Tracer's 52 for 2010 (part 1) - Wk 26 -"Beginnings"

I like that snippet of the poem (kept thinking of Fawlty Towers 'Basil.....BASIL...!")

The image is clever and nicely moulded to suit the poem! Great stuff :clap:
Of all the poems I'm sure you could have picked an easier one, but you've done a great job pulling it into an image. Liking the composite head, but for me the image is made by the contrast of the pot and plant against that lovely green background. Very nicely done (y)
Hello :wave: I'd missed your thread so far :(
Absolutely love your week 1 shot - very nice indeed, love the patterns and the lighting.
I also find your week 2 image very interesting too!

A very good start :D
Brilliant (y)

Picture goes very well with the poem and it's all been put together really well - I like this one :)
Thank you - it took quite a lot of time to get it all to fit together!

really like your week 2
Two great photos to start your 52.
Thank you both.

I like that snippet of the poem (kept thinking of Fawlty Towers 'Basil.....BASIL...!")

The image is clever and nicely moulded to suit the poem! Great stuff :clap:
:D :D Thank you

Of all the poems I'm sure you could have picked an easier one, but you've done a great job pulling it into an image. Liking the composite head, but for me the image is made by the contrast of the pot and plant against that lovely green background. Very nicely done (y)
Thank you - I'm particularly pleased you like the green background as I added it at the last minute when I felt that something was still lacking

Hello :wave: I'd missed your thread so far :(
Absolutely love your week 1 shot - very nice indeed, love the patterns and the lighting.
I also find your week 2 image very interesting too!

A very good start :D
Thank you, Nick!
I'm afraid this week's theme didn't particularly inspire me and I've ended up with two alternatives - I prefer one and my husband prefers the other. :shrug:

Week 3 - "Chopped no.1"

We used to use this guillotine in the darkroom to cut the photo paper to size under a red safelight.

Week3 - "Chopped" no.2

Low sun brought out the colours and textures in this old stump in the garden.

He prefers the tree because he remembers the sense of achievement after days of hard work hacking it down (an overgrown Leylandii)! I prefer the guillotine because it brings back happy memories of our dark room days and I had fun trying to take the shot.

What I have learnt:
No.1: This is the first time I have used the built-in flash set to repeat - it took quite a lot of tries to get the timing right. OH was in a hurry to leave but patiently put up with me until I gave up - lovely man! :love:

No.2: The low sunlight also brought out the grass in the background too much for my liking. To darken it I had to use levels and mask out the stump - I feel I am getting better at making selections though it's not perfect.
I have only just started to follow your project but in future I will not miss it. You have opened with 3 super shots showing great imagination and skill. I look forward to more.....Mick
Hey there, so many people doing these challenges seemed to have missed your post.
Week 1 - great abstract work, very brave too
Week 2 - interesting choice, worked well
Week 3 - I like both of them, but feel the tree stump works better, a more striking image, nice texture, colours and angle

Good to see your putting the learning to good use and trying more interesting techniques, keep up the great work ;)
For me it's the tree stump :clap::clap:

Love the detail you've brought out and you've done a good job of masking out the grass too.

I can count 10 rings so is it about 10 years old?

And I know how great OHs can be :love: as mine is often used as a second pair of hands (or sometimes to watch my back :eek:)

I'm enjoying following this....
Week 3 - The first is making my eyes go funny and whilst definitely fitting the theme, it isn't quite working as an image for me I'm afraid. The second image would be my choice. You've got some nice patterns and textures in the wood there. And you've done a pretty good job with your post processing to darken out the background.
No.1 isn't showing for me for some reason :thinking:

I do like the textures in the second one though.
The way that the cuts form that almost layered pattern of squares is really interesting and as you said the sun really has brought out the colours and textures. The surface looks almost polished.
#1 is my favourite. Reminded me of chopping up photographic paper in the darkroom for test strips in college.

Nice processing.

That log almost looks like its made out of sheets of paper..... see the squares... really nice....


Thank you - it took him several days sawing by hand at different angles.

I have only just started to follow your project but in future I will not miss it. You have opened with 3 super shots showing great imagination and skill. I look forward to more.....Mick

Thank you!

Great shots. Nice themes. Correct Captions and the great Poem. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you

Hey there, so many people doing these challenges seemed to have missed your post.
Week 1 - great abstract work, very brave too
Week 2 - interesting choice, worked well
Week 3 - I like both of them, but feel the tree stump works better, a more striking image, nice texture, colours and angle

Good to see your putting the learning to good use and trying more interesting techniques, keep up the great work ;)

Thank you - these challenges are a great incentive to try different approaches.
For me it's the tree stump :clap::clap:

Love the detail you've brought out and you've done a good job of masking out the grass too.

I can count 10 rings so is it about 10 years old?

And I know how great OHs can be :love: as mine is often used as a second pair of hands (or sometimes to watch my back :eek:)

I'm enjoying following this....

Thank you - as far as I remember the tree was more like 20 years old. There are more rings in the outer paler part but they don't show up so well.

I agree - OH is indispensable, especially when it comes to cutting down trees...:D

Week 3 - The first is making my eyes go funny and whilst definitely fitting the theme, it isn't quite working as an image for me I'm afraid. The second image would be my choice. You've got some nice patterns and textures in the wood there. And you've done a pretty good job with your post processing to darken out the background.

Thank you.
No.1 isn't showing for me for some reason :thinking:

I do like the textures in the second one though.
The way that the cuts form that almost layered pattern of squares is really interesting and as you said the sun really has brought out the colours and textures. The surface looks almost polished.

Probably a temporary hiccup with Imageshack.

The stump was still damp from overnight rain which intensified the colours just like a polish would - something to be said for rain after all!
Great stories behind those 2 week 3 shots :) No.1 for me.

All great shots with lots of thought gone into them but #1 is the favourite one for me,
Thanks for my 52 C&C


#1 is my favourite. Reminded me of chopping up photographic paper in the darkroom for test strips in college.

Nice processing.


Thank you - I'm glad some of you like this one! I wanted to convey the feeling of being in the darkroom and found that a red layer set to "colour burn" above the B/W one gave the right effect.
A pair of good shots... Really liking number 1, it's clear what's going on, and the extra flashes have been put to good use, as has the colouring. Love the textures and colours in the wood on the second.
This was a bit out of my comfort zone but I'm glad I made the effort. I would have found it easier later in the year when the days are longer and the sun (if any!) is higher - a lot of the interesting streets in the centre of town are in perpetual shade at the moment.

Anyway, this is my favourite shot from today:

Week 4 - "Street"


It is a little soft because I grabbed it in a hurry - I should have used shutter priority rather than my usual aperture priority!

Most people didn't seem to notice me, even though I was wandering around with a 16-85mm and felt a bit conspicuous. Another time (!) I might try with a small prime. At one point two polis were coming towards me but I ignored them and they ignored me - whew!
I like the way the seller is framed by all this black and white print. Nice!
very intresting photo..

it's not something im used to round here, well, we get people selling big issue, but not in a cool little stand that like. His umbra's quite cool too :LOL:
Week 2 - Although I would be inclined to agree with you that Florentine windows would provide an ideal background, I actually like the green hue you have created - It really sets the image for me.

Week 3 - Ooh yes, the gullotine in red for me. As with yourself, it brought back happy memories of darkroom days and - er - niffy chemicals.

Week 4 - I'll be happy when shots I grab in a hurry are up to this level. Great composition and colour. well spotted.
Nicely spotted. It dosen't look like to you did this in hurry. Nice compostition and strong colours. What a bargain!
Great image for street Tracer, just one question though, do you have one of the newspaper seller looking towards camera? I think that would really nail it :D
Nice shot - that's using your loaf...

interesting street shot, good find .

Thank you!

I like the way the seller is framed by all this black and white print. Nice!

Thank you - I was instantly attracted by this and the way the colour scheme is simplified to red, white and black and not much else.

very intresting photo..

it's not something im used to round here, well, we get people selling big issue, but not in a cool little stand that like. His umbra's quite cool too :LOL:

These umbrellas are very common for the newsstands here - it rains a lot in Glasgow!

Bargain too it seems, great shot ;)

Thanks - I prefer my own home-made bread, though :D
Week 2 - Although I would be inclined to agree with you that Florentine windows would provide an ideal background, I actually like the green hue you have created - It really sets the image for me.

thank you

Week 3 - Ooh yes, the gullotine in red for me. As with yourself, it brought back happy memories of darkroom days and - er - niffy chemicals.

I'm glad you like it and that you have the same associations. You're right about the niffy chemicals....I could become quite nostalgic :D

Week 4 - I'll be happy when shots I grab in a hurry are up to this level. Great composition and colour. well spotted.

Thanks - I was really pleased come across it.
week 4 - I like that .. brings back memories .. I grew up in Glasgow. Good strong colours.

Thank you - I didn't grow up here but have lived here for a long time. Great place!

Nicely spotted. It dosen't look like to you did this in hurry. Nice compostition and strong colours. What a bargain!

Thank you.

Great image for street Tracer, just one question though, do you have one of the newspaper seller looking towards camera? I think that would really nail it :D

Thank you. I only managed the one shot. I'm not sure if he had seen me but he kept looking away. If he had been looking at me I might have got a glare, though!

Really like this....a strong image, well spotted!

Thank you

Nice shot - that's using your loaf...


:D Thank you
great composition
even though there's a lot of red it doesn't dominate
and the chap is nicely framed (y)

(5 fishes with every paper next week???)
great composition
even though there's a lot of red it doesn't dominate
and the chap is nicely framed (y)

Thank you. I feel lucky to have found this.

(5 fishes with every paper next week???)

:D Now, that would be an offer!
Sorry, Tracer, I got behind with last week!

Week 3 Chopped: I love the slow motion feel of the guillotine shot - and it takes me back to darkroom days, too! :) Well done on mastering another technique, as well - for me it's what the 52 is all about, but I don't always manage it. :)

The chopped trunk is lovely - lots of texture and I know Mr JG would choose this one (he's a hobbyist wood turner). Wood is a satisfying thing to photograph, imo, and you've made a good job of the selection. Definitely a good week. :clap::clap:

Week 4 Street: That's excellent! Well observed and well composed - even more so if you rushed it a little. Ful marks for getting out there and doing it - it's definitely scary, although I find most people ignore me and those who don't tend to say things like 'Oh, are you taking photos?' :LOL:
