weekly mtjhome's 52 Photos for 2012 - BUSY added. Hooray! - Made it to the end!!

Reminds me of an old scary teacher :D She was strict too :D
Somewhat sinister version :D
Well thought out and produced (y)
Hi Mike

good silhouette & good take on the theme , definately not a lady to be argued with ! As above , like the motion in the finger , slight niggle is the darker area running top to bottom on the lefthandside but it's minor...noce work mister (y)
Thanks to all for the comments.
Yes indeed - her indoors is not to be argued with! And yes indeed she used to be a teacher!
I have to own up about the finger wagging - that was added later. Was just tooo difficult to shoot for real.
Lynne, I noticed the horizontal stripe when taking the photos and decided that it added to the scene. Anyway, I deliberately left it in - even if I didn't deliberately put it there. To be honest for me the jury is still out - but I do think it draws the eye to the finger??
oh no more that I missed...

loving flight and authority, :clap: :clap:
Nice idea and well executed with just the right amount of motion blur. Not having a completely plain background has helped make the picture look more genuine.
Hi Mike

a bit behind - sorry

Short - excellent idea and well captured. POV helps immensely with the variation between tall and short. Good composition and colours(y)

Flight - another clever idea. Ilike the fact that the top is blown and the feeling of motion as she walks and checks the overhead lockers. Just a pity that a bit more of her face is not exposed

Authority - spot on theme. Thought it was mono at first but I think that i see some colour in there. Just the right amount of motion in the finger - added afterwards i note, but don't know how that is done. The shadow line on the left helps I thiink because it begins to define the area where the miscreant, out of shot, is being told what for.:clap:
Nicely on theme except for the banner but it does look like the start of the race so its all good
Hi Michael, it took me a while to get this, but I guess it helps to read everything first:bonk: I hate to say it though but it doesn't say leave to me, the front runners still seem bunched up together, sorry! Maybe if you had ben there at the end, or got the back of them running away:thinking:

It takes nothing away from the shot though, I agree that a slight crop on the RHS would help. I am hoping to get down to Marlow at some point, maybe I'll drag my mother in law down there for a coffee and conveniently have my camera!!!
Thanks all for the comments.
Marsha - I agree about not really being a good match to the theme. And to be honest, I'm not totally thrilled with the picture. (It's not 'art' by any ticket.)

But I am using this challenge to get me out there taking pictures.
That is working!
Once I am out there - I look for opportunities to meet the theme. In this case, obviously it is a bit tenuous.

How about the pic below? In the middle of the woods.
Who would just LEAVE all their belongings and disappear?


Don't worry - I have a cunning plan for a proper 'leave' photo.
:LOL: I like that idea, if anything the tent is surrounded by leaves ;)

mtjhome said:
Marsha, if you do come to Marlow do get in touch - hopefully we can meet up. Or at the very least I can recommend good places for photo opportunities. Mike

Yeh I will do. Last time I was there was summer 2008, I went for lunch with a friend. It's only about half hour away from me, no excuse really.
'Authority' - the silhouette and movement in the finger work well and is bang on theme.

'Leave' - Good choice of shutter speed. Movement frozen in time, depth of field good to capture the runners behind but a the spectators on the R/H/S may benefit from a bit of lightening ?

'Leave' - Good choice of shutter speed. Movement frozen in time, depth of field good to capture the runners behind but a the spectators on the R/H/S may benefit from a bit of lightening ?


Thanks for the comments.
Truth is the spectators on RHS were darkened in photoshop because the Hi-Vis jacket tended to attract the eye. Maybe Marsha's suggestion of a crop would have worked better.
Leave - Don't you just hate it when people LEAVE litter in the countryside!



So, I went into the woods looking for photo opportunities. I took suitable 'litter' with me. I am ashamed to say I didn't need to...

Please help! - Do I select the start of Marlow 5 Race or one of these?
Many thanks for comments so far - The race pic was better received than I expected.
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good take of the theme and it never fails to amaze me what people leave behind them
Yes, 'nuff said about your first two for leave I think (they're OK, but you know the rest!), but your submitted one is lovely! I keep wanting to clone the litter out, which is a mark of how well it works for the theme I think!
'Randon' - yup pretty random image but one the works, the inclusion of the top of the fence may have benefited the image ? - Glad you had a great weekend in the lakes.

I like your random shot a lot, but I'm not quite getting the connection to the theme; probably me being thick (again!).

I agree it would be nice to see the top of the fence, but I think it looks great anyway, and I'm not sure that was your main point of interest anyway?
Definitely a random image :)
Hi Michael, I think the first Bluebell shot with the litter is the winner for me. Nice composition and colours and it doesn't look staged!

I love the second wide shot just for the shot itself!

Random, yup it's definitely random! There's some nice detail in the rocks with the water trickling over. I'd actually crop the top of the shot out as the hint of sky looks a little over exposed!

Well done for still being here(y)
I love the second wide shot just for the shot itself!

Well done for still being here
Thanks for all the comments Marsha. Taken at my new 'favourite' woods. I do always try and take pics that stand up in their own right - theme or no theme. Not always possible though.

Well done to you too! We all need a bit of a mutual pat on the back for getting this far. It's just scary how the year is flashing by.
Hi Mike

Leave.....your final chosen image of the bluebells close in is just great , on theme & topical with the bluebells...good image mister (y)

Random.....this theme is producing such varied shots & each to your own interpretation of Random , I'm really enjoying seeing them .

I'm with Marsha on croping the sky out , random tree roots , bits of fence , rocks in no particular order...yup on theme for sure (y)

The year is sure whizzing along , well done you for still being here , think we're down to the hardcore now :)
mtjhome said:
Thanks for all the comments Marsha. Taken at my new 'favourite' woods.

Hopefully I can visit here soon too. I've been on the 52's meet up in Northumberland thread happening in June. There are a few keen for a southern meet, perhaps we need to start scouting locations around here!

mtjhome said:
It's just scary how the year is flashing by.
Yup, it'll be Christmas soon:bonk: