10.5 hours in the hide - 29TH JUNE ANOTHER BUZZARD ADDED

Hides No 2 erected now in the Home Field so lets hope for some nice piccys on green bokeh (grass) :D

And here is shot from that very hide, complete with green:D "note to self must sort out better perch":D, and lose the seed!!

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Lovely bokeh! what a change :D

Doing an early morning vigil tomorrow morning. I mean in hide before light :puke: can't remember what time it gets light though:thinking:

Hide baited up with lamb carcasses from the butcher, other carcasses from the game keeper and pheasants courtesy of manic driver (road kill) lets hope Mr. Buzzard is hungry :D (y) and Mr. Fox is NOT tonight.
Right off to bed up at 4.30 hide by 5 in the dark ( I hate the dark:eek:) hope Mr. Buzzard is not awake before me (y)
Well decided to set the clock and get up to the hide before dark. Was in hide just before 5 a.m wondering what the heck I was doing :puke:

Birdies started singing and the light started to come up just before 5.40 a.m.

Couple of blackbirds worming so decided to have a cuppa and a banana:wacky: just as I got settled with coffee in one hand, banana in the other guess what landed :bang: you got it BUZZARD all be it about 75 yards away, so being a woman that can multi task, (don't ask where the banana went :LOL: ) tea more important :shrug: was able to get :shrug:a quick shot. Now had the 70 - 200 lens on so had a couple of shots with that then changed to my Sigma at full focal length, buzzard meanwhile hopping around catching worms, changed lens and got these shots, yes, I know before you all start (not in focus, soft, bad exposure etc) but ,hey !! at least I got the buzzard and it proves that they do come on the ground here.

Just need to be patient now and get it in closer as I am sure it will do, unless these pesky crows etc keep annoying it and buzzing it as you can see from the piccy.

Buzzard did come back just as "nature called" and was crawling out of hide, so that put an end to that.

Meanwhile Fernface (Brian) has come and taken over the rest of the day (he and mornings do not work :LOL:) but after a text to say how you getting on I think he may be doing an overnighter here very soon:thinking:

Me, I am off to work lambing for a bit then back home to bed :D

Anyway enjoy (after my 4.5 hours in the hide this morning, bloody freezing:puke:) and will defo be going back on Thursday,

Enjoy piccys (for what they are) and soon watch out for the better ones(y)

Buzzard watching me I think!


Got wind of situation then chased by crow.


Bugger Off !!!!


Kite decided to join in then.


Also had on the feeders etc, woodpeckers, jays, blue tits, coal tits, great tits, robins, blackbirds, mistlethrush (in the field) Crows, rooks, magpies, nuthatches, chaffinches, male and female, squirrels, rabbits pigeons, pheasants, so things are looking up hopefully.
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Whey hay, its a start, and now the waiting, but will be worth it, I so need to sort my time to pop over and visit, my holiday was just not long enough :( soon, will sort something soon :)
Another one for you (for those interestered)


Please come closer Mr. Buzzard!
Got some Nuthatch shots, no Buzzard but i did get one of these:


:thinking: Mmmmmmmmmmmmm don't know how many early mornings I can do though am absolutely knackered tonight :D but at least there is hope at last. (y)
Blimey, you have more patience than me! They're there though Nicky, you just need to keep bribing them ;-)
I'm still barn owl stalking. I feel there will be great excitement very soon! (Or maybe great disappointment :LOL:)
We have Barn Owls down the other farm but they have managed to elude me but have been sighted flying near this hide so fingers crossed.
Blimey, you have more patience than me! They're there though Nicky, you just need to keep bribing them ;-)
I'm still barn owl stalking. I feel there will be great excitement very soon! (Or maybe great disappointment :LOL:)

Patience, Nicki!!:D:D:D
I was wondering , you could drive a post into the ground nr your hides and somehow get a kite/buzzard composition shot ? bit of variation to the ground/air shots :)
Already suggested Graham:) But they do have large logs to perch it they wish
I will build them a flaming playground with swings and roundabouts if that helps :LOL: :LOL:
Haha, not that 'm bored with the lovely ones you've both captured, some post shots can be special :nuts:

Just keep watching this thread for developments. Hopefully you will not be dissapointed (y)
Fantastic thread, I admire your patience and determination. I know you will get the shots in the end.

hmmmm I may have an idea that will get you closer.... have you tried dressing up as a crow? :shrug: they seem to get real close .. hehehehe (visions of the local newspaper "massive crow spotted in farmers field" )

Cheers and good luck.

Fantastic thread, I admire your patience and determination. I know you will get the shots in the end.

hmmmm I may have an idea that will get you closer.... have you tried dressing up as a crow? :shrug: they seem to get real close .. hehehehe (visions of the local newspaper "massive crow spotted in farmers field" )

Cheers and good luck.


We have the hides up and they are used to them baited every day (today they have chicken entrails and also road kill pheasant) 3 buzzards out in the field this morning I had to work, :thumbsdown: so tomorrow morning another 4.30 am start.:eek: be in hide by 5 ready for them dawn chorus, tea and then just play the waiting game yet again (y) :LOL:

Was going to play with lambs and the weather is not going to be that good so hope they eat in the rain :LOL:

Did get this though as I was sat in the hide for a couple of hours playing with metering :thinking:

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Another very early morning this morning and bit more of a sucess not much but getting there ;)

After the post had gone in yesterday decided to do an early morning stint field baited and waited, waited, until 6.15 this appeared a bit closer than the other day but still not close enough.


Went away then came back again across the field then dissapeared then to my shock it landed 1ft away from bait then took off.:bang: Was too quick for me but at least it is having a look and sussing out the joint. (y) So hopefully it will be brave enough to tuck in, rabbit added to the menu today (topped up after a visit from Mr. Fox last night who removed the chicken:nono:)

I also caught shots of Nutty, Chaffinch, Male and female) blackbird, tits, but won't bore you with those but did get this of a Woody doing what Woodies do naturally,


We had scattered some log buts around for things to land on and today was working for this little chap.

Fernface (Brian) arrived at 9.30 so we changed shifts.

Forgot to add, we did have an owl on the post but was too dark to take a photo, but it sat the Hooting for a bit, but at least it is doing it's job.

Enjoy and hope you keep popping back to see developments.(y)
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Did my first night in the new hide last night, so was looking forward to first light this morning. Briony arrived for her early start and claims that i was snoring, in fact it was my dog:D Buzzard turned up in the field, probably 80yds away, so we were up against it on a number of fronts, ISO 3200, (in my case) F5/6, the light was hopeless really. This is a heavy crop and had to have a right go at it in PP, but share it for interest sake really:


We were amused by this hen pheasant:

"Wonder if this ash is cool enough for a bath"

"Yep thats perfect"

"Do i look cleaner"

We WILL get that Buzzard down where we want it:D:D
Don't make excuses it was NOT :nono: the dog snoring I know that for a fact.

Nasal strips are really good and they work :D

I had been there nearly an hour before you woke up :LOL:

Great shots, will post my poor attempt at the buzzard (little sod :bang:) soon.
Spent an hour in the hide today just practising and thinking, very peaceful up there (y)

Saw this little person outside Fernface's hide eating his nuts which he had knocked out the tree :D

Well caught, very nice, i want one like that:D Come to think of it glad you added "which he had knocked out of a tree"!!!!!
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Did an early morning stint today (Fernface stayed over last night! in his hide) after a dull start things got a bit hot in there so I de- camped and came home, Fernface (Brian) had to move outside in the shade.

It was a NO SHOW :shake: for the Buzzard, just hoping she is sitting somewhere and may bring here babies out soon, meanwhile got these few shots.

We have had Nutties visiting here for a few days now and all of a sudden 2 truned up and can only think that it was mum and baby (y) as it was quite dumb and did not know what to do.

See what you think.:thinking:

Enjoy, (y)


Baby ?


Also captured this Mistlethrush quite a way away but thought you might like to see it.


After we had left there were about 30 kites diving around what we left for them, so frustrating, :bang:
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My turn to be visited by squirrels today, and yes it was flaming hot from 1pm onwards. I wanted to call this Benson, but Briony said i shoulnt give them names as they dont live long, mind you she did have a gun tucked under her arm:D:D



Thanks for looking:)
Just adding my mistlethrush, which also a large crop in case anyone can offer explanation for the sort of "bald" spot on its chest-lack of black splodges. Also the only kite to come in to land - that i saw, i liked the back lighting (for once) on this one.



thanks for looking
That kite shot is fabulous. A beautiful catch. The back light works a treat. (y)
:agree: damn it :D

Hope my Buzzard this afternoon/evening turns out like this I will be really pleased :D

Happy housework :D :LOL: :LOL:
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Hope my Buzzard this afternoon/evening turns out like this I will be really pleased :D

Happy housework :D :LOL: :LOL:[/QUOTE]
