2014 Photo52 Challenge : Week 52 : Support

Life sometimes gets in the way, just keep at it (y)


And the same goes for me too. Year end is almost over at work, so I finally have my life back and can start to comment a bit more on these threads rather than just looking at the pictures only one.

Oh, I do believe it's FRIDAY :clap:

It is indeed . . . and I'm home from work at a sensible time and not STILL working for once - so it's an early draw this week :D
yeehaa......got a weekend of motorsport so that's this week's theme sorted :D

@posiview ....whats a TLR ??

And the same goes for me too. Year end is almost over at work, so I finally have my life back and can start to comment a bit more on these threads rather than just looking at the pictures only one.

It is indeed . . . and I'm home from work at a sensible time and not STILL working for once - so it's an early draw this week :D

Year End In May you work for Cargill?
Twin lens reflex. Ordered one of these forgodssakedontletjackieseeitlinky

Blimey I've got one of those in loft somewhere. Great way to get into medium format photography. Soon upgraded to a Bronica though. Still got that as well. The advantage of these is that you can only get 12 frames on a roll of film so it really slows you down - none of this digital click, click, click, delete, delete, delete.
Blimey I've got one of those in loft somewhere. Great way to get into medium format photography. Soon upgraded to a Bronica though. Still got that as well. The advantage of these is that you can only get 12 frames on a roll of film so it really slows you down - none of this digital click, click, click, delete, delete, delete.

Yeah, I'm not expecting much. Not even sure it works.

I've flick flacked over getting a film camera for a while. I've always thought to myself, "do I really need a film camera to slow me down?. Why don't I just use digital and....slow down!"

I can already feel an upgrade coming along :naughty:

The other thing Andy is that the images are square. Again this brings a whole new aspect to composition that makes you think more. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Yeah, I'm not expecting much. Not even sure it works.

I've flick flacked over getting a film camera for a while. I've always thought to myself, "do I really need a film camera to slow me down?. Why don't I just use digital and....slow down!"

I can already feel an upgrade coming along :naughty:


You will love it Andy, Where did you get it from?
Of course it's ok, I too have joined part way through, Week 21.
Enjoy yourself, I certainly am.
Morning, well another week/theme flies by

I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but apologies for lack of replies/comments on other folks '52. I always checkout the photos thread and there's been some excellent submissions :clap:. Again, I'd forgotten there's a like button :banghead: ( I don't do Face Book so A 'like button' was new to me till they put one on TP)
At this time of year we're off in the van more days then we're at home :banana:but then internet access becomes limited . The few days a week we are at home, I spend cramming in as much work/gardening/other things I have to do , so time is limited :rolleyes:

I'm determined to keep up with mi own '52, but please don't feel you 'have' to comment on the images I submit, I certainly don't expect it :)

Also I've noticed a few newbies joining in, :wave: welcome and good luck :)

Cheers, Phil
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Howdy all.........

finished my comments catch up - feel free to prod me if I've missed you :)
Show off :p

Random question.........is it possible to crop a shot to a shape other than square/oblong ? ie circles ??????
Random answer... Peppercorns

Ok... I think there is in PS, I'm sure I have seen shapes when creating collages ?? :thinking:
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Random question.........is it possible to crop a shot to a shape other than square/oblong ? ie circles ??????

make your selection using the marquee tool for square or rectangle or elliptical selection tool for oval or (hold shift) circle.
set the amount of feathering you want first, 0 px will give a hard edge, more will make the edge softer.
CTRL J will deuplicate the selected part onto a new layer
OR, click the layer mask button, which will apply a mask over the unselected (outside) area.

The unslected ares will be transparent, so could have either a black or white or coloured layer put under them, or even a textured layer.

Your wildflower one could work, with circles of the top layer, overlayed over the lower one in different sizes etc. (y)