weekly Nortdog's TP52 For 2014 - Week 27 Rich

I very much like the orange amongst the apple, although it's a bit too dark for my personal taste.

Linear is beautifully executed - I love the reflections/shadows. How was it lit if you don't mind me asking?
It's interesting reading what people use for backgrounds it's something I struggle with, like the thought behind this and nicely taken
I very much like the orange amongst the apple, although it's a bit too dark for my personal taste.

Linear is beautifully executed - I love the reflections/shadows. How was it lit if you don't mind me asking?
Thanks Sarah, it was lit with off camera flash positioned to the right and above the frame.
Yup, on theme and nice reflections. Well composed.

What's the colour version look like?

Thanks Andy, this is the colour one, no alterations in that respect;)
It's interesting reading what people use for backgrounds it's something I struggle with, like the thought behind this and nicely taken
Ye it was something that I used to not think much about but it took a lot away from my photos. Now I just try to keep it simple and if it doesn't add anything try to keep it out. :)
I really need to make an investment and have a go at this - I've got the books :D
It really is worth the investment , it looks a bit daunting at first but you'll get to grips with it quick and it transforms the shots!
Top job Adam...flawlessly executed and the conversion is really nice and clean. :) As lynn has said clone the 2 white spots to make this perfect.

Did you add a vignette in post processing?
No didn't add a vignette, it was just how the lighting fell so I left it as is.
Odd - I like the focus on the orange. I'd expose the image a bit though. Nice idea.
Linear/Line - Really clean and sharp looking image. I like this. A few cloning out of odd reflections would help as mentioned above but that is being a bit niggly
I like you take and execution of LINEAR, fantastic reflection something I am still trying to master. :)
really good image, different take on theme which is good.
well done
Hi, just popping in to agree with the other comments good work
hi everybody, this is my week 2 attempt. I ended up light painting this as i felt natural light and/or flash that i first tried both looked flat. The dust was a real pain, its a bit distracting but this was after it was cleaned three times! there was no vignette added it was just how the light fell during painting. cheers guys.

by Nortdog, on Flickr
There is a bit to much dust to the left of the needle other than that it's great.

You've done a very good job on the lighting, I was wondering how you'd lit it in the main thread and now I know :clap:
I like it. The toning on the shot looks well and you already know about the dust :)

Probably just me, but I do find myself wanting a bit more space to the left of the needle
There is a bit to much dust to the left of the needle other than that it's great.

You've done a very good job on the lighting, I was wondering how you'd lit it in the main thread and now I know :clap:
Good start I like it I think the only thing that let's it down is the specs of dust other than that it's on theme and lit beautifully.
Like it but for the dust, it looks a bit like an old photo.
I like it. The toning on the shot looks well and you already know about the dust :)

Probably just me, but I do find myself wanting a bit more space to the left of the needle
Cheers guys. Ye the dust was a real problem. I'd clean it and it looked really clean. Then I'd take the shot and light it from the side and reviewing the shot looked like I'd not cleaned it! So I'd clean it again an take another shot but this was the best I could get. I think it was due to being so close to the deck it was magnifying it!
I have to agree about the dust - must try some light painting again one day - when I do a still life.

Nice composition and fits the theme well.
Hi, The dust is the only thing thats distracting hard to get rid of though, vinyl just loves dust
nicely composed and the light painting works well
Yes, I like it Adam (y) as said, good lighting , shame about so much dust showing up :)
really nice one for play, love the curved lines coming in from the corner, and a great use of shallow DOF to highlight the head and needle.
Odd - Nice idea and composition especially pointing the storks, that's the sort of thing I never think of. I actually like the darkness of it.
Line - 180!! Very nice a clean and good lines and reflections (y)
Play - This is also V good like the POV and lighting........... now where's me duster:exit:
Nice, i like the limited colours and the DOF.
You don't see many of these around nowadays. I was always paranoid about dust on my records back in the day and it seems as you've noted you have picked up on this in the image. Great lighting and nice size of crop. Great shot.