weekly Suvv's 52 for 2014 - Wk10 Time added

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A bit late starting out but I hope to catch up

Week 0 Odd
Week 1 Line
Week 2 Play
Week 3 Close
Week 4 Bubble
Week 5 Smoke
Week 6 Mineral
Week 7 Sense
Week 8 Ending
Week 9 Positive
Week 10 Time

First off is Odd


I should have re-shot to get the stalk in focus but the wife wanted the Apple.
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Thanks for the comments.

The apple was sitting on top of a wine glass to bring it above the oranges.
The book the lines were on was probably not parallel to the camera which is why the corner is out of focus. A tripod would have forced me to set it up better.
I like both of these shots - yep would like to see the stalk in focus - and why didn't you buy green apples this week ;) Would've stood out a lot better.
Play. A different view but I may change this. I was trying for a minimal shot and wanted to include more of the white wall. Unfortunately cars are parked there except for early morning and late evening when the light is wrong. I wanted stronger shadows but when the sun is OK to give good side lighting a neighbouring building casts a large shadow in the wrong place.

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A belated thanks for the comments on Odd & Lines.
Thanks for the comment Judi, I wasn't sure if it was too much like a poster.
It almost looks like some clip art (not in a negative way). I like the starkness of the white wall with the three different elements of the image.
Agreed, it works really well (y)
that works - nice to see you've considered time of day and light, rather than just getting there and taking the shot however it looks when you turned up. (y)
Thanks for all the comments, glad most people like it. It was the yellow against the white that drew me, I wasn't sure if it was too stark for other people but its nice to know that it is not just me :).
On theme, but perhaps would benefit from a bit of context, eg showing some of the building.
On theme, but perhaps would benefit from a bit of context, eg showing some of the building.

Thanks for the comment.

It was on a plain white wall, the rest of the frontage is 2 industrial looking doors with a Fire Exit sign above!!
I was hoping to get more of the wall so that the signage would take up the top left quarter but parked cars stopped that.
I tried a different theatre with more posters etc. but I wanted to keep it simple.
simple an don theme....personally if this is on a building I think we could do with seeing the building - as it stands it could just well be a photoshop design on a white background...but then maybe that was the look you intended....oh, I best just shut up! :)
Hi Kev

at 1st look I thought this was a self made montage.....relating the EA to EA games & therefore the link to the theme.....( maybe I should get out more ! )

Now I've read your text it makes way more sense......you obviously thought about the lighting before you went to take the shot which shows in the lack of harsh shadows & almost perfectly even bg....top idea (y)
Thanks for looking and taking the time to comment.

If only I could get an idea for close!!

I did take some close ups but preferred this

to be pedantic, that says closed, rather than close..... but leaving that to one side, there's a lot to like here...

Liking the vertical thirds, with one-third ivy, just creeping over at the top, the green starting to grow on the wood, and the rust on the padlock and latch.

Nicely done!
That's on theme for me. Did you try a tighter crop on the lock or a b/w conversion? Just a suggestion!
to be pedantic, that says closed, rather than close..... but leaving that to one side, there's a lot to like here...
Liking the vertical thirds, with one-third ivy, just creeping over at the top, the green starting to grow on the wood, and the rust on the padlock and latch.
Nicely done!
Thanks for the comments, I was going for Close! as the Imperative, i.e. Close the padlock! - pretentious, moi? (Who is just off to his French Lesson then!!) :D
Glad that you like it though.
I also agree with Graham's comments on the above image.
Thanks for looking.
That's on theme for me. Did you try a tighter crop on the lock or a b/w conversion? Just a suggestion!
Thanks for looking and the suggestions.
I did try a few close up shots of the padlock but they did not appeal. I didn't try cropping the one I posted, I will have a look at that. I did try a B&W to get the grain of the wood but then I lost the green on the wood which is what drew me to it in the first place.
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As said covers the rules of thirds. I thought it was oof at first because of some of the leaves but actually the writing on the lock and latch is spot on.
Yeah, it's Closed...but poetic license will, I assure you, be used by many of those taking part by week 52 :)

I'd have moved the leaves for a cleaner image.
