Free upgrade to Windows 10?

Bummer, after the smooth sailing on the PC it's fubar'd my laptop. Everything seemed to work fine, did some stuff on the laptop after the install finished and then went to reboot - nada, an error in BCD which I couldn't clear no matter what I tried. Couldn't even restore via a Paragon back I'd made. I'm currently trying to install a spare copy of Win7 to see if I can get it up and running again.
Yes, I 've done one in English and one in French and changed the French one to English whilst getting the stuff sorted out.

I have W7 64 bit Pro. Microsoft would not allow a language change with this, I needed Ultimate or above. What type have you managed to change?
Thanks for your reply.
I have W7 64 bit Pro. Microsoft would not allow a language change with this, I needed Ultimate or above. What type have you managed to change?
Thanks for your reply.
It was an 8.1 machine.....I think the restriction was lifted after Win 7. With Win 10 you appear to be able to just download language packs and keyboard layouts and then switch between them from the task bar.

It was an 8.1 machine.....I think the restriction was lifted after Win 7. With Win 10 you appear to be able to just download language packs and keyboard layouts and then switch between them from the task bar.


Thanks for your help Bob. Like most I will wait before making the change.

I’m 66740, if you ever come this way call in, I will introduce you to the local plonk.
it may be LR has defaulted to onboard/ system gfx. I had to go into both LR and PS settings and change it to hardware ( AFTER I had gone into my GFX card and changed 3d settings and manage then select both LR and photoshop to run using hardware rendered card rather than software ), that speeded up things considerably.
also I changed the memory cache settings as it was at 75% which meant it slowed the whole computer down, so by dropping amount of ram it uses to 50% everything seems to run a lot smoother
I found LR more responsive when it isn't using the graphics processor. Might be worth trying.
Weird how something that should improve it by offloading the CPU does the complete opposite. It does make you wonder how they test a product like that.
I updated to 10 yesterday, is anyone else having trouble with their colour calibration?

It's fine when I start up, but if I put my computer to sleep and then wake it up, the calibration disappears. I can't find anything anywhere to fix it.
I updated to 10 yesterday, is anyone else having trouble with their colour calibration?

It's fine when I start up, but if I put my computer to sleep and then wake it up, the calibration disappears. I can't find anything anywhere to fix it.
Have you tried re-calibrating?
That's what I had to do and it's fine now :)
Weird how something that should improve it by offloading the CPU does the complete opposite. It does make you wonder how they test a product like that.
Yes very weird... but also guessing my graphics card could do with being updated/replaced one day, it's 3 or 4 years old so a tad slow by today's standards :)
Mine is current, even DX12 compatible but still no benefit...I think they've got the software wrong
Just by way of an update from me :)

I still get the odd "Something happened" message even when making sure to run the media creator in admin 'mode'.

But on the W7 front with the fubar'ed Windows Update, having exhausted all the fixes and methods I went back to basics and did a Restore back to 10th May when according to the 'update log' I was AOK for WU to work.

So following the restoration WU worked and I was presented with approx. 45 updates (oh, forgot to add I altered the WU settings to not download but notify as I wanted to have control over what & when downloads took place!)

Now I made written list of the updates and the publication dates and progressively updated in small lots of offers based on the publication dates..............I was fairly sure the rogue KB update was in the ones dated 12th May. To cut a long story short I was checking that the list of installed updates was present after each "step" and lo & behold at one particular step trying to download the 9th June updates it errored out with 8007370B but before that the installed list was there to see!!!!

So I restored back to position just before 3 of the 12th May updates and all OK so looked at those updates more critically and there was one that MS Info was that it was to update and cure a WU issue plus that in itself could cause an update issue but advice as to how that self resolved on the same page. As a test I installed that single KB and the problem occurred so IMO this was proof positive...............a quick restore and back to good times with progressively the rest to the outstanding updates installed but still in blocks to trap any recurrence tot he problem.

The rogue was KB3020369 - the April 2015 serving stack update for W7. The telling info as far as I could work out was that "the servicing stack is included in all Windows installations" so all being well not installing this little pain in the posterior will not give rise to other issues further down the road.

So hopefully not famous last words it is now OK and in my researches I found that KB3035583 when it comes down the WU channel (will it be the next Tuesday one?) will deliver this update for "Get Windows 10 app" for Windows 7 ??? :)

For now I am pleased that W7 should be OK and hopefully well behaved at least in regard to WU ;)
Same graphic card crashes in LR, disabled it by using a text editor as it crashed via prefs. Also had colour calibration issues, deleted profile in colour management and it's now fine.
Anyone still waiting for the Windows 10 to notify you when its ready? I use a acer laptop as a backup hard drive for travelling, it says its still waiting, I'm currently on 8.1 (I think not a norm windows user) Is it worth the hassle to upgrade or not bother?
I wonder if any of the problems being experienced are due to 'forcing' the upgrade rather than letting the Desktop notification run its course ... could there be driver issues etc awaiting to be resolved before a specific unit is suited for upgrade?
Got my 8.1 laptop sorted by installing W7, letting it do every update there was overnight (about 200 or so) and then running media creator to update to W10. It was a long process and I'll have to reload programs etc. (no bad thing really) but since the W7 was ultimate it does mean that I have W10 pro for what that's worth.

I don't remember which it was but one of them did a disk scan which found a number of bad sectors on my SSD, I think this may have been the cause of the failure of the original upgrade.
Did my laptop today, 45 mins in total, superb result! Can't believe how easy it was, biggest difference is it now recognises my sim card as Cellular and it seems to pick up the network stronger and faster.
FWIW I went from W8 pro to W10
I can't believe how fast windows 10 boots on my SSD..

No problems so far here.
Anyone still waiting for the Windows 10 to notify you when its ready? I use a acer laptop as a backup hard drive for travelling, it says its still waiting, I'm currently on 8.1 (I think not a norm windows user) Is it worth the hassle to upgrade or not bother?
Three of my 4 systems got the update on day 1 but the fourth was still waiting last night so I downloaded the media creator tool and did it that's just as easy. Worth the hassle?.....I haven't had any, it just gets on with it and tells you when it's ready.

I just downloaded the media creator tool and it couldn't have been easier
Three of my 4 systems got the update on day 1 but the fourth was still waiting last night so I downloaded the media creator tool and did it that's just as easy. Worth the hassle?.....I haven't had any, it just gets on with it and tells you when it's ready.


Cheers Bob, will get it downloaded then when the update becomes available.

Ok, technical dunce alert! I have had the notification to upgrade to windows 10 but wondering if I should bother just yet? You guys seem to have done lots of tinkering "under the hood" which is all beyond me.
Should I wait a while? I'm running Vista Home Premium if that makes a difference?
Ok, technical dunce alert! I have had the notification to upgrade to windows 10 but wondering if I should bother just yet? You guys seem to have done lots of tinkering "under the hood" which is all beyond me.
Should I wait a while? I'm running Vista Home Premium if that makes a difference?
I've upgraded four machines using a download to USB and have had no problems. I did roll back one installation, which went well, and then had a change of heart and performed a clean install on that machine, which also went well. The machines vary from a ~seven year old Dell PC and Phillips (Twinhead) laptop, originally supplied with Vista and upgraded over the years to 7, 8, 8.1 and now 10 to a 3 year old Dell Precision mobile workstation and 18 month old Dell XPS touch screen convertible laptop.

My girlfriend updated her machine when prompted by Windows Update to do so and her upgrade also went smoothly. That was on an 18 month old Dell XPS 14, supplied with Win 8.1 (or was it 8?). She is not tech savvy and has taken to Win 10 as though there were no changes from 8.1.

The only quirk I've found is that my Garmin Edge Touring cycle computer does not like to safe eject, but that is a problem first introduced in a Win 8.1 update, avoided at the time by rolling back and hiding the update. Now, with Win 10, the problem seems baked into the OS. I suspect it is more a problem with the Garmin than Windows since all my other USB peripherals work as expected. I do not plan to roll back to Win 8.1 just because of some sh1tty Garmin device.
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Thanks Tim. I'll give it a go tonight. Expect me back here soon asking for help [emoji6]
Ok, technical dunce alert! I have had the notification to upgrade to windows 10 but wondering if I should bother just yet? You guys seem to have done lots of tinkering "under the hood" which is all beyond me.
Should I wait a while? I'm running Vista Home Premium if that makes a difference?

I didn't think Vista qualified for the free Windows 10 upgrade :confused:
Thanks Tim. I'll give it a go tonight. Expect me back here soon asking for help [emoji6]
Should have been done in 30mins-1hr :)
Anyone still waiting for the Windows 10 to notify you when its ready? I use a acer laptop as a backup hard drive for travelling, it says its still waiting, I'm currently on 8.1 (I think not a norm windows user) Is it worth the hassle to upgrade or not bother?
Firstly it is no hassle, so let's get that out of the way. Secondly if you are only using it as a huge mobile hard drive then no, you won't get any benefit at all. In fact if that was my use I would have gotten an old second hand laptop and put Linux on it. However if you do actually use it for other activities then yes absolutely, it is a very decent improvement and upgrade.
I didn't see anything on mine :(, and I still haven't had the upgrade on my 8.1 machine (I know I could download it myself but I'm in no hurry).

Does your old machine run better with WIndows 10?
Not had a chance to really try it yet. To be honest it would probably run better if I rigged it up to a hamster on a wheel. It really does struggle as its so nearly full up [emoji1]
Some reports around that a major component change (graphics card etc) renders the serial number invalid and a purchase is required.
Some reports around that a major component change (graphics card etc) renders the serial number invalid and a purchase is required.

Its handled the same way as 7 onwards, ie may require reactivation and confirm its the only device its installed on.
Was slick on my laptop to be fair.

As I'm about to build a new machine, does anyone know if I buy a copy of 8.1, will I still get the free upgrade to 10?