weekly Sgavenge's 52 Week 7 Sense Added

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Well This week is a fun one again. This was taken a short while back but I think it captures the essence of the Play theme pretty well. This is my daughter Olivia and my nephew Alex who were being entertained by their fun loving Grandad at a family gathering near Walesby in Lincolnshire.
Taken with my Canon EOS 6D in natural daylight with a prime 50mm f2.8 lens. I just love the expression on the faces in this image captures the exact moment when they were about to take his photo to share wit their friends and keep for memories.
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/91210041@N05/9728056140/] Untitled by sgavenge, on Flickr[/URL]

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I must say I'm still rather confused about what the best way is to add the links between threads etc. I can link to the image on Flickr ok by grabbing the BB code but linking to the main 52 thread has been a real challenge this week. Whats the proper way to grab the URL then? anyone experienced care to offer some words of wisdom please? :ty:
I like this one Gav, clean tones - it kind of reminds me of an advertising type shot or something.
linking to the main 52 thread has been a real challenge this week. Whats the proper way to grab the URL then? anyone experienced care to offer some words of wisdom please? :ty:

Are you on about linking back to your thread from the main 52 thread (just for pics)? If so, I struggled with that too - but I basically just copy and paste the address from up there ^^ so yours would be like this: http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/threads/sgavenges-52-week-2-line-play-added.526019/
I would subscribed to your thread as I am certain there will be some awesome things coming our way this year but unfortunately you are breaking the norm by starting a new thread every week as oppose to adding to one thread which contains your entire year's progress.

I really like this image, the only thing I would have changed about it is scrubbing out that reflection in the window as it draws the eye away from the subject.
I would subscribed to your thread as I am certain there will be some awesome things coming our way this year but unfortunately you are breaking the norm by starting a new thread every week as oppose to adding to one thread which contains your entire year's progress.

I really like this image, the only thing I would have changed about it is scrubbing out that reflection in the window as it draws the eye away from the subject.
Thanks very much for the kind words. I guess it's my mistake regarding adding a new thread for the weekly submissions. I should probably keep this one from now on. presumably you can change the name on the thread for each week when you add more photos?
I see your point about the reflection in the glass, I might have a play with the image to se if I can improve on that. To be fair I've only done a very minor edit on the original shot br cropping out some distractions on the left side. Thanks again
I like this one Gav, clean tones - it kind of reminds me of an advertising type shot or something.

Are you on about linking back to your thread from the main 52 thread (just for pics)? If so, I struggled with that too - but I basically just copy and paste the address from up there ^^ so yours would be like this: http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/threads/sgavenges-52-week-2-line-play-added.526019/
It's funny you should say that about it being an advertising shot. Someone in the family saw it and said it looked like something you might see in a magazine advert. I think it's the colours and the DOF with the expression.
Like your thoughts on grabbing the link from the top of the browser address bar, as you say it's linking back to my thread from the main posting area. I must give that a go for the next week's post. Cheers mate.
I really like that Gav....looks like such a warm happy picture of family sharing a laugh together....very subtle but strong storyline...the mark of a great photo. Well done (y)
Hi Jason. Really kind words. I'm so pleased I managed to capture that great moment forever.
nicely done for week 2 nicely exposed and good colours in the image, looks like there was a fun time.
Thanks so much Mandy. I love the colours in this image too. Really happy with most of what comes straight out of the 6D to be honest.
Who doesn't like a turkey hat :)

Like it. It's good to inject humour into the project.

Tad more to the left to include a little more of your granddad.

Who doesn't like a turkey hat :)

Like it. It's good to inject humour into the project.

Tad more to the left to include a little more of your granddad.

Thanks Andy. This is one of my favourite shots in recent times. Was a bit of a candid shot to be fair so didn't really have time to compose the shot. Appreciate your kind comments. I might have a play with Photoshop to have a practice edit.
presumably you can change the name on the thread for each week when you add more photos?
Top right of your first post is a button called "Thread Tools" hit that and the rest should be self explanatory :)

Next to it is the button for subscribing to threads which is also quite handy.
Top right of your first post is a button called "Thread Tools" hit that and the rest should be self explanatory :)

Next to it is the button for subscribing to threads which is also quite handy.
Thanks Jin, I must admit I hadn't spotted that but it's obvious now.
I like Play - a lovely family moment to have captured - the reflections in the glass don't bother me at all.
As said above Gav, a happy family moment (y), good take on the theme :)
Nice family shot. The two subjects are totally engrossed in taking their photos. I'm not too bothered about cropping half a Grandad as I still think it works well.
Nice family shot. The two subjects are totally engrossed in taking their photos. I'm not too bothered about cropping half a Grandad as I still think it works well.
Thanks Peter. I agree about the crop. I'm pleased I managed to get the complete hat in the frame. It was all taken in rather a rush.
Week 3 - Close Image

Taken at the Lincoln (UK) Newport Church Yard using the EOS 6D and 24-105mm lens. Natural daylight in late afternoon sun. Used relatively large aperture to make sure the background was out of focus. Minor edits in Photoshop Elements to correct colours, address slightly blown out area on left face of the statue due to the sunlight increase sharpness a little and crop only.

Man of Stone by sgavenge, on Flickr
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Hi, really nice close up of the statue, closer crop maybe as Andy has said