weekly Snorton's 52 2012 - WEEK 14-17 ADDED OPERATION CATCH UP

I actually like the use of dof field - draws the eye into the shot. Would have liked to see more depth of the cans though.
Good work on keeping up to date with the challenge Simon, I know its tough at times to find the time so (y) for your effort.
I like the letterbox crop and the dof.
Good subject choice, says shiny to me but as others have mentioned, a little more of the cans could work. Iain
I'm playing catch up this week due to not coming up with anything I was happy with for Shiny and won't post the one I have come up with last night 'til I've gone through everyone elses.

Shiny - I'm liking the picture, the crop and the depth of field.
However, while I know these cans can be shiny I'm not actually seeing it in the shot :thinking:
Hi Simon,

I quite like this shot, great idea and nice composition.....can't add any more to what has already been said except well done for finding the time in a busy week to keep up with the 52 (y)

Hi simon

nice image for Shiny ( we all have weeks that just don't work for us !)...like the water droplets & the colors , as above though , would have prefered the focus on the 1st can......roll on week....whatever it is thats next :LOL:
Week 12 Magical, finally I've posted!!!

A major catch up needed :nono:, after busy couple of weeks at work, followed by a nasty bang on the head which has set me back another week (too much :beer:, followed by a meeting with the pavement).

So it's with not much inspiration recently, mainly self inflicted, and I've now managed to come up with a submission to Magical.

A VERY tenuous link this one, and apologise in advance for it, but this is my magical start to the working day. I cannot function without a black coffee, followed by scrambled egg on wholemeal toast.


Also apologies for not catching up with threads recently. I shall address that situation during the week this week.

Now to play more catch up with the latest themes :help:
That's actually a great shot for magical :) It does need the explanation to fit the theme, and it's only 1/3 magical (black coffee - yuck. Wholemeal bread - Urggh!!), but who cares because it's a perfectly composed and exposed shot.

Oh, and by the way, you need some pepper, and more butter!!!
Hi, missed a few :thinking:

Handmade..like it. Colour handmade. I like the over the shoulder angle and it's very colourful. Your mum looks engrossed.

Money, on theme but not very inspiring.

Win, wow your mum's got talent...(y) I like it, nice and close, and well composed. I suspect a nice crisp white BG may improve.

Shiny, another good one. I like the low angle and letterbox composition. As Nick said, focusing on the front one may have taken it up a level.

Magical, my initial reaction was :shrug:, but I gave it time and quite like it. I think it was the OOF cup that didn't feel right, but now I like it. I really draws me into he toast.

Cheers and keep up the good work (y)
I agree with Andy and Darren. I wasn't drawn to it at first but actually like it. I don't think it would have the same impact if you had shown the full plate and cup. I just can't believe you get the time to prepare and eat it before work.
Hi Simon,

Glad you're feeling better and back in the challenge.
Magical.... hee, hee that almost looks like a hangover cure to me! lol Moving swiftly on, yep I like this one, the OOF cup draws the eye right into the shot to the scrambled eggs....which do look scrummy. Don't think food photography is as easy as you make it seem in this shot. Well done.

hi Simon...now thats a novel idea for the theme :) ( hope you're recovered from your bump on the head ) .

Once I read the words I could see the link , those eggs & toast look just scrummy & you've made a darn fine shot of them (y)...the only niggle for me is the cup handle....it draws my eye each time I look at it.....possibly turn the cup or re-position it slightly ?
Hope your head is a little better. Head injuries can be nasty so I'm glad your up and about

'Magical' - I can relate to that, nothing nicer than a hearty breakfast as a treat washed down with a bit of coffee (y)

Well firstly many thanks for your comments on my magical pic. Head is a lot better now and more or less back to my normal self, well as normal as I can be :nuts:.

Right now to continue my catch up on the themes. Vice I have been struggling on for an idea, then it came to me while doing the weekly shop. Trying to eat healthily at the moment but everytime I'm wandering round these little blighters end up in my trolley.

Magical - nice take on the idea, and nice shot. Sometimes food shots do not work. Seen a few people struggle on here with that when trying to take them for websites/magazines etc. You've nailed it in my opinion. Nice colours too.

Vice - Similar to the magical comments, you can take good food shots. Hope you did not eat them all!!
I wonder if the composition of "Magical" is quite right it seems odd to look over the oof cup with the plate of scrambled eggs beyond and lower than it. Just doesn't quite work.

Vice works, I could eat them all :)
Hang in there Matey, I know it's tough at times. Like your take on 'Vice' nice depth of field too and focus.

Hang in there Matey, I know it's tough at times. Like your take on 'Vice' nice depth of field too and focus.


Cheers for that Nick, and again big thanks for all other comments (y).

It's been quite a hectic last few weeks and I'm now trying to play catch up with the themes, only 5 weeks behind :bang:.
Well I'm back :D, hope you have missed me :LOL:

Apologies for the delay in attempting to play catch up, it's been quite a hectic couple of months that hasn't given me any time at all.

Now thankfully everything has calmed down and over the next few weeks I shall be catching up with all the themes and also getting round to checking out the wonderful shots that have been posted.

Firstly I'm catching up with weeks 14 to 17, so here we go.

Week 14 Entrance

In a bid to trying to catch up I'm also having to use other means to get suitable shots for themes. This shot (featuring the entrance of the middle pocket in the foreground), was taken using Instagram for my iphone. Not really ecstatic about the shot but needs must.


Week 15 Soft

Unfortunately having to go back to my recurring theme of shooting food for this theme. A shot of Neapolitan ice cream with strawberry sauce.


Week 16 Pride

Now I'm submitting 2 shots for this, and this is part of the reason why I've not been around much recently. I have been assisting a lady who is producing a calendar to raise money for the Alzheimers society. The brief is a series of shots of a famous person sat alongside someone who has been affected in some way by Alzheimers, and it has given me great Pride in taking part in this little project.


This is actor Christopher Timothy who was appearing in a play in Nottingham when this was shot. The gentleman sat next to him (George) lost his wife to Alzheimers just over 3 months ago and is such an inspirational and positive person.



Fans of Coronation Street may recognise the woman in the middle of this picture. Actress Judy Holt recently played Lesley Kershaw in the street, the character suffering from Alzheimers who lived with Eileen and her fireman boyfriend. The 2 people either side of her work for an Alzheimers drop in centre in Manchester and also assisted Judy Holt in the portrayal of someone suffering from Alzheimers.


Week 17 Short

I little bit of cheating here as it's an old pic, and also a tenuous link to the theme as little Noah is only 18 months old so he's short :shrug:


As usual all comments welcome good and bad :) and I shall now continue my mammoth catch up, along with catching up with your wonderful shots.
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Hi Simon, welcome back! A nice little catch up. I have instagram on my galaxy s2, its a great app. I like your entrance shot, the colours are great. Soft, Very nice photo this one, nice lighting and good dof. Pride, both very fitting but going for number 1, quite thought provoking and I like the facial expressions to. Short, love the link to the theme! Very nice in b+w
Hi nice to see you back nice set of pics No 1 of pride for me (y)
ice cream nicely exposed good colour
and i really like the snooker pic its at a nice angle and instagram gives it a nice feel :clap:
Welcome back Simon (y)

Here we go then...

Entrance - A nice angle and a good image from a phone

Soft - Very soft, Great colours, making my mouth water, munchy time !!!!

Pride - A couple of good shots, needing the description, but with it, spot on

Short - Certainly a tenuous link, but with that pic well forgiven, great capture !!!

Looking forward to the rest of your catch up shots (y)
Hi and welcome back...(y)

Entrance..on theme and I do like the processing.

Soft..on theme but not doing it for me. Just a photograph of ice-cream.

Price #1 for me. It's a very quiet, contemplative photograph that really suits B&W

Short...best of them for me. Well exposed and composed and he's really having a great chuckle to himself.

Welcome back Simon.

Vice – Nice image and you picked the right one to split. Those strawberry and white chocolate ones are very yummy

Entrance – Good take on the theme although maybe a bit tightly cropped at the top

Soft – Good enough to eat. That sauce is definitely sharp. It looks like you can see the window handle in the reflection.

Pride – The expressions on the faces in #1 suit the theme well.

Short – Nice shot but beware they don’t stay short (or that smiley) for long. We should know we’ve got 14 and 17 year olds :LOL:
Hi Simon and welcome back.

Entrance, nice angle and like the crop.

Soft, yes it's just ice cream, but it looks so yummy!

Pride, the first for me too. It's very well exposed and a cleaner background.

Short, awwwww what a cute smile! I have a slightly older shorty so it fits the theme for me(y)
Hi Simon

good to see you back round these parts again :wave:

Ice cream.....you seem to have a knack with foodie shots....I want some know :LOL: Great lighting , colors look fab , sort of jumps off the screen at me (y)

Cracking image of Christopher Timothy...I almost didn't recognise him ( I remember the 1st All Creatures Great & Small series)...fantastic portrait :clap:
A great set of shots! It's difficult to find fault with any of them, though maybe my least favourites are the two for pride, which are slightly "record shots", though still good. The billiards one is my favourite :)