Canon 5D MKIII official owners/users thread, anything related to the 5D MKIII

My GF is on her way up to Aviemore today, she has organised a school reunion up there. I've not been for a couple of years but have always enjoyed shooting up there. so much scenery and a complete opposite to what i normally shoot.

Talking of which, its London Gay pride tomorrow so ill be going along to hopefully get some "interesting" shots. It was quite a laugh last year with my 60D, im hoping for better tomorrow with the 5D.

Anyone else going?

i went two years ago . it was fun
i went two years ago . it was fun

Yeah. Out of all the London parades i think this one is the most fun and interesting.
I normally have to go off to gigs on a Sat afternoon, but this weekend im going to try and spend as much time as i can there.
Yeah. Out of all the London parades i think this one is the most fun and interesting.
I normally have to go off to gigs on a Sat afternoon, but this weekend im going to try and spend as much time as i can there.

check out my flickr sets and u can see a whole set of it. was a fun day at central london. is it for the whole weekend or just saturday?

If its on sunday i could come with the missus.

Dont know what i am up to tomorrow. missus is working and tempted to go on my own their.

if i do go then maybe we can meet up :)
I'd be right up for that. If your serious and Drew fancies going then lets throw a few dates around.

Sounds good to me... I won't be going before August though 'cos I've got too much on in July (including the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford).

Mondays are generally good for me though. :)
This evening I had a spare hour for the first time in months. Bought a used 2 x MK111 today, and plopped it onto my 70-200 2.8, and headed to the beach.
The weather was awful, thick fog, high winds and just plain grey skies.
But I had a go anyway, and here are a few of the shots.
I'm really quite happy considering the real crappy light, and using the 2x....

windsurf4 by cornishwelding, on Flickr

winsurf1 by cornishwelding, on Flickr

windsurf9 by cornishwelding, on Flickr

windsurf8 by cornishwelding, on Flickr

windsurf3 by cornishwelding, on Flickr
My biggest gripe with the 5D3 is the massive menu and the way the image magnify is operated. As a pixel peeper it's so frustrating!

The 5D2 had the perfect menu system in my opinion. I wish we could choose to hide some tabs.
My biggest gripe with the 5D3 is the massive menu and the way the image magnify is operated. As a pixel peeper it's so frustrating!

The 5D2 had the perfect menu system in my opinion. I wish we could choose to hide some tabs.

There's a lot of stuff about this in the early part of this thread.
My 5DIII is configured so that the SET button (middle of the wheel) jumps to big magnification.
Hence checking sharpness is as simple as pressing View and pressing SET - by default this shows the centre of this image highly zoomed in.

This is usually good enough to check for motion blur and missed focus, but if not then the joystick moves about and the small wheel next to the shutter button tweaks the zoom.
Once you get used to it, it's OK.
Must admit I preferred the old way of magnifying with the top buttons like my 7D and 5D Mark II did,but it's hardly something that takes a lot of getting used to is it :)
Yeah, it does take a bit of getting used to. Now i have i find i hit the mag button a lot more than the Preview button.
I'd love to have the histogram and a few bits of shooting info overlaid with the 100% magnification but i guess we cant have everything, not even at this price.
Sounds good to me... I won't be going before August though 'cos I've got too much on in July (including the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford).

Mondays are generally good for me though. :)

Yep up for a meet aswell, pretty much the same here - probably August onwards (y)(y)
This may already have been discussed somewhere in the thread, but is anyone successfully using the 5d3 for birds/wildlife?

I've noted that a firmware update means it is possible to get autofocus to work with a 5d3/100-400 zoom/1.4x extender combination. Is anyone successfully doing this?

This may already have been discussed somewhere in the thread, but is anyone successfully using the 5d3 for birds/wildlife?

I've noted that a firmware update means it is possible to get autofocus to work with a 5d3/100-400 zoom/1.4x extender combination. Is anyone successfully doing this?


Yep worked well for wildlife before the firmware upgrade aswell. AF is superb
Best Canon camera per £ they've ever made....ever

Are you sure you don't want one? :)
There's no doubt that my 5d2 will need replacing in the fullness of time.

But I'm wondering to what extent a 5d3 can do at least some of the work my 7d currently does as well. I was very disappointed really in the quality of the sensor in the 7d.

Hence my question about the usefulness of the 5d3/100-400/1.4x extender!

I could go out and buy a 5d3 right now but I've been at it long enough to know that a new camera won't necessarily make me a better photographer.
I took the plunge a few weeks back, an enormous outlay I think for just a camera and sadly not really had enough play-time, but I can already see how much of an improvement it is over the Mk1, which I adored, I feel its money very well spent.
I'm currently playing with it in manual mode i.e. I select the shutter speed and aperture and it selects the Iso , I'm finding this very good as the files are so clean at even high Iso.
Had a play over the weekend shooting some macro stuff, motored it into fast FPS and allowed the AF to do its work, very pleased with the results, probably not the best way to do macro but I was short on time (as usual) and I'm especially pleased how it now handles a large expanse of red, the Mk1 tended to "block" these and lose detail.

The detail I can now see with my 70/200 with a 1.4 wide open is unbelievably good, I would imagine a 100/400 with extender would also be very good.

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Yes, the Mk3 does work with a 1.4 sensor. is a tad slow, and of course you do lose some light. It works well for static subjects, but my Mk2 1.4 and a 100l f 5.6 was never fast enough for BIF. Without the 1.4 focus was very quick, but I can't compare to a 7d because I've never used one.

I understand that the Mk3 extenders are better, but it's a lot of money to splash out if performance is not greatly improved from the Mk2. Might try and rent one for a test.

These were taken hand held with a 400 but no extender.

Black headed gull by Frank Yates2010, on Flickr

Broad bodied chaser by Frank Yates2010, on Flickr
Ive only used a 5DMKII for a few hours, and im by no means a pro, but what i found when i got my 5DMKIII (apart from adjusting to FF) was that shooting became more enjoyable.
For me that made a huge different to my hobby. It renewed my interest in photography and 8 months later i still smile when i hold the camera.
For the past 7 years ive been shooting with crop cameras, and for the past two a 60D. Compared to that the MKIII is light years ahead in what it can do (IMO).

I know many 5DMKII users are very happy with that camera, but while it might not make you a better photographer, from what ive read it might help get better shots.

It is a lot of money though.
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There's no doubt that my 5d2 will need replacing in the fullness of time.

But I'm wondering to what extent a 5d3 can do at least some of the work my 7d currently does as well. I was very disappointed really in the quality of the sensor in the 7d.

Hence my question about the usefulness of the 5d3/100-400/1.4x extender!

I could go out and buy a 5d3 right now but I've been at it long enough to know that a new camera won't necessarily make me a better photographer.

I had 5d2 & 7d before chopping them in for 5d3 + 1d4

5d3 is in a different ball park to the 5d mark 2, and blows the 7D aswell even without the crop factor.

ISO 6400 easy peasy, even done ISO 8000 with some NR it's print worthy


I pretty much start shooting at ISO 1600 then go up - gotta love the full frame for depth of field as well


had mine a year now and it's definitely to 'goto' camera

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Ive only used a 5DMKII for a few hours, and im by no means a pro, but what i found when i got my 5DMKIII (apart from adjusting to FF) was that shooting became more enjoyable.
For me that made a huge different to my hobby. It renewed my interest in photography and 8 months later i still smile when i hold the camera.
For the past 7 years ive been shooting with crop cameras, and for the past two a 60D. Compared to that the MKIII is light years ahead in what it can do (IMO).

Very true (y)
300 2.8 IS goes everywhere, sometimes with the 1.4x, other times using the 2x - I prefer having the flexibility of the 300 as I could get a 500/600, but sometimes would be too close in for my subjects - plus not that hand-holdable :)
Don't know if many use the personal menu but its really handy to set it up with the functions that you use regularly. Limited to 5 I think but I use it a lot.

Have mine set with.

Highlight tone priority

Format card

Record function+card/folder sel

Mirror lockup

Battery info

AF micro adjustment.
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Well... this is one thread I have been dying to be able to join, my order is in so time to subscribe and read up while I await the delivery of my little bundle :)

Welcome DK :wave: About time too ;)

Sorry for the delay in getting back here. I went out with the Manfrotto Befree a few weeks ago and I was quite impressed. It's legs feel flimsy when fully extended but it's actually very sturdy once set up. I've not had much of a chance to use it with the 70-200 on as I had an op a few weeks ago so been taking it easy. Macro, I have the same issues as per my current tripod, you fix it to where you want it, lock it and it carries on a bit further so I needed to compensate for that.
Overall I really like it. I think my other tripod needs to be sold now!

As for the personal menu,, I didn't know it existed :bonk: One day I will actually sit down and study the manual properly!
Been photographing ospreys last few days. 1D MkIV stayed in bag. 5DIII on the 500 mm. Really sounds slow amongst all the machine gun 1D MkIV's and 1D MkIII's. Average of 3 seconds shooting each dive = 18 frames. 80% sharp every time.

The only camera that could beat it was a 1DX and that is a pretty awesome bit of kit. Anybody want a MkIV?
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