weekly Jammy_C's "52" for 2013! Playing Catch-up: WEEK 4, 5 & 6 ADDED!

Hi James

great shot for Gravity...I struggle with layering & thats stuff in pp so hats off to you (y)
Good catch up James....

Wild not really doing a lot for me if I'm honest....

Space I think is great - enough of a view of the inside of the car and dead in-line with the space. B&W works really well with the two silver cars. (y)

Work - wonder if maybe the little lad was doing something with the tools, packing them away in the toolbox maybe, and I'm left wondering why he has no top on?
Good catch up James....

Wild not really doing a lot for me if I'm honest....

Space I think is great - enough of a view of the inside of the car and dead in-line with the space. B&W works really well with the two silver cars. (y)

Work - wonder if maybe the little lad was doing something with the tools, packing them away in the toolbox maybe, and I'm left wondering why he has no top on?

Cheers for the comments, as for "work"; the little fella was very hot after snuggling up with his mummy for a nap so she dropped his vest down for a quick cool-off whilst he was playing. He decided to find my tool box (instead of his mountain of toys) and start "investigating" them, so I grabbed my camera.
The shot made me think of a little workman clearing up after a job, then it dawned on me that the TP subject was "work". :thinking:
hi James

good catch up mister

Space... nicely shot through the scree n mono works well & right on theme :)

Work....I don't do kiddie photo's but hat is such a cute shot to my mind....

Wild...can see what you were going for , interstingly colored little spider..think it's a touch to centra , maybe crop a ittle from the lhs ? & looks a smidge soft to me...but that could be my eyes :LOL: