weekly Blondies 2012 52 wk52 BUSY - Finished !

blondie606 said:
Thought I'd get in quick this week , not my 1st idea & if I have a semi sensible week might try something else , but for now....some more Negative Space....

negative by llj666, on Flickr

Not shot the moon for a long while & never a crescent moon , quite pleased with the results , took a while to figure out the settings . Almost full reach with the 150-500 so not the sharpest of sharp things. & because it's me.....got all set up , found the key to unlock the window, tripod wedged & camera/lens balancing precariously ....neighbours going to their car did a double take & then the cloud covered the moon :LOL:

Nice one. Negative space at its best!

Lovely blacks and I must invest in a lens to do this....longest i have is 200mm

Crit, well, tad higher for me. Because I'm looking to invest, I have a few questions: what shutter speed? any PP? Because the RH side looks quite soft and possibly blown? As you stated you were at full reach. I wonder, in general, with astro photography if its best to go with the longest you can or shorter and crop in??

Haven't you recruited yet?? Imagine all the time you'll have when you do :)

Cheers and I'll keep my eye out for your other Negative idea.
Hi Lynne :wave:
Round, mmmm bang on theme but as has been mentioned it just needs a little something else, shallow dof? more subdued lighting? some xmas lights?

Negative, I like this one a lot. The crescent moon really says negative space to me so (y) bang on theme. I too would be interested in your settings here, not that I have the tools to do this job as the longest lens I have is 200mm too like Andy.

Good work Missus ;)
Nice one. Negative space at its best!

Lovely blacks and I must invest in a lens to do this....longest i have is 200mm

Crit, well, tad higher for me. Because I'm looking to invest, I have a few questions: what shutter speed? any PP? Because the RH side looks quite soft and possibly blown? As you stated you were at full reach. I wonder, in general, with astro photography if its best to go with the longest you can or shorter and crop in??

Haven't you recruited yet?? Imagine all the time you'll have when you do :)

Cheers and I'll keep my eye out for your other Negative idea.

Think I did say it wasn't as sharp as I wanted cos I think I was almost at full reach...no real idea on astro type togging...point, click & hope for the best :p

Hi Lynne :wave:
Round, mmmm bang on theme but as has been mentioned it just needs a little something else, shallow dof? more subdued lighting? some xmas lights?

Negative, I like this one a lot. The crescent moon really says negative space to me so (y) bang on theme. I too would be interested in your settings here, not that I have the tools to do this job as the longest lens I have is 200mm too like Andy.

Good work Missus ;)

Cheers Iain , Round was a weak shot , too tired & arsey from work to really give it my best...may still do a reshoot over the christmas break as will have ma n pa's tree to use...don't bother with one just for me :crying:

As for settings...trying to find them now...according to flickr....f29 (!) 380mmfocal length equivalent to 570 on a 35mm , -5exp comp , 0.8 sec exposure...I suspect there are better settings :LOL:
Seeing Andy's shot inspired me to dig out my old negatives.....


Negative 2 by llj666, on Flickr

which started me looking at the photo's & wishing I could go back to the places I went years ago & try for some better shots :LOL:

Well, I have to say, your 2nd negative photograph is a cracker. Once I saw it I had a real nostalgic twang. You could have quite easily have posted it with the photographs horiozontal, but the 'dutch tilt' really makes a cracker. Processing...:clap:

Nice one.

Round- nice one, very festive! It's not quite doing it for me "artistically" somehow though, perhaps because of a lack of depth, perhaps because of the little dent in the bauble, which distracts from the "roundness" just enough to spoil it a little?

Negative is lovely; a great use of negative space, and a very very nicely exposed and focused moon. This one has all the depth missing from round!

Negative two works really well too; simple, but with your composition, very very nice indeed.
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Round - Well suited to this time of year. I see what you mean about using a shallower DoF. I think that would have worked.

Negative - Your crescent moon shot is spot on. Well exposed and nice use of the negative space.
bang on theme how could it not be nice angle too makes it slightly more interesting
Hi Lynne
Glow - Both good shots. prefer #1 but would like the boats slightly lighter. #2 has a better viewpoint but the right side has little interest. If possible I would have preferred a move to the rght to include all the bridge.
Round - meets the theme but something missing.
Negative - Great moon shot and plenty of negative space. The good ol film days, nice angle and lighting
Hi Lynne,

Hope you're keeping well.

Glow - Nicely exposed and bang on theme. Agree viewpoint may improve if slightly to the right.
Round - I prefer your moon image to the christmas bauble (at least you managed to get the tree up :clap:) Although your image of the moon shows it as a waxing crescent and not a full moon still works for me. We all know its round !
Negative - I have also photographed negatives but hadn't seen your version. Great minds eh ? ;) Bang on theme, but I would say that !
Hi Lynne,

Negative, the moon shot is amazing, love the space. I can imagine your neighbours looking at you like you're a bit gone in the head hanging out your window:nuts:
The second shot is good too, unlike the angle, but I prefer the first shot.

Oh love your avatar, it's nice to see you :)
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Hi Lynne

Round - . Apart from the little dent (?) in the front of the ball I think it is great. I know others have commented differently and you thought that it was not your best but that really made me smile :) See.

Negative - both moon and negs are on theme and well handled shots. They are both well exposed and portray very well the subject.
Hi Lynne, I really like your second take on the theme too.
Everything about it for me is just right, the subtle lighting, the crop and composition all work well. Nowt more to say but (y) Iain
EEEkkkk, think I've just been told off ;)


Liking the moon, it just needed a slightly different exposure to stop it bowing the highlight out. Old negatives, I like it, nicely lit.

Both of my ideas are here!

Great minds think alike (y)

Round- nice one, very festive! It's not quite doing it for me "artistically" somehow though, perhaps because of a lack of depth, perhaps because of the little dent in the bauble, which distracts from the "roundness" just enough to spoil it a little?

Negative is lovely; a great use of negative space, and a very very nicely exposed and focused moon. This one has all the depth missing from round!

Negative two works really well too; simple, but with your composition, very very nice indeed.

Cheers Mark...gonna do a reshoot of Round (hopefully) at the parents on christmas day, when I'll try to use the correct settings :bonk:
never will understand this compostion lark...take negatives , lay in straight lines but on a slant = composition ? Alomost as confusing as - large empty area in photo = negative space......art can be very odd :LOL:

Negative - ha! great take on the theme, well shot and nice composition and lighting

Thanks Mike (y)
Round - Well suited to this time of year. I see what you mean about using a shallower DoF. I think that would have worked.

Negative - Your crescent moon shot is spot on. Well exposed and nice use of the negative space.

Cheers Peter....glad you like the moon shot & your'e quite correct...shallower dof is needed on the round shot....I hadn't even been on the pop when I took the shot :LOL:

bang on theme how could it not be nice angle too makes it slightly more interesting

Ta Al, appreciate you popping by (y)

Hi Lynne
Glow - Both good shots. prefer #1 but would like the boats slightly lighter. #2 has a better viewpoint but the right side has little interest. If possible I would have preferred a move to the rght to include all the bridge.
Round - meets the theme but something missing.
Negative - Great moon shot and plenty of negative space. The good ol film days, nice angle and lighting

Cheers , the thing missing from Round was my brain :LOL:

Hi Lynne,

Hope you're keeping well.

Glow - Nicely exposed and bang on theme. Agree viewpoint may improve if slightly to the right.
Round - I prefer your moon image to the christmas bauble (at least you managed to get the tree up :clap:) Although your image of the moon shows it as a waxing crescent and not a full moon still works for me. We all know its round !
Negative - I have also photographed negatives but hadn't seen your version. Great minds eh ? ;) Bang on theme, but I would say that !

Thanks for the catch up Nick , appreciate you taking the imte when you've been so busy , house all sold now ?
Hi Lynne,

Negative, the moon shot is amazing, love the space. I can imagine your neighbours looking at you like you're a bit gone in the head hanging out your window:nuts:
The second shot is good too, unlike the angle, but I prefer the first shot.

Oh love your avatar, it's nice to see you :)

Thanks Marsha...re my avatar...the tog who took it is a whizz in photoshop , loads more wrinkles in reality :LOL:

Hi Lynne

Round - . Apart from the little dent (?) in the front of the ball I think it is great. I know others have commented differently and you thought that it was not your best but that really made me smile :) See.

Negative - both moon and negs are on theme and well handled shots. They are both well exposed and portray very well the subject.

awww...cheers Alan ,still going for a reshoot though :D

Hi Lynne, I really like your second take on the theme too.
Everything about it for me is just right, the subtle lighting, the crop and composition all work well. Nowt more to say but (y) Iain

Thanks matey , we'll be seeing you in these parts in 2013 I hope ?
WOW...Week 52 has come round so quickly...still thinking that this should have been a 53 for 2012...there's still 1 weekend left !
Anyhow...Busy...I have been but sadly with work rather than photography:crying:

Wasn't sure what to do , couldn't be ar*** to go into town to capture the crowds so , after a flash of inspriation whilst at my folks on christmas day I came up with this :

Busy by llj666, on Flickr

not the most imaginative of shots , not quite the DOF I wanted either but almost there :)

Trying to do a slideshow thingy but failing miserably at the moment :crying:

& a quick reshoot for round...not convinced it's any better than the orignal , nightnmare with reflections :thinking:

Round take 2 by llj666, on Flickr

So then folks , thats it for this years project , not sure I've improved much , it's a been a major battle over this last 6 months just to keep going but thanks you all you guy's n gals I've made it (y)
Thanks for all you critique, comments & making the 2012 52 a great place to be .Look forward to seeing you back here in 2013 (y)
Well done Lynne.

Thanks Robert (y)

Right , this should be fun ! managed to do a slideshow ( 1st one ever & only taken about 4hours :bang: )...lets see if I can download it to here :

Well, knock me down with a feather...it bloomin well works :D Sorry bout the music...couldn't find anything long enough ! Quality's gone downhill as well !
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Hi Lynne :)

Busy is very clever, and is nicely composed with good DoF. My only crit; what do "FTV" and "BN" mean (and "YO" might be a bit dodgy too!)?!

Round reshoot is great, much better than the original. I love the colour, especially the matching background. I'd have liked to see a version with the balls out of the box, but love this one as it is :)
You have (y)

Good show for finishing and I really like reds in Round.

Well, I'll see you in January :D and I'll keep an eye out for your TP 52 of 2013. I've already processed 2 for week 1 theme....:help:


Cheers mister...see you in 2013 (y)

Hi Lynne :)

Busy is very clever, and is nicely composed with good DoF. My only crit; what do "FTV" and "BN" mean (and "YO" might be a bit dodgy too!)?!

Round reshoot is great, much better than the original. I love the colour, especially the matching background. I'd have liked to see a version with the balls out of the box, but love this one as it is :)

Thanks Mark...have never played scrabble so don't know the rules , I just mad the words fit & ignored the odd ones :LOL:

congratulation on finishing i like busy nice idea
Thanks Al...tis a good feeling to finish..now just gotta through next year :D

Busy - Well I guess that one scores 18 :LOL: Good use of a shallow DoF

Congratulations on completing your 52.

Thanks Peter (y)
Hi Lynne

Busy - lot of comments made with which i agree. Good pov and focus and a very clever idea. (y)

Round reshoot - cracking reds on that - well handled. spot on theme.

Well done on finishing 2012 52 :clap: Must be worth my first 'well done missus' :D

Thanks for your comments throughout the year - beginnng 27.01.2012 :ty:
Hi Lynne :)

Catch up time, sorry but it will be brief as I want to get comments up to date :)

Pack - Nice even lighting, even though a tiled background would have been nice as you say, really nicely set up, you could sell that stuff with that Picture (y)

Art - Done somehow :thinking: ... must of missed pack :D

Colour - Done that one already too :LOL:

Glow - Number 1 for me, what a great looking place, love the reflection and the wide crop, a real nice warm feel to the pic, spot on (y)

Round - Very traditionally festive, good composition and lighting, works for the theme well

Negative - This works really well, It looks a very clear sky or have you just made it appear that way?? and some nice detail showing on the moon surface

Negative 2 - Like the angle you have set these up, and the colour is also pleasing to the eye

Busy - What would Christmas be without Scrabble :) a great finish Lynne, looks like you spent some good spacing the tiles (y)

Round 2 - I'd prefer a deeper DOF so all was in focus (LH of the lid), apart from that I really like it, lovely strong colours, and well lit for me, Nice One !!!

What a great 52 you have had, I have enjoyed your shots and look forward to your 2013 52 - Congrats for finishing 2012's on time :clap:
Hi Lynne
Busy - Great idea and sums up the year nicely.
Congratulations on completing your 52 and cheers for popping in to my thread and keeping me on my toes.
I'm not doing 2013 but wish you all the best with yours, and will visit occasionally to see how you're doing. All the best for the new year.
Busy, an apt shot to end your last 52 on, I like all the photography links you've managed to squeeze in. Although I can't believe you've never played Scrabble before :nuts:

Busy is very clever, and is nicely composed with good DoF. My only crit; what do "FTV" and "BN" mean (and "YO" might be a bit dodgy too!)?!
:LOL: I knew Mark would be on the case about the odd words :bonk:

Congratulations for finishing your second 52. I look forward to seeing you next year :)