weekly Ollie Matthews Photography - 52 in 2014 - "Play" added 15/01

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Last Year I started on a 52 but got distracted early on. - 52 week challenge 2013

I already have a few things in mind!

"Gravity" - 2 - 52 week challenge
by oamphotography, on Flickr
I'm looking to take a similar photo to the one above, which was taken for the theme "gravity" last year, incorporating it with a relevant theme from this year. Part of the reason I gave up on the challenge last year was because I wasn't travelling or going anywhere new, so didn't have any interesting subjects (or should I say, subjects that interested me).

My Sony A33 (it was a rough 3 years for the old girl) packed up while I was in Lisbon last month, so this year I've only got my Xperia Z Phone to start me off!.. and it hasn't got the best camera. As an A-mount lens user I'm waiting for Sony to announce their new rumoured cameras for the new year before I commit to buying anything; so I will allow myself re-shoot's for any weeks that I only have my phone for.

I'm playing by these rules:

1) New photos will be taken each week specifically for the theme and only 1 photo will be selected as the shot for the week. This forces me to get out there take photos and pick the image I like best.

2) I may show other shots taken in the week but if I do I will explain why I did.

3) I will allow myself re-shoot's for any weeks that I only have my phone for.

4) I will share what I have learned each week and how I might approach it differently next time (or if I had more time).

RESHOOT cards – there are 5 RESHOOT cards that have been added to the bag and if one of these is pulled in a week a second card will also be drawn with a theme as normal, in this case I would RESHOOT a theme and shoot the new theme.

I will also be posting my results on social media, so feel free to connect with me. :)

Ollie Matthews Photography Facebook
@oamphotography on Twitter
olliematthewsphotographer on Instagram
I have just sold my a37 Ollie so as a stop gap between my next purchase I gave picked up a little Fuji xf-1 from Currys for £130. It offers me full manual control and at that price, it would be rude not to! It is truly pocketable and can go anywhere with you! I'm hoping the latter should make my photography really grow this year.

Good luck mate with whatever you choose in the future.
Welcome aboard Ollie

that is one cracking shot to start with :clap:
Aaarrrggghhhhh my eyes.....;)

Plenty of lines. Good textures and nice rich browns.

Thank you. It's slightly not positioned evenly, which is annoying the hell out of me, but I cannot be dealing with anymore fiddling on my phone haha. Sony CES today, so hopefully I'll be getting another camera soon!
At last week 1........ Lots off lines there and yes some nice tones of brown.
Haha! Thanks
Nice tones and good use of light :)
Liking both 'lines' shots. Did you say taken on your phone?
Hmm, I did reply to most of your posts a couple of days ago on my phone, but I guess it didn't go through!

Nice converging lines and texture. Image works well for me. Good start!
Thanks :)
I like the wooden blinds picture. perhaps a bit of a tighter crop to eliminate the blur at the far end?
Thank you. Hmm, I did deliberately aim to get that fine blur, but perhaps it is a little too busy!
I prefer the first week 1 colour shot. Was thinking it might also look good at 90 degrees ccw rotated also. For me the DoF works.
I can see that, I think it's a bit easier on the eye at 90 degrees ccw? Cheers buddy.
Liking both 'lines' shots. Did you say taken on your phone?
Thanks, yeah, taken on my Xperia Z
Good colour, just a bit bright on the right draws my eyes straight there, well shot for a phone tho'
Thanks bud.
Hi Ollie

lovely warm tones in your Lines image & liking your roulette wheel shot as well.....lines all over the place in that ( curved & straight) plus I really like the pp on that one (y)
Thanks blondie! I appreciate all your comments :)
Like the idea of the roulette wheel just not sure on the OOF framing. Nice tones and light reflections in the first Line shot(y)
Thanks, yeah I'm not keen on that shot at all :/. Here's my shot for this week, it's pretty basic, so I really want something better.

I definitely want to find a better subject for this week's photo, but for now this will have to suffice! #week2 #play #52weekchallenge #oamphotography #Photographer #OllieMatthews #Portrait #Studio #Wedding #Event #UK #Sony #DSLT #lens
by oamphotography, on Flickr
Ollie, I rather like this (y) but I'm unsure how much is pp and what's not :thinking: which I thought was good. It made me study the image :)
Great detail, clarity and colours. Minor crit: the reflection in the eye is a bit dominant. But it's a good phone shot.
Thank you both :) Ah yes, the catchlight (and fill light, since it was the only way to produce enough light) was the window itself... I agree though!
Play, yeah looks this one. The saturated colours and square crop....I like.

Open. Again, works for me. Took me a while to get used to the orientation but I don't mind the catchlight.

Your link doesn't seen to work (y)
