weekly Ray's 52 Project for 2013 - Week 18 - Kind added

way-hey. This is super duper.

liquid not quite level which I think would really lift it.

Great job on focus and lighting though - i do think it would take apure black BG, giving the real impression of floating in space.
Yup, didn't notice the liquid level til after I uploaded it, but what's done isi done. I blame gravity. :)
works really well the BG looks black to me and its a nice illusion :clap:
Liking this! Cleverly done. Composition, colours, detail, BG, theme, all spot on, nice shot.
Thanks. :)
Liking this one a lot, bang on theme, good focus on the bottle for me :clap:
Hi Ray

fab illusion & really well shot...love it (y) Think a square crop may suit as well
Crossroads said:
Week 4 - Wild - Wild Styling

From a photoshoot on Sunday

Nice idea and the subjects are really nice and clear, I like the level of contrast too....half expecting a vampire to crawl up from a grave behind!
Not so keen on the composition (subjects being so central), vignette or branches top right
Great image Ray, but I would say a tighter upper body crop would really bring the character out.
Oh I really like that! For me, the various bits of branch and the vignetting add to the creepiness, almost as if the vegetation is going to grab at them. The different sizes of the subjects works too. I do like that!
Soon as I saw it - I knew the branches / vignette and central composition would be things to be picked up on - But given the height of the people combined with their tree stump I don't really see any other option for composition, the (quite heavy) vignette focusses attention on the subject and the graves beyond, and darkens down a daylight shot, and the branches don't really retract.

All IMHO of course :LOL:
Nice idea and the subjects are really nice and clear, I like the level of contrast too....half expecting a vampire to crawl up from a grave behind!
Not so keen on the composition (subjects being so central), vignette or branches top right
Thanks. I was 50/50 on keeping the upper right branches in, but trying to avoid editing beyond lightroom sliders unless I can't avoid it.

I couldn't really move to the right for a different framing without the branches in shot because it was actually chucking it down with rain and there was a great big rainbow just off to the left that didn't really fit in with the moody gothic graveyard theme. :D

Great image Ray, but I would say a tighter upper body crop would really bring the character out.
Thanks. I have a few with a more "normal" framing that I might be posting over in the people and portraits section tonight, but felt the surrounding back and foregrounds were important for the theme. :)

Oh I really like that! For me, the various bits of branch and the vignetting add to the creepiness, almost as if the vegetation is going to grab at them. The different sizes of the subjects works too. I do like that!
Thanks. I didn't realise at the time, but those branches on the stump do look like big skeletal hands. Might have to revisit for Halloween!

Soon as I saw it - I knew the branches / vignette and central composition would be things to be picked up on - But given the height of the people combined with their tree stump I don't really see any other option for composition, the (quite heavy) vignette focusses attention on the subject and the graves beyond, and darkens down a daylight shot, and the branches don't really retract.

All IMHO of course :LOL:
Yeah I don't normally go for that sort of framing but as you say, with everything around that needed to be fit in. Thanks for the feedback.
Really nice shot, cant pick up anything other than whats been said.
Hi, as a former goth this appeals to me :D

Nice an moody, nice muted colours and liking the angle.

Branches have been mentioned and do distarct a tad.

Good show.
I think it might have been better with them amongst the graves as i don't know whats happening with the tree stump, maybe if you had stood on the stump :thinking: nice processing
Hi, as a former goth this appeals to me :D

Nice an moody, nice muted colours and liking the angle.

Branches have been mentioned and do distarct a tad.

Good show.
Expert opinion then, thanks. :)
I think it might have been better with them amongst the graves as i don't know whats happening with the tree stump, maybe if you had stood on the stump :thinking: nice processing

Well, I liked the stump anyway. Nature's podium. :bonk: Thanks for the feedback.

There are a few more from the shoot posted over here that are mixing it up with the graves.
Yep, works well for me. I like the DOF and the focussing.

A nice tidy image (y)
Really like the idea, the vignette works well in my opinion. Nice shot :clap:.
Hi Ray

Gravity - very clear, great b/g, well composed. Imaginative take on the theme

Wild - spot on theme for me . Good colour, focus and treatment. I think that it would benefit from cropping some off the right , making the figures on the third (that wold also remove most of the top rh branches leaving only a small one to clone out), and some off the bottom. part way up the trunk, making it a stronger element.

But the sky must remain as you have captured a brooding element over the whole:clap:
Yep, works well for me. I like the DOF and the focussing.

A nice tidy image (y)
Cant really add anything more but nice shot!
Thanks. :)
Really like the idea, the vignette works well in my opinion. Nice shot :clap:.
Thanks, nothing wrong with a bit of vignette.
Hi Ray

Gravity - very clear, great b/g, well composed. Imaginative take on the theme

Wild - spot on theme for me . Good colour, focus and treatment. I think that it would benefit from cropping some off the right , making the figures on the third (that wold also remove most of the top rh branches leaving only a small one to clone out), and some off the bottom. part way up the trunk, making it a stronger element.

But the sky must remain as you have captured a brooding element over the whole:clap:
Thanks, and an interesting idea. The sky is only brooding because you can't see the great big rainbow left of camera though. :D
Week 05 - Space

Running quite a bit behind here so a rushed one! The cloud cover never gave me a break so I might have cheated a little with the moon. :)

Anyway, the aim of this take on the theme was "the closest we used to be able to get to the heavens"

Last edited:
Hi Ray,
That works well with the theme with a little explanation (y)
There's a lot of detail in the frame, it holds the viewers eye and their interest in looking around the frame.
Maybe just like to have seen the bottom of the church windows to hold the bottom of the frame but other than that, good work (y) Iain
Hi, there, quite like this one. I am partial to a graveyard photograph.

Nice lighting and the moon looks good. Just the crop/composition feels a bit off to me.

Space is a really good photo, very good detail :)

My only crit would be the branch at the bottom of the photo.
Hi Ray,
That works well with the theme with a little explanation (y)
There's a lot of detail in the frame, it holds the viewers eye and their interest in looking around the frame.
Maybe just like to have seen the bottom of the church windows to hold the bottom of the frame but other than that, good work (y) Iain

Thanks for the feeedback. I'd have liked to see more of the Church windows too but being a dimwit going out with only a 70-300mm, and being over a week behind already, I had to work with what I had. :(
Very nice.

No crit I'm afraid as it's a very good image IMHO.
Thanks. All comments always welcome :)
Hi, there, quite like this one. I am partial to a graveyard photograph.

Nice lighting and the moon looks good. Just the crop/composition feels a bit off to me.

No actual graves this week I'm afraid.

I'm with you on the crop/composition, and would certainly do it differently next time. As above, was stuck with a bad lens choice and short of stumbling around in the dark climbing into other peoples' property, had to make do as best as I could. :)
Space is a really good photo, very good detail :)

My only crit would be the branch at the bottom of the photo.
Thanks. :) Yeah the branch is a pain in the bum. Sticks out like a sore thumb since it's right in front of the spotlight illuminating the church.
Love the detail
Thanks! (y)
Hi Ray

lovely atmospheric shot of the church, mono works well & some good detail in the moon ( even if you did stretch the realms of probability with it :LOL:) Nice work mister (y)

Thanks! Stretched the realms of probability? I think I full on broke it. :bonk:
I really like the Wild shot, it reminds me of a few visits to the Whitby Gothics weekends. I agree with some that a little tighter framing could work also.

Even with a little creative mooning :D I like the size and placement of the Moon to the Church and it's a shot that really needs to be B&W

I really like the Wild shot, it reminds me of a few visits to the Whitby Gothics weekends. I agree with some that a little tighter framing could work also.

Even with a little creative mooning :D I like the size and placement of the Moon to the Church and it's a shot that really needs to be B&W

Creative mooning? Oh god you're read my police record haven't you? :eek:
nice shot I like your thinking behind the theme alwasy great to see others idea of the themes
Thanks. Yeah it's always nice to see the different ideas people come up with. Broadens the mind!
Hi Ray :)

Space - Now that's a cracking image, no crit from me :clap:
Thanks DK. Keep up the great work on the spreadsheet!
nice image and nice explanation no crit at all
Thanks! (y)
Work? or Gluttony? :grin:

like the bright red and the funny chicken, all on a bit of a lean to the right, but good detail in the bright lights of the windows and also in the shadows.
Work? or Gluttony? :grin:

like the bright red and the funny chicken, all on a bit of a lean to the right, but good detail in the bright lights of the windows and also in the shadows.
Good point, it could work for gluttony too! I think you may be right about the angle being off a degree or two, but it's a tricky one since the pavement slopes down to the right, and the road on the right actually goes downhill quite steeply. Still probably off a bit though. D'oh.
Excellent photo! The light is nice and you've captured the "interesting brickwork" well!

For me, you've made what would normally be a boring shot, very interesting!