weekly NCF15 52 for 2023 Week 52 Showcase

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Week 1 My Area
Cardiff sunrise from the bottom of our garden. For those who know Cardiff you have distant views of the stadium, Cathedral, Opera house and the Senedd.
Nice (and local ish to me Nick). Llandough-ish? Trying to work it out
Nice colours in the image and a good cityscape.
Cracking colours, wisp of clouds, interest of the crane and steeple.

What are the two triangle features left of the steeple?
((Edit... Reading other comments, (and your OP, it's the stadium. I've been there too!))
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Nice colour in the sky and I only know cardiff across he water from someset.
I really like the foreground blur and the colours in this picture, thanks for pointing out the landmarks!
Wonderful colours Nick. What's a "Senedd"? Or maybe what's the Senedd?
Really pleasing tones, wondering if it would benefit being taken a couple of steps to the right (if possible) to move one of the structures away from the tree.
I really like the colour and the composition works very well.
Liking the colour palette and the triangular shapes.
Thanks all, the triangular bits are the supports for the rugby stadium, the Senedd is the Welsh parliament building and yes it would have been nice to get rid of the foreground trees but I was standing an a chair to get as high as I could and coiuldn't get a clearer view.
Week 2 Incomplete + Juxtaposition Technique
Double exposure of an unfinished and finished Ash bowl. You turn bowls in 2 stages, first making rough bowl when the wood is fresh then leaving it for a few years to dry out and shrink before finishing to the final shape. I flipped one of the photos horizontally so that it's a mirror image with the dark knot area showed in both.
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A few years!? You have the patience of Job. Good example of the tech.
Sorry? So the two photos are a couple of years apart?

Tremendous effort in matching the lighting and angle for each, and good skills in combining the two into an excellent submission for the week!
Fun image Nick. a really creative take on the challenge.
Oooooh that's a clever clogs shot that is Nick :woot:
Another one impressed by the timescale... I couldn't wait that long without forgetting what I was meant to do with it. Great take on the theme.
Week 3 Artificial
19th C mock gothic castle nr Cardiff. Designed by William Burgess an opium addicted architect (possibly explaining the spectacularly unusual interior) for the 3rd Marquis of Bute, then the worlds richest man.
Castell Coch by Nick Dallimore, on Flickr
Thanks for the background info. Nicely composed fitting it under the trees and using the pathway to lead us in. Those splashes of red add some nice interest too. Good shot.
Interesting building... looks like a film set! Nicely captured too.
It's a bit bonkers that! Good shot :)
Nice capture, not been there for years
Nice Nick. Got a few like this, but none I think in as nice light or from the right spot. I really should visit here more often. You've found a great angle there and not too many people about either!
Week 4 Transparent
Away from home all week so limited options, eventually settled on a mossy micro-waterfall.
Good choice of shutter speed to both freeze the water and keep a sense of movement in it!
Either the first or the last for me.

First captures the rusty pylons and the red of the earth nicely.

Last is a great wide angle of the tower... I can imagine that as a long exposure with the clouds moving over it....