weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

Hi Nick :wave: not long until your home :)

Friendship, I didn't get the link initially until I read your blurb! I like the PP on this, it adds a little harshness to it which fits the cynical look at friendship!

Change, perfect subject for the theme. I don't know why I just want to hit the break glass thing:naughty:
Nice one Nick (y) Bang on theme.

I like the perspective and pov you've taken here. Temptation might have been to just have the levers but by including the background, it gives a sense of context. I particularly like the contrasty feel to it in your pp, it suits the subject well. Iain
Good fit with the theme and I'm liking the PP you've given it. The low viewpoint makes the levers (I'm sure there's a more technical term) really prominent in the frame.
Hello Nick, some good work whilst you are away. I like the picture for 'change'. Great ideas and great improvisation. It all works very well.

So not long then until you are back?

Am sure the great work will continue on your return.
Week 41 - Natural

Very challenging subject for me this week, other than take an image of the sea I thought I would experiment with natural lighting from my port hole window and a pair of bananas from the galley there was little scope being onboard ship.

I'm not entirely happy with it but it's my best effort..... A very uninspiring subject, I have tried to be a bit creative and give it a bit of a punk / new wave look. Inspired by an album cover


Only another 8 days to go before I leave the ship, I can't wait to get get ashore for Christmas and the New Year........
Hi Nick

On theme for me and a creative shot. Really like that - something that I am not able to do nearly as well. Inspires me to try something like that in future.

Lovely colours which are vibrant yet do not alter the essential colours of the bananas and table. Good crop and good lighting
That's a good capture for natural especially in your situation!

Maybe a subliminal message at work - going bananas with all the waiting! :LOL:

I've got mixed messages with this one. The subject of bananas are certainly natural and yet you've given it an unnatural feel to it. I see what you mean though about it being a punk / new wave look. I could easily see it on an album cover.
I take it its inspired by The Velvet Underground Andy Warhol album? I actually quite like the processing on it
I like it, a natural subject with unnatural PP :clap:
Hi Nick

Change ... good choice of subject for the theme & great angle , I do like your pp on this one as well (y)

NATURAL....kinda like , kinda don't :thinking: Given how limited you are for subjects it still impresses me that you come up with something suitable each week (y)
Week 42 - Age

This old lady RFA Fort Austin is 34 years old and former veteran of the 1982 Falklands Conflict. She also took her part in looking after survivors from both HMS Sheffield and later HMS Coventry.


Week 43 - Spread

Well, at last i'm off the ship now and home. I can't believe how much I have forgotten about photography and my D7000 which was almost 2nd nature to use I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, It even felt strange driving again after 4 months.

Anyway getting back to using my Nikon - spread........

Hi matey , glad to hear you're home :wave:

Quite liking you image of the shiop for Age...pp suits & a good angle (y)

Spread...Jam with No Bits????....thats not right surely :shake: well lit & a good idea but there seems to be something funny going of with the jam above the knife ? Almost looks like motion blur?
Hi Nick

Age - good shot of Fort A (is that an odd name for a British ship?). Explanation and pp fir the theme very well.

Spread - simple idea and spot on theme. Like the colour of the toast and jam. I think that I would have pushed the butter tub further back so that there was less yellow in the shot and just the '500g' and the edge of the blue banner. More emphasis would then be given to the rrichness of the jam colour with the butter as a complement.
Hi, Nick a maaahhooosiveee :clap: for sticking with this when y!ou're on a ship; cannot be easy at all!

Change, I like the processing, especially the greens. Nice low and close composition.

Natural, on theme and funky processing.

Age #1 for me. Again, liking the aged processing and the narrative really adds to the photograph.

Spread, on theme and hard to crit given your circumstances.

Age number 1 excellent pp

have to disagree with Lynne jam with no bits is the best nice composition getting all the elements in too
Age - I like the connection you've made and the noisy PP suits the theme

Spread - I did chocolate spread but I have to say I'd much prefer a jam sandwich. Minor crit is the slight crop off the bottom of the bread. I like the inclusion of the butter and jam containers as it helps provide a link to the main subject
Many thanks everyone for your comments. All points noted. I'm slowly getting around to you all and if I haven't comment on your images yet will do very soon.

Week 44 - Together

It's great to be back on dry land again. So much more scope for creative photography and opportunities than being at sea.

Whilst waiting for the train to Leeds on Saturday I observed this couple in York waiting for a train. I don't really do much street photography as I think it can be quite intrusive.

Not much time to compose the image as it had to be a grab shot but the lady on her own was deliberately included:

Hi Nick

Together - like that shot, very much on theme. I like the ways that the subjects are facing, the suitcases and the sandwiches , all leading to that feel of together. Meal Deal advert in rear is good touch.

Strange bright colours on my monitor which I cannot understand. Is there a vignette? Very bright yellowish brickwork at rear.
Hi Nick, welcome back and well done for sticking to the theme under difficult conditions.

together - I like this street shot it was well spotted and brave of you (I find street photos very difficult to take). Because the couple on the left are looking to the right it makes me look that way and wonder what they are looking at, but then the lady on the right then brings you back into the pic - if that makes sense!
Hi Nick, Sorry I've missed out on a few of your entries, family problems intervened. A quick catchup.

Liquid – lovely bright colours and good DOF
Up – Definitely looking up. Like the toning
Duo – I like simplistic ideas. Good shot for this theme
Flow - Good image but the bottom of the shot could do with a bit of contrast adjustment.
Friendship – Great processing and colours. Given the restrictions you face, well thought out idea
Change – Great angle for this shot and just the right amount of background for the context. Good colours but are the metal faceplates supposed to be blue as the couple of ships I’ve seen are grey.
Natural – Good material and OTT processing. It’s different in a likable way, natural v unnatural.
Age – Good bit of history and the processing just right for an aged look.
Spread – Yummy and bang on theme with all the elements for a good sarnie
Together – Good choice of theme but feel the contrast needs backing off slightly. A lot of the definition is lost in the blacks.

Welcome back to shore by the way
I thought the contrast was a bit too much, but the shot is a nice candid suggesting both TOGETHER, and perhaps 'no longer together'?
I agree with John about the blacks I'm afraid. I'm glad though that you've resisted doing the seemingly compulsory B&W conversion for street candids.
Hi Nick

I'm with you on street type photography , find it very uncomfortable , so think you've done well here , several links to the theme so works really well. Am finding the blacks a bit too black ( if thats even possible) but good expressions on their faces & like the inclusion of the single lady as well (y)
Hi Nick, a bit belated but welcome back :wave:

Age, number one for me, the processing really works well.

Spread, I do like the close crop all round but for me I'd like to see either the bottom corner of the bread cropped off more or included in full, the slight clipping of it upsets my OCD! I like the shot though and instantly want a slice of toast!!!

Together, very simple but very clever (y) I like that their both mid sandwich at the same time whilst looking in the same direction. I like street photography too but feel very awkward photographing strangers, like I'm intruding on them or something!
Hi Nick, catch up time!!

Duo is fantastic; so simple yet so effective!

Flow could have ended up very snap-shotty, but your treatment of it has worked very very well :)

Friendship; unusual take on the theme that works very well. I love the PP you've applied to it.

Change; spot on! Can't fault this one, it's just fantastic! You've managed to give it a nice film like feel.

Natural has worked well I think. It's probably a Marmite treatment, but I like it.

Age; I love the picture of your ship, and the treatment works well for the theme. The second shot is good too, but doesn't say age IMHO.

Spread; obvious take on the theme, but well taken. I like the saturated colours and the DoF.

Together; yep, together AND apart! Nice candid shot :)
Hi Everyone,

Many thanks for all your comments and I hope by now to have got around to commenting on some of your recent work. I would like to comment on much more but unfortunately time wont allow. Although I have been ashore for just under a month I have been catching up visiting relatives and putting my house on the market which I have just sold.

All comments duly noticed and all fair points especially in respect to 'Together' which on reflection is probably to dark but at the time I thought was ok. I was quite close but it was a bit of a snatched shot...

Week 45 - 'Pack'

I came across these old suitcases in Polperro, Cornwall and new what I wanted to do with the PP. Had some very funny looks from people who probably thought I was mad....
