weekly mtjhome's 52 Photos for 2012 - BUSY added. Hooray! - Made it to the end!!

Hi Mike

Can't believe that i have fallen so far behind.

Dark - Lively comp. The moonlight, the reflection of the moonlight, the light on the boats and the reflection in the water. Very hard to get right in that light so well done :clap:

Time - The dandelion is spot on focus and the comp is good. Yellows just a bit overpowering but better that than washed out.

Body - Good comp and mono treatment. Some minor niggles mentioned by others but overall a good shot for the theme. I think that the treatment siuts the subject.

Liquid - like that a lot. Don't mind that it is almost mono - altho slight greens in the top portion which I like. Feeling of movement is good.
Hi Mike,

liquid - there was plenty of liquid flowing!!:) I like this, you have done well with a tricky exposure with the light and dark water. I also like tha tyou have kept the movement in the water as well!:)
You've definitely chosen the better of the three. With these shots I often take a few shots with different shutter speeds. I think you've probably chosen the right one.
I like that a lot, but I would be tempted to crop it down so that the two sides are a more equal length, if I use my monitor to scroll it down the angle of the sides makes it look a bit like a sergeant's stripe or something :LOL:
Hi Mike, definitely fits the theme, can't fault the amount of liquid! I would be tempted to crop a little off the top, but I like the movement in the water and the almost mono feel to it.

if I use my monitor to scroll it down the angle of the sides makes it look a bit like a sergeant's stripe or something :LOL:
:LOL: I'm sat at work and had to have a quick look at my shoulder, it does if it's cropped:geek:
Definitely on theme!!

I like the subject, framing and colour - it looks good at first glance. However when I look more closely (and this might be because it's not full-size) it looks like the majority of droplets are out of focus. I think I'd have liked to see either super-sharp droplets, or a long exposure to get that beautiful mist.
Week 36 Up

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Good interpretation on the theme. I can't decide if I want to see more detail on the tree trunk but as it stands I feel it provides a good sense of the darkness of the forest. I bet you had fun with getting the exposure right - which you seem to have done BTW.
Good interpretation on the theme. I can't decide if I want to see more detail on the tree trunk but as it stands I feel it provides a good sense of the darkness of the forest. I bet you had fun with getting the exposure right - which you seem to have done BTW.

I had the opposite thought - I felt that the branches were in silhouette and the trunk had a little superfluous detail :) I love how the branches are reaching out like that through the green of the leaves, it looks almost like a leaf. Except it's a tree. Love it. The leaves are fabulous and it most definitely says "up".
trees are my fave things and I'm always photo'n them but mine never come out this good :clap: lovely shot :)
Thanks for all the 'Up' comments - the pic is growing on me. In my minds eye I wanted more detail in the leaves (that is just impossible whilst keeping the branches in shot) and the trunk darker (like the branches) with less detail. That would be possible with a bit of PP I guess but that's not my forte.
it's my new word - photo'n - I never did like 'shoot' or 'tog' lol
Thanks for all the 'Up' comments - the pic is growing on me. In my minds eye I wanted more detail in the leaves (that is just impossible whilst keeping the branches in shot) and the trunk darker (like the branches) with less detail. That would be possible with a bit of PP I guess but that's not my forte.

Hi Mike - your thoughts fit my reaction. If the trunk could be wholly dark without the play of light that is there, the trunk would then be a good lead in to the leaves and branches, whereas the light patch on the trunk interrupts that.

Good shot tho as this is a minor point.
Hi Mike,
I think this shot works with the tree trunk coming in from top left, it really draws your eye up through the shot and into the branches without making you feel like you're trying to crane your neck to rotate the image, if that makes sense. I think there's enough detail in the leaves which contrast nicely against the silhouetted branches (y)
Hi Mike

Liquid......right on theme & well controlled exposure , great sense of movement...been scrolling up n down & agree with a crop to make it more even top on bottom (y)

Up....bet you had fun with that exposure - really well handled ,good color in the leaves & an interesting angle that draws your eye up to the top (y)
double hump, not bad at all - good shot too, tho I might have been tempted to crop the fg a bit :clap:
Overall a good image and pleasing to the eye. Like Dean says the foreground helps although a sheep would have been even better. Always worth carrying a stuffed one in your camera bag for these occasions :LOL:
Hi Mike.

Liquid; yep, that's a LOT of liquid! Nicely composed and shot. I'm glad you resisted the temptation to go for a slower shutter; nothing wrong with slow shutters, it's just that this way you focus on the liquid itself rather than the movement.

Up is nice, but perhaps a little "ordinary"?

Duo, nice! Is that Pen Y Fan and Cribyn?
Hi Mike.
Liquid; yep, that's a LOT of liquid! Nicely composed and shot. I'm glad you resisted the temptation to go for a slower shutter; nothing wrong with slow shutters, it's just that this way you focus on the liquid itself rather than the movement.

Indeed - I had several attempts gradually reducing the shutter speed.

Up is nice, but perhaps a little "ordinary"?
Have to agree.

Duo, nice! Is that Pen Y Fan and Cribyn?
Pen Y Fan = Yes indeed - well spotted.
Cribyn = err - I guess so! I think you must know the area better than me!
Certainly a good flow to the water and the water looks great a nice golden reflection to it my only crit is the swan is a bit dark it looks like you were shooting into the light so bound to be a problem
Certainly a good flow to the water and the water looks great a nice golden reflection to it my only crit is the swan is a bit dark it looks like you were shooting into the light so bound to be a problem
Thanks for comments Allan. Yes - I was shooting into the light - deliberately - to get the nice effect on the water. I considered brightening the swan in PS but decided against it because the real subject is the water. Maybe I will give it a try and see what it looks like though!
Hi Mike

I like a good swan shot...even though the subject is flow :) Like the way you've caught the water ripples with the hnt of color from the evening(?) sun ,the central position of the swan works wel in this instance & you have the theme bang on (y) The only slight niggle & it may be the screen on my netbook is that the swan appears to have quite a strong blue cast ? Other than that I'm liking this a lot mister :clap:
Hi Mike

I like a good swan shot...even though the subject is flow :) Like the way you've caught the water ripples with the hnt of color from the evening(?) sun ,the central position of the swan works wel in this instance & you have the theme bang on (y) The only slight niggle & it may be the screen on my netbook is that the swan appears to have quite a strong blue cast ? Other than that I'm liking this a lot mister :clap:
Thanks Lynne. Yes - on my work PC it has a blue cast too. Must check again at home and will re-submit if it is easily fix-able.
Hi Mike

Flow - A very nice image for flow, I'm actually torn as to whether the edit does distract from the water, in either case a perfect crop and composition, very effective with the ripples back lit (y)


The lighting on the water is lovely with the backlit ripples. The swan is better in the edit but I keep going between the two waters and still can't decide!

It's a lovely calm photo though!:)
I think I prefer the first one, I like the darkness fading - the sunlight reflection is perfect, well done :clap: