weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

Hi ya

that was a quick sale of the house mister :)

Pack....pp suits to perfection & a great subject choice....:clap: If I had to crit my only niggle would be the slight oofness on the front case...would have prefered all the cases in focus or maybe the front ones with the rear one slightly oof :thinking:
Week 46 - Art

Here's my submission for this week. I came across an artist selling his work in Dublin (Temple Bar) last Saturday, I thought i would include him but decide that his work should be the main focus of the image.

Week 47 - 'Colour'

I went for a nice walk this morning with my X10 in York and came across the War Memorial which is very close to the main Railway Station. Still with thoughts of Remembrance Sunday fresh in my mind and thoughts of serviceman / women both recent and distant this was very poignant.

flippin 'eck ...you're on a roll mister :LOL:

Like the Art image & the slightly grainy pp . His artwork looks quite interesting & very good....possibly a shot turned more toward the artwork & losing the pillars ? if you see what I mean ?

Thanks Lynne,

Yep good point. I may have a play in PS if I get a chance. My house sold in 10 days to first time buyers too!. Fed up of coming back to a jungle of a garden when I return from sea !
Pack excellent pic nicely processed

Art seems on a bit of an angle a good take on the theme though

Colour vibrantly shows up against the stone
Hi Nick,

Pack is excellent, nice composition and the PP suits it well(y)

Art, I like the grainy pp here too. I like the wide shot including the pillars as it adds interest by giving a feeling for where the art work is being displayed/ sold. I would crop a touch off the LHS to lose the black vehicle in the edge of the shot, I know you can see other cars but this one is more obvious. I would also clone out the paper or receipt on the floor at the bottom in the middle.

Colour, good choice of subject and they do stand out nicely against the stone. I think I would prefer to see the lettering either removed completely or included properly.

Well done on catching up, how long do you have before you go away again?
Hi Nick,

I've got some catching up to do!

Together - I wish I had the courage to do this kind of thing and photograph people on the street. Anyway, I think this is perfect for the theme, and the blacks don't bother me too much.

Pack - I can see why you were attracted to these old suitcases. The PP works well. As for the focus, I think I might have preferred the handle of the front suitcase to be in focus too, but I don't know if this would have been possible to achieve from this particular angle.

Art - I quite like the comp. The PP is interesting, though the colours have perhaps been bumped a little too much for my taste. The building in the background appears to have blown highlights.
Hi Nick :)

Pack - Very nice indeed, they look really good, love the PP, very effective (y)

Art - I like that too... would prefer more of the art in the shot, but that's just being fussy, Nice One :)

Colour - Shame about the clipped 'Ever' wording, but like the brightness of the red against the drab stone

A good Catch up (y)
Pack - Nicely seen and some good PP to accentuate the age of them

Art - More nice pp to suit the theme. It feels a bit leany on the right but overall the picture works well

Colour - As others have said the red works well with the stone.
Pack is a fave; I just love it!

Art is perfect; I really like the saturated colours and the composition. I'm not sure the slightly askew angle works though.

Colour is a moving picture, but it doesn't really say colour to me. Nice though none-the-less :)
mmm together, I love this one, it has lots of different elements all saying togther - the couple, eating together, train station, waiting together, really good :clap:

art, I love this one tho it looks slightly wonky to me, I do like the pov tho as Lynne says a pov more towards the wall might have worked better, still looks good to me tho

pack - excellent, I was hoping to find some old suitcases for mine, but alas I didn't

colour - very topical and I like the contrast altho I think the second word should be shown complete or not at all tbh :)

well done for catching up too :clap:

Pack...loving it. Great processing, composition, 'rule of threes'. Crit, hmmmm, slight hot spot on upper case. Good show :clap:

Art, good catch, good eye contact and quite moody. I might have removed an inch or so off the LH side.

Colour, on theme and can't offer any crit due to nature of photograph.

Pack - Processing suits the image well. Good choice of theme.
Art - Like the PP and gritty feel. Dont think any crop is needed as places the artwork in context
Colour - A good choice but would have probably cropped the top to remove wording and emphasise colour against stone
Week 48 - Shadow

Hi all, many thanks for your comments. Difficult subject for me this week (and others!) with the weather not even a hint of sun so no long shadows.

I took this image last night of 'The Upbeat Beatles' at The Grand Opera House in York. Quite a challenging subject, fast moving and constantly changing lights.


Fuji X10. ISO 800, F2.8, 1/14 Sec handheld, no flash.
Hi Nick, really good image, especially given how tough they are to get in this context, and the black and white suits it extremely well.

However, I can't work out the connection to the theme?
that is a good shot for such a topic and venue, Nick. Handheld at 1/14th and yet lots of detail in the non- movng bits so you must have a very steady hand. Even their moving heads and hands are not too blurry - just enough to suggest movement.

Not easy to tie to the theme but good shot nonetheless.
its a nice live pic but not really getting the theme from it of course if it was Hank Marvin then it would be bang on
Glow - Great shot you've captured the colours really nicely. It even has a 3D feel to it.

Round - I take it that's some sort of round lighthouse or beacon? You get a sense of round especially with the handrail around the outside.

Negative - I've got loads of those in a file somewhere - 35mm and 120mm. You've handled the exposure well as the black is certainly that.
Hi Nick
Shadow - Appreciate how difficult this type of shot is with movement, lighting etc. Shadow is subtle but there.
Glow - Great lighting both inside and outside. Did well not to blow out the lights and nice glow from the ceiling.
Round - On theme although the colours look a bit washed out on top of the tower. I would increase the contrast a bit.
Negative - The good old days. Also have loads of these residing in the loft and forgotten about. Can't add any more to Peter's comment
Hi Nick :)

Glow is a stunner! Perfect symmetry (nearly, see below!), perfect exposure, perfect subject and composition.

My only crit is the sign bottom left; I'd have cloned that out.

Round is lovely too, and it's nice to see something that is round, but not shot to emphasise the roundness. Crit is minimal; somehow I think it needs a little more punch, added in PP, and there's something "misty" going on at the top of the tower, almost as if its shot through slightly dirty glass?

Negative is pretty simple, but works extremely well, especially with your composition and the deep black background.
I like both round and negative the colour issue with round has been pointed out, negative is really literal but you handled the exposure perfect.
Glow is excellent lovely colour and exposure, great image.
Thanks for your comments all. 'Glow' was a spontaneous image. I didn't use a tripod but it was handheld.

Agree with the washed out look of the Round Tower. Here are another couple of reworked versions.


Hi Nick :wave:

I'm a bit behind with everyone just now!

Shadow, great shot but like others not sure on how it fits the theme :thinking: I was wondering if it's because they look similar, therefore shadowing each other?

Glow, just superb :clap: I hadn't noticed the sign until it was pointed out, a slight crop would solve that!

Round, I prefer the B&W version, it brings more detail out in the bricks and the sand and has a bit more punch.

Negative, I like the composition on this with the contrasting bright backlighting against the dark edges, great detail in the actual negatives too (y)

How long do you have left on Terra firma? Hope you've enjoyed your shore leave.
Hi Nick

Glow - cracking image, vivid, vibrant, alive - really like it :clap: I would be temted to try to get rid of the yellow sign and then would have it on my wall. Nice touch with the port and starboard lights at the entrance.

Round - has many elemnts of round - the tower, the handrail and the causeway. Prefer the colour edit as it has a lot more punch but you have forgotten to clone out the building top rigth which you did clone out of the other 2 shots. :p. (also get rid of the red/white warning tape??) The b&w version is lacklustre by comparison

Negative - simple and well on theme. I like the casual way that they are displayed on the light table.
Many thanks for your comments all. I think I will have a stab at cloning out the yellow sign in glow now you have mentioned it it is a big distraction !

Week 52 - Busy

Wow, where have the last 52 weeks gone they have flown by ! at last my final submission. I took this in Stonegate in York this afternoon. Not only was the City quite busy with shoppers. This couple seemed quite engaged, busy in their own little world.


I would also like to thank you all for your support, help and comments during the last year. I think both my photography and PP have improved. Although I have managed to get through this year and not bomb-out. I have to say that time has been a major factor and I regret that I have not been able to reciprocate comments in the latter half of the year. For that reason I have decided to take a break from the 52 during 2013.

Thank you all again. It's been a real pleasure.

Hi ya :wave:

GLOW.....WOW WOW , love it mister....superb colors , spot on exposure :clap: Only slight niggle is the sign...I'd be tempted to crop to just above it...gives a panaoramic feel to the shot, then get it framed :clap::clap:

Round....what an unusual place but works a treat . I prefer the original version , maybe a little tweak on the brick work & to bring some more color in to the sky & clone out the red n white chain . Beautifully sharp & well exposed.. nice one :clap:
Negative....yup , on theme , random layout works well & good blacks (y)