weekly Mat's 52 week challenge

Edit My Images
not sure if its the right thing to enter this being so new but I guess its a good way to learn.

look forward to seeing everyones pictures
Hi Mat...c'mon in....tis a great place to be :clap:

Look forward to seeing your images (y)
Welcome along to the mad house I look forward to seeing your work, I think your. Brave starting being so new to the forum and photography in general. This is indeed one of the challenges on here that can help you to learn and progress with what you know already.
Welcome along to the mad house I look forward to seeing your work, I think your. Brave starting being so new to the forum and photography in general. This is indeed one of the challenges on here that can help you to learn and progress with what you know already.

thanks, and I am looking forward to it.

are the themes open to interpretation or do they have to be of a certain thing.

its just im a very keen carp angler and when I saw linear I thought of 2 things, a zip linear carp and the linear lakes.

so is it what ever you think suits the word?

It's what you think the theme means to you and how you represent it as long as it fits into the theme if you know what I mean.

And linear lakes is a nice place not been carp fishing there for a long time.
well this didnt turn out how i pictured it in my head.

i was trying to capture the chimneys but it just didnt work, think i will try again on the line theme and try and work at it abit more.i really need to get used to the camera im finding it abit complicated lol.

Practice makes perfect I can't offer any help or crit as your posting your pics from photo bucket rather than from Flickr so I can't see any exif information. Exif information is imbedded information in the image that tells you the camera settings used to take the image.

Jump in, pick your own interpretation of the theme, it's entirely down to you.....

That shots got a lot going for it... nice colours, hints of reflection, movement in the smoke stacks, even the start of some star trails..

Seeing a bit of blur from maybe camera shake, long exposure obviously, bit windy maybe, wobbly tripod?? Agree settings would help to give more useful pointers.

Keep at it. (y)
I like it (y) , possibly a bit of cropped off the top and slightly more cropped off the bottom for me. Shame about the camera movement :)
Hi Mat you need to post a link to this thread with your pic in the "No Comments" thread too - it makes it easier for commenting.

Line - a tripod would have helped here with the blur and I think if you'd cropped it down letterbox style to lose some of the sea and sky it would be more effective.

Play - really like this - nicely composed and processed.
Line - nearly there I think, a slightly steadier tripod and a bit of a crop and this could easily be a really nice picture.

Play - well taken, good colouring and dof. Maybe a tiny bit more space to the right might have worked but that's being very picky.
Hi Mat - Welcome to the 52 (y)

Line - Not bad, like the colours and reflection, just a few tweaks and it would be great, for me to give most impact with what you have, I'd crop a bit of the sky, to focus the image more on the skyline, but a good start with the lines of smoke :)

Play - Nice capture, liking the colour you have used, the focus point and the light on your son's face, nice one :thumbs
Play, the sepia processing works well and nice DOF.

Little too much room at the top, and it's not immediately obvious what he's doing. Possibly playing with sand. A bit of cheeky eye contact may add to the theme.

Hi Mat. Two nice images to start. I think everyone agrees that you will get nearer the subject in the first if you crop a bit top, bottom or both. Like the sepia tone in 'Play' and good use of depth of field to blur the background.

Keep it up.

Hi Mat,

I am not a fan of central portraits so I would have cropped in and had the lad looking into the picture whilst also losing some of the sky.

That said, it captures the theme well and composition is very much a personal thing so well done.
Play ... love the impromptu look of concentration and I-don't-know-what on the boy's face. You must be pleased with that.
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Welcome Mat. You are doing the challenge for all the right reasons!! :)

Lines - Not really keen on the shot tbh, a little too soft for my liking but i do like the 'lines' reflecting in the water.
Play - Absolutely fantastic shot. A definate keeper and one to have framed at home. A real proud moment for you i'm sure.

Keep up the good work! :)
lovely shot - and really nicely processed too, just keeping the hair detail in the highlight on the back of the head (y)
The edit works well and I love the sepia tone. Minor crits: the blown highlights on the right hand side of his head and the slightly distracting white objects on left and right sides, but good work.
Line - Camera blur has been mentioned. I like the idea and the tones you've captured. I think it would look good as a panoramic crop
Play - Certainly prefer the edit. A lovely capture for the family album or wall.
Love this and the look on your little boy's face it sums up what play is all about. :clap:
thanks for all the comments, im pleased with myself that i manaaged to get a shot that got so many good comments.
hopefully i can take all what has been said and use it in next weeks picture

thanks again all

Play - I love the light in this and the shallow DOF. For me they are 2 of the essential elements to a good portrait.