weekly Peter 123's 52 for 2022

Good shot Peter - I'm always amazed how robust delicate cyclamen are, and this is a lovely carpet of them,
They look tiny against the pine trunks. At least something has survived the drought conditions!
Snapper's - that's a lovely display. So I now realise my cyclamen from last year have not survived... I think digging of the badgers and the drought have finished them off.
Week 36 Scapes + Tech (shadows)

We've been in the Lakes all week so this one is catch up.
This is the view from Loughrigg Terrace overlooking Grasmere.
The setting sun is throwing out shadows from Helm Crag on the left (plus Steel Fell a little further back) onto Dunmail Raise.
There are also long shadows under the trees near the lake edge.

Week 36 Scapes + tech shadows 2 (1 of 1) by Peter Stephens, on Flickr
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week 37 Looking Up.

This is Mrs P looking up at the tall chimney at Jennings Brewery in Cockermouth.
It has been on the site since 1874 and following a take over by Marstons it will be closed next month.
Cumberland Ale will now be brewed in Burton on Trent.

Week 37 Looking up (1 of 1) by Peter Stephens, on Flickr
Two lovel shots Peter. I love the landscape shot. Very envious of you lot who get to the lakes or live near them.
On my to go when I get the chance list
Two lovel shots Peter. I love the landscape shot. Very envious of you lot who get to the lakes or live near them.
On my to go when I get the chance list
Thanks. It took over 7.5 hours to drive home.
Nice pic Peter! I fancy a pint of Sneck Lifter now - if I can find one :(
2 great shots Peter, lovely colour in the sky's
If the brewery is closing are they going to knock it down do you know, I hope not.

The electical switchgear always looks scary which probably helps in making it an unattractive place to be near. I do like the framing of the sign but maybe it would suit being in tbe middle of the diamond.
The electical switchgear always looks scary which probably helps in making it an unattractive place to be near. I do like the framing of the sign but maybe it would suit being in tbe middle of the diamond.
I agree. Yes it would be better exactly in the middle which was my aim.
However, I couldn’t get very close and this looked in the middle in the viewfinder.
I cropped quite a lot.
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Love both your additions to this thread.

Looking up - great angle and I really like the crunchy black in it.

Electrical. I've always particularly liked that 'Danger of Death' sign. I know there was one in our old work car park, and that was my first thought when I saw the theme this week.

But yours is way better than mine would have been. The diamond fence really makes it for me.
Beautiful shot Peter. I love that place and your pic makes me want to jump in the car and drive there.

Looking Up:
Two nice shots. I like them both.

Nicely on theme and I like the inclusion of the fence.
In the fist looking up shot I really like how the blue and white in the sky is echoed by the blue and white in the building. I would have killed the little dust spot though. I love the moody sky and the way St Stephen's Tower pops against the almost monochrome bottom half of the frame in the second looking up shot.
The mono suits Electrical well, and the fence in the foreground works great.
In the fist looking up shot I really like how the blue and white in the sky is echoed by the blue and white in the building. I would have killed the little dust spot though. I love the moody sky and the way St Stephen's Tower pops against the almost monochrome bottom half of the frame in the second looking up shot.
The mono suits Electrical well, and the fence in the foreground works great.
I've cleaned the sensor now!
Every Rose Has It's Thorn ?
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Fab set of pix there Peter :)
Lovely photos. I think that 2 is my favourite, but I'd be very happy with any of them.