2015 Photo52 Challenge : WEEK 52 we finally made it and its "Christmas" into the bargain

Fragile, excellent! Although to be honest I was going to shoehorn my planned shot for this week regardless of theme :D Will be taking my shot on Wednesday if all goes to plan.

I'd also like to apologise for my failure to comment on anyone's thread this week, it's been a hectic week and there are just so many taking part.
Welcome again Rabi... hope your enjoying it so far (y)

That it is :)

Too right... had a little flurry, now had 66 entries for week one so Fay (similar to week 3 level last year)

Still expect a few more through the day, hoping for another 10 or so with any luck :)

Still a couple I'm surprised we have not seen yet, mentioning no names ...

:whistle: @Southdowns , @blondie606 , @michael123, @WMD , @susiejb , @ChickenDipa , @greenoak , @Manxmaid & @sturisoma


My bliss photo is posted, not that I was mentioned :naughty: :D
Yoohooo...finally back in the game......Bliss posted & now to catch up on some other's threads .

I feel really guilty for not commenting on everyone's threads but there's just not enough hours....sorry :crying:

Love this week's theme.......quite glad it's a simple one as I've got a new toy to get to grips with....Jeez , it's Nikon but buttons in different places .....why do they do that :banghead:
as I've got a new toy to get to grips with....Jeez , it's Nikon but buttons in different places .....why do they do that :banghead:

What is it, I have to know.
.......quite glad it's a simple one as I've got a new toy to get to grips with....Jeez , it's Nikon but buttons in different places .....why do they do that :banghead:

Does it matter - it's not like you know what any of them do anyway!!! ;)

Cheers everyone, and yes, I'll let you know when I've got my 12 thread up :)
Have an idea in my head for fragile, hopefully sort it tomorrow.

Sorry if not replied on everyone's post , there's more than I thought doing this challenge.
Does it matter - it's not like you know what any of them do anyway!!! ;)

Cheers everyone, and yes, I'll let you know when I've got my 12 thread up :)

OI you...outside now :bat:you just twiddle them don't you :thinking:

but have to confess...fair point well presented :D

D300 .....can't belive the difference between it & the D90 & D7000.....onna be an interesting weekend learning about it , might even have to read the manual :LOL:
Thanks for the welcome folks. And Dark Knight...I'm the 100th? I feel responsible for uploading a ton of images now

I'm happy to say that Yahoo redeemed themselves by sorting out my Flickr account really quickly when I emailed them this week...so I have no excuses now.
Glad to hear it Jimmy... now lets be seeing some Pics :D
Well, my supposedly original idea that I thought no one else would think of for the FRAGILE theme wherein I pretend it's the morning after the night before has gone completely by the wayside after at least two people have done a version so far; thanks for that :(:).

Well, my supposedly original idea that I thought no one else would think of for the FRAGILE theme wherein I pretend it's the morning after the night before has gone completely by the wayside after at least two people have done a version so far; thanks for that :(:).


Wouldn't bother me, bud, whatever you post it'll be your interpretation (y)
Dark Knight - please can you update my username on the spreadsheet. It was previously "Romper Stomper" but the admin have kindly changed it to my prefered "Rob E"

Thanks :)
Well, posted my Fragile and looks like several had the same idea :)

I'll never learn....just started again so I'll have chance for a reshoot in the morning :naughty:

Dark Knight - please can you update my username on the spreadsheet. It was previously "Romper Stomper" but the admin have kindly changed it to my prefered "Rob E"

Thanks :)
Sure thing Rob, going to do it now (y)

Wouldn't bother me, bud, whatever you post it'll be your interpretation (y)

Well, posted my Fragile and looks like several had the same idea :)

I'll never learn....just started again so I'll have chance for a reshoot in the morning :naughty:

Haaaaaa :D
Posting in wrong place having a senior moment.
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As a newbe to 52 I hope its OK for me to mention a few things about the photo thread? Well tough, I'm going to anyway :p

1) There seems to be a lot of comments both on image posts and not. If people want to know about the image that's what the links for. Yes I did it but that's because I was told to as I wanted to change my entry.

2) People aren't putting the theme with their image, which with people playing catch up may get confusing.

3) Lots of posts with more than one image. Again yes I did this in my patterns post but was told I could if I wanted to change my image.

I know I'm new to this but thought I'd mention it anyway :)
As a newbe to 52 I hope its OK for me to mention a few things about the photo thread? Well tough, I'm going to anyway :p

1) There seems to be a lot of comments both on image posts and not. If people want to know about the image that's what the links for. Yes I did it but that's because I was told to as I wanted to change my entry.

2) People aren't putting the theme with their image, which with people playing catch up may get confusing.

3) Lots of posts with more than one image. Again yes I did this in my patterns post but was told I could if I wanted to change my image.

I know I'm new to this but thought I'd mention it anyway :)
Very true Mike... we do prefer to have just the one image posted in the photo's only thread (any edits and additional images added to their own thread) and of course no comments, it is generally messy at the start of every year, but settles down after a couple of weeks... maybe we best start reminding people with the reminding stick :bat:

Well I'm back on track ... phew I was afraid theworldwouldendifIdontposteachweek :)

My visitors have all gone ...I've had relaxing break and I'm looking forward to getting on with the challenge. I will start commenting again from this weeks Fragile, and will comment as and when I can. Good to see so many in the thread but its a bit hectic :runaway:
Thanks for the welcome folks. And Dark Knight...I'm the 100th? I feel responsible for uploading a ton of images now

I'm happy to say that Yahoo redeemed themselves by sorting out my Flickr account really quickly when I emailed them this week...so I have no excuses now.

:woot:And the special prize for entrant number 100 is . . . errrrm . . . sorry - I don't think we have one :oops: :$
Welcome aboard though Jimmy - good to have you here.

Well, my supposedly original idea that I thought no one else would think of for the FRAGILE theme wherein I pretend it's the morning after the night before has gone completely by the wayside after at least two people have done a version so far; thanks for that :(:).


The couple of years when I was actively doing the project I always set my own rule not to look at any other entries until I'd got my own done.
It didn't stop me doing something similar to others, but it did mean that I knew I wouldn't be influenced by anyone else - whether that was being put off from doing what I'd planned because there was something similar in already or taking inspiration from someone else if I was struggling with the theme.

Very true Mike... we do prefer to have just the one image posted in the photo's only thread (any edits and additional images added to their own thread) and of course no comments, it is generally messy at the start of every year, but settles down after a couple of weeks... maybe we best start reminding people with the reminding stick :bat:


Reminding stick broken out of the cupboard ready for use :D

I'll have a little look in there tonight and tidy up a bit if it's needed.

I've had this damn flu bug for the last week so haven't been around on the forum that much - can't believe that we're now up to 108 52ers :banana:
Apologies to all for not getting around to commenting yet. I'm finding the time extremely demanding at the moment. This is one of the reasons why I opted out the last two years. I may have to bail out soon - we are only on week 2 !
Apologies to all for not getting around to commenting yet. I'm finding the time extremely demanding at the moment. This is one of the reasons why I opted out the last two years. I may have to bail out soon - we are only on week 2 !

I wouldn't worry about it Nick, don't let the commenting stop you from doing the project. I am in the same boat re commenting, just do bits and bobs when you can, and enjoy taking pics for the themes.
And here for me again, couple of crap days/evenings... always the same when a key member of staff is on holiday at work, so I will do some more comments tomorrow evening, thanks to those that have commented on mine, I will return the gesture (y)
Well, not one to get in early with a "what day is it tomorrow.

But, what day is it tomorrow :)

We've had two cracker so far....keep it @SarahLee (y)

Hope everyone is enjoying it so far.

:agree: Definitely enjoying it (y)

I do have to apologise to those I haven't managed to comment on yet though. I had hoped to comment on every photo but it takes a surprising amount of time (well, it took me by surprise). I will try my best to get around to as many as possible. A big thank you to those who have commented on my photos - it is much appreciated :)

Looking forward to the next 50 weeks (y)
Jeez....is it really Friday tomorrow :runaway:

Just had a whiz round some threads & tried to comment on a few I'd missed in previous weeks ,it really is a mammoth task ! I'll do some more tomorrow night as still suffering guilt pangs for not getting to everyone:(

what always amazes me is the breadth of interpretations of a single theme but it does produce some simply wonderful shots :clap:
I haven't got to everyone's shots and probably never will but if I've missed you out it's not personal I've just had to stick to the ones I personally find notable.

I'm hoping today's theme is open to a lot of interpretation but whatever it is I'm looking forward to it. Been looking at some videos on composition since that particular subject always sees me lacking and I hope I've picked up enough tips to get a better picture this time. Technically, there's not a lot I don't know about the nuts and bolts of cameras and imaging but when it comes to actually taking a picture I fall well behind but this year I intend to put everything into my photography (famous last words) and this Challenge 52 is going to help—I hope.