Zine Exchange VI: May - September 2023

I honestly don't think they'd understand. Have you ever had a creative idea and tried to explain it to someone who just doesn't get it? For me - it feels embarrassing after about 5 minutes.. Thanks for the reply though Chris.

It's probably a crap idea.
I'm sure it is not a crap idea and I really want to see what it is now. Recently I've taken up painting and I am genuinely crap at it ... but I go to classes, produce terrible daubs and people still manage to say convincingly that they like the muddy misshapen things that I smear across a piece of paper.

The point being that we really are our own worst critics. Most people really appreciate being involved and want to be part of something, start with the purpose, the outcome. Asking out of the blue "Can I take your photo" is a bit weird but "I thought I'd put together some photos of XYZ, would you mind being involved? I'll probably produce a booklet and of course I'll give you a copy".

The other thing I find helps (I don't know how this fits in with your idea) is if people are in an environment where they either expect to be photographed or are proud/pleased to be photographed. I tend to take a camera caving, most cavers would literally tell me to f-off if I asked if I could take their photo but in a cave, just asking to stand over there, just move left a bit, etc. they are totally compliant and pleased with to see the results.
I think the solution is to probably man up and open my gob.
That's the spirit :)
Hi folks. I'm really struggling with confidence. I have an idea for the zine (my backup one is really boring) but I'm not confident about approaching people to explain what I want to do, followed by shoving a camera in front of their face. They're really nice people who are very much already giving their time to something, and it feels awkward asking them to give even more.. The sane part of me knows that they can just say no, and I can leave it at that, but my fear of offending them is stopping me moving forward. Has anyone ever successfully tackled this and has any advice?

It's really not something I can do without asking because of the environment.
I've just started doing stranger portraits - my confidence is really low when it comes to approaching people and it's the complete opposite with taking candid street photography, even getting pretty close doesn't faze me. It's weird.

basically, you're not going to offend anyone if you ask to make their portrait - if they get upset then they're already having a bad day and it's their problem not yours. I was in London a week or so ago, and five people said yes and one no - I have no idea what the results are, I've not sent the film off to the lab yet.
Anyone want to have another go?

Got a project on the go that you never finish?

Got a set of photos that tell a story?

Why not publish them in a Zine and share with a group on here?

This is a group project where all participants make a zine, then exchange it with everyone else taking part.

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This challenge aims to get people printing and publishing their work. What you produce and how, is up to you.

What is a Zine? The word is a shortened form of the word magazine (or maybe fanzine?) and the product is a short, small format magazine - generally a small circulation, self-published work. For this challenge it is a collection of your photos edited together into a magazine or booklet format. Self-published does not necessarily mean self-printed, you can print yourself or you can send your work off to a printing service. For this group, a zine isn't just an album or portfolio of your favourite photos or pictures of your family, the aim is to put together a magazine with images that are the product of a project, or shot as a coherent set.

Sign-up, chat, banter, progress reports, questions and queries can all be posted in here.

You don't need to decide right now, there are a few of us who are committed to this so watch this thread, hang around, ask questions and start pulling together the content you might include, then when you are comfortable with that let us know.

May 2023 - August 2023 : You come up with an idea, take pictures and design your zine. You can even build it in your software of choice.
4th September 2023 : This week I will be asking people to formally commit to making their zine. You will have 7 days to PM me your name & address to confirm your commitment. I generally tag anyone who has registered an interest to remind them, so if you post on this thread that you might be interested, I can let you know closer to the time.
11th September 2023 : I will send out a PM to all confirmed participants with everyone's name & address as well as a confirmed amount of zines people need to print.
September/October 2023 : Everyone gets the appropriate number of zines printed and mails them out to everyone on the list by the end of October 2023


- Link to the Book & Zine Making Thread.
- Link to the 1st zine exchange
- Link to the 2nd zine exchange
- Link to the 3rd zine exchange
- Link to the 4th zine exchange.
- Link to the 5th zine exchange.

Some buried and useful posts.
- My tips for surviving Mixam's UI
- Dave's thoughts on the different print services
- My post on making a page ready for print using Lightroom & Photoshop
- Dave's post on potential zine storage options
- Graham's list of links for making a photobook
- My silly post on how to make a 6 page mini zine from a single sheet of paper
- Potential packaging suppliers (for postage)
- Typography - a mini discussion (with links)
- Flip through video example by Andy
- Procrastination. A TED talk linked by Chris
- A review of the different paper types supplied by Mixam

Off TP links
- Emulsive guide to printing a zine
- Dave's blog post on how to make a zine
- Another blog post from Dave about the thinking behind ZE:III (Zine Exchange III)
- Introductory post on using Affinity Publisher to set up an A5 zine (Sourced by ChrisR)
- YouTube video linked originally by Mark on how to use Affinity Publisher (which is relatively cheap, and often discounted)

Q: Can anyone take part?

A: Yes. However if you are outside the UK it will be OPTIONAL for people to post zines out to you mainly due to the cost. I'm happy to post anywhere, so you will at least get one zine, but it wouldn't be fair to force people to post outside the UK.

Q: So how much will it all cost?
A: My experience is that you can get a box of 25-30 zines from Mixam delivered for about £40. Then there's the postage to each person taking part. Previous zine exchanges have fluctuated in numbers. 6, 8, 15 then 8. Have a read through the thread to get an idea of roughly how many are taking part. Postage of a "normal" A5 zine will be £1 to £1.50 using 2nd class. (Large letter, then depends whether it's >100g or not)

Q: How many zines will I have to send?
A: Not sure. We'll monitor how many people show interest and we're mindful that sending 20-30 zines out will be expensive, so will be looking to try and limit the costs somehow should we get a lot of entrants. Rest assured that you can leave it until the last month before committing to the point of spending any money so you can make a decision then.

Q: How should I design it?
A: That's the challenge of making a zine. It's not just about plonking a bunch of photos in a book, it's about crafting something. Text or no text? Colour, monochrome or mix? Square, landscape or portrait (or mix)? One image to a page, or collages? A Google search for "Photography zine" will give you some good cover ideas too! If you're new to the challenge, ask in the thread to see if anyone will send you an example of theirs.

Q: How big should I make it?
A: As a minimum, I'd suggest A5 and containing 10-15 pages. A5 also makes storage easier. Bear in mind you need to pay for it, and post it, so the bigger or heavier you go, the more cost to you.

Q: What should the zine contain?
A: It's up to you, but most zines work well when based around a theme or project. I prefer to take new images for it, whilst others like to go through their back catalogue. Do what makes you happy - film, digital, or phone - doesn't matter. I'd say pick a theme or a topic and work to that but my last zine was a mess of incohesion and indecision, so don't listen to me! And if you want to put poetry in it, or scans of your paintings, or stick men on a mountain, that's fine too!

Q: What software do I need to make a zine?
A: Again - up to you. Many previous participants used Affinity Publisher as it has a relatively easy learning curve and is often available at a 50% discount. Photoshop will also do the job if you have the Adobe Photographer plan. Other programs are available though, so please ask in the thread if you're not sure.

Q: I have no clue what a zine looks like? Can I see some examples?
A: Andy did a flip through sample of one of his zines (see links above), and I'm fairly sure there will be some people happy to send you one of their previous efforts so you can see the sort of things we're doing. Just ask in-thread.

P.S. If you've got this far and are still thinking "my photography isn't good enough", rest assured it probably is. None of us are experts on what constitutes the "best photographs" but we are all experts on "what we see" which makes our/your view unique. Why not throw your photography out there? No one is going to say your zine is crap because.... well.... you're literally probably the worst critic of your work if you got this far, and this isn't about who is better than who. It's about looking at how other people see the world and experience it through photography. Your voice is just as valid as anyone else's. Add to the discussion rather than compete.

I’m late to this, but would love to take part.
I’m late to this,
Late is relative! As long as you've got the majority of the photos done by the end of August, you'll be fine. Unless you're Chris!
Yes. I've been keeping an eye on the date. I have a backup, but I'd prefer to do something a bit different...
Okay, been humming and haahing for a while, as I am in S France it will be interesting to get a zine together and get it printed and distributed in the UK, hey how hard can it be ..... okay, count me in please. I suspect it will be wildlife and nature of the Aude, S. France, but we shall see :)
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Okay, been humming and haahing for a while, as I am in S France it will be interesting to get a zine together and get it printed and distributed in the UK, hey how hard can it be ..... okay, count me in please. I suspect it will be wildlife and nature of the Aude, S. France, but we shall see :)
Hiya Mark. As per the rules, I can't promise people will be posting to the S of France, but if you want to take part, you'll get at least one from me.

Q: Can anyone take part?
A: Yes. However if you are outside the UK it will be OPTIONAL for people to post zines out to you mainly due to the cost. I'm happy to post anywhere, so you will at least get one zine, but it wouldn't be fair to force people to post outside the UK.

I really hope you decide to go ahead with it because I'd personally love to see some international work, but completely understand if you decide against it.
Hiya Mark. As per the rules, I can't promise people will be posting to the S of France, but if you want to take part, you'll get at least one from me.

Q: Can anyone take part?
A: Yes. However if you are outside the UK it will be OPTIONAL for people to post zines out to you mainly due to the cost. I'm happy to post anywhere, so you will at least get one zine, but it wouldn't be fair to force people to post outside the UK.

I really hope you decide to go ahead with it because I'd personally love to see some international work, but completely understand if you decide against it.
Thats fine, totally understand, la Poste is playing fast and loose here, they often but not always charge a 'handling fee' for post from overseas even if it has already paid 'Customs' so no worries at all.
Thats fine, totally understand, la Poste is playing fast and loose here, they often but not always charge a 'handling fee' for post from overseas even if it has already paid 'Customs' so no worries at all.
Once we get closer to the deadline, and if you're the only international participant, we can look at whether it's cheaper for you to post all your zines to me (I'll send out 2 when I post mine), and I'll get agreeable folks to post 2 of theirs to me, so that we can send each other a box rather than a bunch of individual zines flying across the channel.
Once we get closer to the deadline, and if you're the only international participant, we can look at whether it's cheaper for you to post all your zines to me (I'll send out 2 when I post mine), and I'll get agreeable folks to post 2 of theirs to me, so that we can send each other a box rather than a bunch of individual zines flying across the channel.
I do have one ace up my sleeve, I have a daughter in Wales, so if i get a Uk publisher to print them I can get them sent to her to send out - if she can timewise etc, if not we can go with your suggestion and she only gets a card for christmas :)
I have no idea as to what my idea was, still with a few weeks to go I may be able to cobble something together
I too have run into a problem, I can't for the life of me remember how to use Affinity :dummy:
Good plan. Get your excuses in early. (y)
I will keep an eye open for the next one... is there a link anywhere to see some of the work that you have all produced?
I will keep an eye open for the next one... is there a link anywhere to see some of the work that you have all produced?
You don't need to take new photos for it just in case you were wondering. You can use old ones and make the zine from that. This is really more about making the zine than it is the photography. About doing something with all those images on a hard drive. Of course there are folks with grand ideas who want to take new images based on a wild idea they had.... If only they could remember the idea :)

And I'm happy to send you a couple of spares of my own. Just PM me an address to send them to.
You don't need to take new photos for it just in case you were wondering. You can use old ones and make the zine from that. This is really more about making the zine than it is the photography. About doing something with all those images on a hard drive. Of course there are folks with grand ideas who want to take new images based on a wild idea they had.... If only they could remember the idea :)

And I'm happy to send you a couple of spares of my own. Just PM me an address to send them to.
Oo... thanks. PM on its way. There are such nice people on this forum!
Oo... thanks. PM on its way. There are such nice people on this forum!
Also happy to send you a couple of spares of my own. PM me an address to send them to.
Right. Project fully underway. Cover designed. 1st shoot complete (after spending an age deliberating). Internal design underway. Back to Google for Affinity tutorials to relearn everything I've forgotton since the last time I did a zine. I should probably just bookmark the pages!
I'm coming to the conclusion that I quite enjoy doing these, even if they're not very good. I'm also coming to the conclusion that I have an inability to do anything serious.
Feel free to share your progress reports, or your stress due to procrastination.
Link to affinity tutorial please :cool:
Do Mixam still do the free sample offer?
Any recommendations for which Mixam paper option works best for black and white?

Progress report:
2 shoots complete, third may not be necessary
40 images processed, another 10 or so in the pipeline
Slight change of direction after second shoot, not sure if thats a good thing or not
In a happy place right now but prepared for the wheels to come off at any moment
Regarding Mixam, I have had a. nightmare with their quality control for two zines. What should have taken a week is now into its 4th week. Yesterday I had to send back c170 /250 for roller marks, scratches, black streaks in a white section of the title. Customer service has been very helpful but this had been a complete pain in the neck and another reprint is coming today of the other one. Fingers crossed. There does not seem to be a free option.
apologies, things have come up that puts this on hold for this year, too many other things to deal with.

I have an idea and some images so I will shelve it for use next year and process it slow time over winter / spring.
I haven't been about for a while... but I might have a go at this. If someone can point me to the thread on how to do a zine would be helpful.
I haven't been about for a while... but I might have a go at this. If someone can point me to the thread on how to do a zine would be helpful.

Dave put some links in above, requoting here. The first one has a lot of videos, links and places to go.

My workflow is...

1. Come up with an idea and preferably a title for the front cover.
2. Come up with an idea as to how you want to present the images. Black & white only? Colour only? Landscape, portrait, square, or a mix?
3. Get your images together. Curate them down to a manageable number (I do anywhere between 30 & 50 and then do step 2, getting rid of images that won't fit). Edit any that need editing (converting to B&W, or cropping to the right ratio). Export them to a handy folder.
4. Open your software of choice. I use Affinity Publisher because I can then straight away create an A5 booklet. Once I've done that, it lays out the pages for you. Adding pages is as easy as right click, add page.
5. Start dragging images into the document. With Affinity, it's a simple case of dragging straight from the desktop folder I set up in step 3 into the document, then resizing. This can be done without tutorials!
6. Add text, just draw a text box and write stuff. Nothing fancy needed here either. It's not mandatory to have any text, but I like to write an intro.
7. Design front cover & back cover. Often this needs a bit more work and a hunting down of tutorials on "how to do ...". Google Image searches for zine + your theme idea will probably get you a few results you can magpie off to get you started if you're devoid of any design ideas.
8. Save as a pdf. Open the pdf in a pdf reader to make sure it all looks right. If it doesn't, fix issues, then re-save.
9. Go to Mixam, make a decision on paper & cover type (shiny glossy, or something else)
10. Upload the pdf
11. Curse when you go through the Mixam preview and realise you made a mistake with something (this is an optional step that only applies to me)
12. Pay and wait :)

The longest part of the process is probably getting your images together and putting them into the document in a way you're happy with. Assuming of course that you have the images. If you don't then taking the photos will probably be the longest bit.

Hope that helps!
I have had a. nightmare with their quality control for two zines. What should have taken a week is now into its 4th week. Yesterday I had to send back c170 /250 for roller marks, scratches, black streaks in a white section of the title.
Oof that sounds pretty nightmarish Linda. Was it two zines out of a box of them, or was it two whole zine print runs?
Well, there are tw zines being produced concurrently and so far we are on 3rd reprint for one and 4th reprint for the other. The ones that were waiting for me when I returned today were all suffering roller streaks, scratches... I am over it now.

If there are any recommendations for an alternative that can run 250 of an A5 zine created in Affinity Publisher V2 and exported as a PDF, please tell me so I can investigate your recommendations. I had several people tell me that Mixam were very good so hoping to find a printer that can deliver quality in every copy of an order.

Thank you so much for the zines you sent. I will meander through them tomorrow morning. Bliss!
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Well, there are tw zines being produced concurrently and so far we are on 3rd reprint for one and 4th reprint for the other. The ones that were waiting for me when I returned today were all suffering roller streaks, scratches... I am over it now.

If there are any recommendations for an alternative that can run 250 of an A5 zine created in Affinity Publisher V2 and exported as a PDF, please tell me so I can investigate your recommendations. I had several people tell me that Mixam were very good so hoping to find a printer that can deliver quality in every copy of an order.

Thank you so much for the zines you sent. I will meander through them tomorrow morning. Bliss!
Doxdirect might be worth a try. You can order one copy to check if the quality is good enough and use their on-line calculator to work out bulk pricing. Not as many options as Mixam but I've used them for A5, saddle stitched and perfect bound zines.
If there are any recommendations for an alternative that can run 250 of an A5 zine created in Affinity Publisher V2 and exported as a PDF, please tell me so I can investigate your recommendations.
I see Dave has replied, but if you do discover something better, please let us know here. I've always used Mixam so don't know any better. It's always good to have options.

I will meander through them tomorrow morning. Bliss!
Lol. you clearly haven't looked at them yet :)