Days:- 17
Hours:- 403 Hours
Minutes:- 23,243, Minutes,
Seconds:- 1,393,773

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Michael, DK, Ha, you would be surprised how we amuse ourselves onboard ! Have a a good trip Michael and thank you.
I count down the minutes till I finish work I can't begin to think how it would feel all that time
Last weeks submission may have been more appropriate for this weeks theme but that's done and dusted!

Week 40 - Change

The Main Engine Telegraph. It's used to change both the speed and direction of the ship.
