weekly mtjhome's 52 Photos for 2012 - BUSY added. Hooray! - Made it to the end!!

Hi Mike

shame you didn't get the deer shot you wanted but I suspect there may be other weeks suitable for another try (y)

Fungi....oh yes , love'em , lovely textures , well lit , natural colors , nice shot mister :clap:
Many thanks to all for the comments.

Although a bit tight in the frame I do like the fungi shot. You seemed to have cracked the lighting and I like the glistening effect on the tops.
Lighting was a ray of sunlight poking through the trees - I struck lucky!

I like the fungus shot too could be slightly darker for me
Yes possibly - but I did try a few different tweaks before posting

The deer are too insignificant in the 1st shot for me, so defo the Fungi for me too Mike, nicely lit, look good to touch on my screen (y)

Natural - deer shot looks washed out to me too and doesn't really grab my attention

Fungi shot is good - colour, glistening really captures the slight sickliness that I always feel when I see these. :puke: Slightly tight on the crop but otherwise fine.
To be honest the deer shot was never a 'candidate' - not sure why I posted it...
Hi Mike,

Age - Did you put your Halloween decorations out early? ;) A good idea, real shame about the plant.

Hi Mike

Good use of a prop for the theme ( least I hope it's a prop :eek: )

As per Nathalie...shame about the plant & maybe just crop out the black bit to the LHS ?
Thanks for comments Nat and Lynne.
This better??? For some reason I preferred the other view, but now you mention it the plant is bugging me too.
Taken on an MRT station in Singapore. (Where Halloween is commercialised big time.)

IMG_1798a by mtjhome, on Flickr
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Three candidates for Spread...

Spread 1 by mtjhome, on Flickr

Taken in "Little India" region of Singapore

Spread 2 by mtjhome, on Flickr

Hotel breakfast spread

Spread 3 by mtjhome, on Flickr
Durian. The infamous Singapore fruit. To quote Wikipedia... "The edible flesh emits a distinctive odour, that is strong and penetrating even when the husk is intact. Some people regard the durian as pleasantly fragrant; others find the aroma overpowering and revolting. The smell evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust, and has been described variously as almonds, rotten onions, turpentine, and gym socks. The odour has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels and public transportation in southeast Asia."
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Age - I prefer the composition of #1 although the plant is a bit distracting

Spread - #1 is great and really colourful. Even a touch more saturation would make it sparkle even more.
wow love your age shot, the 1st one is millions better IMO tho :clap: - that plant really adds something to it, apart from colour, I'm not sure what, but it works very well :clap:

spread, hmmmm lovely images, just don't make me choose lol
AGE have to say the plant in the first pic was distracting second one much better for me
SPREAD i like the dresses best and the breakfast spread but feel that would be much better without the white box on the right so maybe a crop?
Hi Mike,

Age, I prefer number two as the plant bothers me in number one!

Spread, the dresses are amazing, I agree that a little more saturation though would really add to an already colourful shot!
I think I would crop closer on number two and lose the bottom.

Having played Super Mario on Nintendo I always wondered what Durian fruit were, well know I know(y) I'd crop the edges though, get rid of the labels left & right!

All good ideas though (y)
Many thanks all for the comments - sorry have not been able to reciprocate - last weeks have been manic. On my way home now (for a short while...)

Age - I prefer the composition of #1 although the plant is a bit distracting

Spread - #1 is great and really colourful. Even a touch more saturation would make it sparkle even more.

wow love your age shot, the 1st one is millions better IMO tho :clap: - that plant really adds something to it, apart from colour, I'm not sure what, but it works very well :clap:

spread, hmmmm lovely images, just don't make me choose lol

Prefer number 1 for age, even with the plant in. Certainly looks happy at having his pic taken! Spread, the first 2 are very nice, number 2 just goes to the top though. I would like to see the dresses with a little more saturation.

Hi Mike

Age - I prefer 1 too despite the plant, great idea :LOL:

Spread - a good variety of shots there, for me the first one again, I'm struggling with the scale of things in it, but an excellent image :clap:

AGE have to say the plant in the first pic was distracting second one much better for me
SPREAD i like the dresses best and the breakfast spread but feel that would be much better without the white box on the right so maybe a crop?

Hi Mike,

Age, I prefer number two as the plant bothers me in number one!

Spread, the dresses are amazing, I agree that a little more saturation though would really add to an already colourful shot!
I think I would crop closer on number two and lose the bottom.

Having played Super Mario on Nintendo I always wondered what Durian fruit were, well know I know(y) I'd crop the edges though, get rid of the labels left & right!

All good ideas though (y)

Comments on the skeleton are interesting - composition of #1 is better, but leaves are distracting. Just shows the importance of taking the time to take it slowly and get composition right at th etime of shooting. (Not always easy at an MRT station!)

My favourite for the spread is the dresses - I do agree about increasing saturation. But I already did so in PP and was worried about over-doing it.
Hi Mike

Age - spot on theme. #1 is the much better composed and only the leaf distracts. #2 seems too wide out without a partic grab point. Prob #1 on balance,

Spread - vry good shots and all on theme. I think that the lighting that you have captured on #2 make s it stand out for me. The shadows on the dark pastries adds to theme and the golden glow on the lighter pasties makes them look warm and attractive #1 - the dresses is very well shot.

shot of the plane made me smile
Hi Mike

Age - spot on theme. #1 is the much better composed and only the leaf distracts. #2 seems too wide out without a partic grab point. Prob #1 on balance,

Spread - vry good shots and all on theme. I think that the lighting that you have captured on #2 make s it stand out for me. The shadows on the dark pastries adds to theme and the golden glow on the lighter pasties makes them look warm and attractive #1 - the dresses is very well shot.

shot of the plane made me smile

Thanks Alan. Yes its going to be #1 for age (despite the plant). Then the dresses for spread with a bit more sat. That represents Singapore so much better for me. #2 needs more croppiing and it is already heavily cropped and the scene doesn't evoke any emotion for me.
Hi Mike

much prefer you're second image for Age (y)

Spread....choices choices...like the fruit shot for being abstract & the dress's shot for being colorful but the winner for me is the bakery shot :clap:
Love the lighting in this as it show off the textures in the pastries which all look really scrummy...loats of foodie shots for this theme , all of which are giving me the munchies

I'de be tempted to crop to just above the basket & give it a slight cw tweak as it appears to be slightly on the squiff (y)
Hi Mike

Together - . Few minor niggles for me : pots not quite straight in either the lettering or the bases. I would not say that they had to be exactly the same but if they are to be different then it should look more of a deliberate thing. Also a heavy shadow on the P pot top

But what a great idea for the theme(y)
Hi Mike,

Looks like you've been busy. please accept my sincere apologies for not commenting on your images while I was away. My internet mobile broadband came to £75 as it was and I haven't even around to opening my previous bank statements yet...

It's great to be back in Ripley, looks like time has stood still and not changed much since I have been away....

Anyway on to your recent images.....

Age - I like your last version fits the theme well and very topical.

Spread - Brilliant composition !, they way the gold braid is all inline, all very military and organised. the colours of the dresses are outstanding too. I really like this one :)

Together - Fits the them well but they look slightly out of line and I find the fingerprints on the top of the silverware a little distracting but the mono works well !
Hi Mike, A good idea and salt and pepper def go together. I like your use of black and white and quite like the angle you have taken it at. the only slight niggles are the S and P not being straight and the marks on the lids - though I imagine they would be a pain to clean!:)
Hi Mike

Together - . Few minor niggles for me : pots not quite straight in either the lettering or the bases. I would not say that they had to be exactly the same but if they are to be different then it should look more of a deliberate thing. Also a heavy shadow on the P pot top

But what a great idea for the theme(y)

Hi Mike,
Together - Fits the them well but they look slightly out of line and I find the fingerprints on the top of the silverware a little distracting but the mono works well !

A little tight on the framing, I would like to see them off centre. B+w was a good choice, it works well..

Hi Mike, A good idea and salt and pepper def go together. I like your use of black and white and quite like the angle you have taken it at. the only slight niggles are the S and P not being straight and the marks on the lids - though I imagine they would be a pain to clean!:)

Hi all, many thanks for the comments - especially the suitability of the pic for the theme. It appealed to my sense of humour. I fully agree with the comments about the shot though. It was taken very much ad-hoc at work, using the salt and pepper pots from the canteen at work. I wanted to use them as they were the 'classic' design. Hence the fact they are so beaten up. But my goodness they were not easy to shoot. Massive wake up call to me - shiny things are a nightmare to shoot well. I didn't notice most of the problems until later when looking at photo in PS, and by then it was too late. So I agree with the crit but decided to keep the shot because I like the way it meets the theme and to be honest I'm so busy at the moment I've not got time to re-shoot.
Hi Mike

much prefer you're second image for Age (y)

Spread....choices choices...like the fruit shot for being abstract & the dress's shot for being colorful but the winner for me is the bakery shot :clap:
Love the lighting in this as it show off the textures in the pastries which all look really scrummy...loats of foodie shots for this theme , all of which are giving me the munchies

I'de be tempted to crop to just above the basket & give it a slight cw tweak as it appears to be slightly on the squiff (y)

Hi Lynne, many thanks for the comments. I went with the dress shot for 2 reasons. The bakery shot is already heavily cropped, and it wouldn't take much more. But mainly the dresses has a much better 'vibe' for me. It was taken in a vibrant market in the Little India area of Singapore. I loved the place. The bakery shot is actually the breakfast buffet at my hotel, and frankly it could have been taken anywhere in the world!
Hi all, many thanks for the comments - especially the suitability of the pic for the theme. ......I wanted to use them as they were the 'classic' design. .....shiny things are a nightmare to shoot well. .

Yes great theme and agree reshiny things!! (y):bang:

Hi .......the dresses has a much better 'vibe' for me. It was taken in a vibrant market in the Little India area of Singapore. I loved the place. The bakery shot is actually the breakfast buffet at my hotel, and frankly it could have been taken anywhere in the world!

Good reasoning and a very good and imaginative shot
Together - The minor crits of straightening have been noted above. B&W works for me

Pack - Hits the theme although I'm not keen on the composition I'm afraid. You've handled the exposure well though with good definition in the dark subject against what looks like a bright background sky.

Age - like #1 but the leaf is a little distracting, good idea for the theme!

Spread - good spread of pictures! The plane one has my vote, nice angle and definitely shows off the spread of that wing. Though the outfits make for a great colourful shot.

Together - Good shot, simple, good B&W and they definitely going together.

Pack - would like to see a bit more of the back pack I think, as Peter has mentioned good handling of the exposure.
Many thanks for comments Peter and Alex
Together - The minor crits of straightening have been noted above. B&W works for me

Pack - Hits the theme although I'm not keen on the composition I'm afraid. You've handled the exposure well though with good definition in the dark subject against what looks like a bright background sky.
Point taken about the composition.


Age - like #1 but the leaf is a little distracting, good idea for the theme!

Spread - good spread of pictures! The plane one has my vote, nice angle and definitely shows off the spread of that wing. Though the outfits make for a great colourful shot.

Together - Good shot, simple, good B&W and they definitely going together.

Pack - would like to see a bit more of the back pack I think, as Peter has mentioned good handling of the exposure.

The back PACK shot was opportunistic, nevertheless I wish I had spent more time looking through the viewfinder. Some things just cannot be fixed no matter how you crop. The shot was heavily cropped - several times, and each time there was less and less of the backpack in shot. I guess, truth is, it's jut not that interesting a subject - especially compared with the girl!
Like the together pic of the salt and pepper but agree with the crit about them being straight and the shadow/fingerprints
Pack I think also needs to be more of the backpack in the pic
Hi Mike

Pack - good idea. Rather like the idea of including the person rather than just a back pack and i do like her expression , glancing back to the pack. That run of mascara (?) I also liike - it matches the outdoor setting. I don't mind the small amount of pack showing but the washed out light to the top lhs is the main distraction.

Nice clear picture tho with good focus.
Hi Mike

Pack - good idea. Rather like the idea of including the person rather than just a back pack and i do like her expression , glancing back to the pack. That run of mascara (?) I also liike - it matches the outdoor setting. I don't mind the small amount of pack showing but the washed out light to the top lhs is the main distraction.

Nice clear picture tho with good focus.

Thanks Alan. Hey - you spotted the mascara! The shot was in between takes for a different set - you should have seen the full make up effect!!
Hi Mike,

Together, I think everyone has said all about this, but I still like it for that quaint feel and the B&W suits it.

Pack, I prefer the second version as you can see more of the back pack. The lighting conditions look difficult with the bright sky. I'm a bit curious about your model though, as she has mascara (or something) running down her face:thinking: