weekly Mandy's first 52 challenge 2014 week 52 added and all finished now

Hi Mandy and welcome to this years 52. I hope you're feeling better now? I did most of the 2012 52 ill and or broken in some way, I think the weekly challenge kept me sane!

I think the button shot would have been better in colour and a greater DOF.

The edited version of line is much better, I would have said the same as everyone else but the edit has sorted it (y)
Oh and have you figured out the linky thing yet? If not, highlight the word/ line you want to link, click on the little paperclip symbol with the green + sign on and post the URL in the box. Job done :)

Thanks for the welcome and yes I got the linky thing sorted out, I am feeling much better now just the sore throat and cough to shift so I recon another couple of days and I will be fine.
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well Here i go with my attempt at Play, Taken on my 600d with my 18-55 lens and my flashgun set to bounce from the ceiling. The image was lit from the front by the little torch on my iPhone and all other lights were switched off in my living room. I went for something simple that i think fits the theme.

by pinkbikerbabe 1, on Flickr
Odd - don't really get it to be honest - there's an even number of buttons, each of which has an even number of holes and the colours are fairly evenly spread. I'm sure I'm missing something though! Technically I can only say that a tad more exposed might have helped but I'm sure I wouldn't have mentioned it if others hadn't.

Line - not seen the original but that edit looks good, very gritty.

Play - not 100% on the symmetry but otherwise really like it. It looks slightly sinister despite being right on the "play" theme. If I was to come over all arty I might suggest it highlights the solitude and addiction which can come with too much time playing on the computer. But I haven't so I won't.
Nice composition and background lighting. I think taking the lighting on the front all the way to the top of the Xbox would improve it but other than that well done!
Odd - don't really get it to be honest - there's an even number of buttons, each of which has an even number of holes and the colours are fairly evenly spread. I'm sure I'm missing something though! Technically I can only say that a tad more exposed might have helped but I'm sure I wouldn't have mentioned it if others hadn't.

Line - not seen the original but that edit looks good, very gritty.

Play - not 100% on the symmetry but otherwise really like it. It looks slightly sinister despite being right on the "play" theme. If I was to come over all arty I might suggest it highlights the solitude and addiction which can come with too much time playing on the computer. But I haven't so I won't.

Thanks for your comments ODD is simple they are all odd buttons if it was in colour you wouldn't see any matching buttons.
I prefer the re-edit of line. Good Job! Play doesn't really work for me as a composition though (its subjective after all), sorry :(
I prefer the re-edit of line. Good Job! Play doesn't really work for me as a composition though (its subjective after all), sorry :(

Thanks for the comments as for play I do realise it's not everyone's cup of tea, in my defence I live in a very small flat and have limited space for placing things to get a reasonable go at composition and a clear background. I'd love a big lotto win and my own studio.
I agree it's a bit dark at the top - but fits the theme - and lighting with flash is something I really need to get to grips with. I keep looking at buying stuff to be able to go off camera - but then find I have to use my money for more essential stuff like food and bills :LOL:
Hi Mandy, I took some photos of my Xbox for play but couldn't quite get an image I liked, I do however like what you have done with yours. :)
Play: I like how you have lit this - makes the xbox looks like a pretty sinister device. The shadow the controller makes on the wall behind is what makes the shot for me.
Play, nice and quick. Well lit and good textures in the table. I don't mind the shadow, but it's just a tad off, symmetrically

It has a Darth Vader feel about it :(

Play - Very creative Mandy. Nice and dark and moody.

Hi, have to agree with everyone else about the lighting its quite harsh a darker BG might have helped, I would loose the shadows maybe
Hi Mandy, nice effort. At first i didn't think it was that good (sorry!) but not i have spent a few seconds looking at it, it's pretty clever. I like the lighting and the shadow. Edit is a little better, but the first shot was good too. I like your style! :D