A little challenge? 36EXP project.

I shall be lobbing my film at Boots and getting them to do the original D&P&S&CP then I'll use their prints as proofs to select the best least bad for proper scanning and printing. Long gone are the days when I had access to a darkroom and I've never done C41 D&P (other than XP1) myself.
I reckon if I get my shots done in the next couple of weeks and then send them off to AG for dev and contact I should get them back just after Mr Hooley's gets his done in 2018 :LOL:
I'm game will get me back into the dark room and printing again. Ive got a similar challenge with a mate of mine she is a digital fan so said one roll of hp5 she has to process and print herself with me giving advice
I quite like the ag contact print idea, slightly old school even for us!

Me too but I'd be bit worried about their reputation for 'relaxed' timescales. :(

Might have to get my Durst out of it's box and see if it still works.
Does it have t be 36 on 135? My only 135 camera now is my Xpan, and it seems such a shame not using it in pano mode. This means I might actually have some stuff to show some time soon as well, instead of just hoarding shot but undev'd sheet film in the fridge
Go for it!
Presumably the fact that the contact sheet contains all 36 images, and the selection/pp process starts from there, is more important than whether the contact sheet was produced in old fashioned wet printing style, or by the lab, or by Strappy's Amazing Process, or even by printing the full 36 in Aperture as a contact sheet and saving as a JPEG (yes, it's that simple)?
I will play as long as there is somewhere who can dev and supple a contact sheet that isn't AG :)
When I can sort out darkroom access, I'll happily sort out contact prints if people need them.
I will play as long as there is somewhere who can dev and supple a contact sheet that isn't AG :)
I think this project may be AG's last chance saloon for me. I'm going to give them one last go, get them to dev and contact print the film fri this challenge and see how they do. I like the idea of getting a proper old fashioned contact sheet and theirs seem to be priced reasonably but I'm not prepared to wait 3 weeks to get them back.

So we will see...
Well, camera loaded, theme chosen, and ready to go :). What do we do with the shots when eventually complete; post them in this thread?
I'll make a results thread in "photos from film"
Rob, is there a requirement that the whole film has to be shot after you announced the challenge, or be related to one shoot ? It takes forever for me to shoot 35 frames - one reason I mainly do MF - but I've got a roll of XP2 with 11 shots left, I could push myself to finish it for this purpose.
Just one topic/theme will be fine
Going to fire up the Oly OM-10 and 50mm and pootle around Manchester tomorrow, I have a theme in mind and a roll of Silvermax to shoot it with.
No real deadline, we can make it a continually running project so when one sheet is done, another can be on the go.

Unrelated note, does anyone have a M42 camera I can borrow? I have a Helios 44-2 but nothing to mount it on at the moment.
No real deadline, we can make it a continually running project so when one sheet is done, another can be on the go.

Unrelated note, does anyone have a M42 camera I can borrow? I have a Helios 44-2 but nothing to mount it on at the moment.
I've got a Zenith Tank you can borrow, it's not been tested so can't vouch for its light-tightness if I get a chance I'll put a roll of Agfa Vista through it to test it. I've a got an OM2 to post off to Steve so I can send the Zenith at the same time.
That'd do perfectly Nick, I'll replace the seals on it if they are looking a bit knackered. Will PM my address if you don't have it any more.
That'd do perfectly Nick, I'll replace the seals on it if they are looking a bit knackered. Will PM my address if you don't have it any more.
PM me your address and I'll get it boxed up and posted when I post the OM.
Posting a Zenith.... are you insane, that will cost a million pounds and probably break the post office.
A bit late to the party, but if there is still room count me in.
Never too late David, I've not even started yet.
I haven't started either , had planned to start this week but realised the film I'd loaded the zenit with was only 27 exposures!
Im actually planning to start at the beginning of September...is that too late?
I've started, gives me something to do while I wait on a sheet of fomapan to expose; pity there are no coffee shops at the tops of hills.
Erm, does looking for a camera to use for this challenge count as starting? :whistle:
I think so Dean. Do you need to borrow a rangefinder?
Well, when I say not started I did actually shoot a full roll in Manchester on Saturday only to find that the Oly OM-10 I used had massive light leak issues so the film was borked...almost unusable. However I have another theme in mind and I shall try and get it underway this weekend.