A Picture a day (My 365) . . . Made it to the End!

No problems....where in Aus have you been? I would love to get out into the outback and take shots, but I struggle enough to get out in and around Melbourne! :shake:

Aus is so varied and I see so little of it on a daily basis....

I am going to have to start carry my camera around more as I keep seeing shots when I don't have it...usually on my way to work!


Spent a month out there backpacking in 2000. Went from Sydney to Cains (taking in most places on route, inc Fraser Island, Whitsundays and the GBR), then across to Perth. Loved it :)

Does it say "Oooo that tickles!!" ??

I was going to change the 'T' to a 'W' ;)
25th November: He's a model and he's looking good . . . .

Sorry CG, hope you don't mind ;)

26th November: Avast, Ye Land Lubbers!

Noticed this handsome pirate chap in the old fun fair, stuck the camera through the fence and zoomed in, crop is less than a third of the original image. Processed in Photoshop to clone out background objects used bleach bypass in Color Efex Pro.

Very low inspirational week this, roll on the end of the year . . . . .

27th November: Selsey Hall at night

Only managed 4 shots at 30 second exposures each, before the rain came down :(

Processed in Photoshop for lens distortion correction and Silver Efex for mono conversion (high structure) with various control points.

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Nice shot on the 26th, that really is a seaside shot, havent seen them anywhere else but on the coast!

Like yesterdays conversion. I got the demo version of that now too :)

Thanks Lisa, something sad about faded seaside funfair's, but this pirate looked in good condition

Love yesterday's Julian - fantastic conversion. (y)

Thanks Dave, as I say, just managed to get a shot before a downpour
28th November: Living Street Statue.

Only had the old Canon with me today (and left all my memory cards at home, Doh! luckily I had a single 256mb card in the bottom of the bag). Shot this chap in front of a bank, so have spent ages removing the cluttered background in Photoshop (posters, windows, lights etc) and then mono conversion in Silver Efex Pro pinhole filter and finally high pass filter applied.

I spent ages in PS today too.
Then I binned it and started again with something totally different :dummy:
29th November: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY!!!

Terrible weather here today, but I had this idea whilst playing with the girl's and their Lego.

Processed in Photoshop to add radial blur to the prop and adding a crude shocked looking face of the pilot (plus a slight motion blur too), finally bleach bypass in Color Efex Pro.

30th November: A low key effort . . .

Bad I know, but lacking inspiration again, only one more month to go :)

1st December: Another angled shot of a building.....

Back in my comfort zone, whilst inspiration is thin on the ground. This is the 2nd time in my 365 project I have used the 'Lipstick' building in Gunwharf Quay's (First time used here)

For once I've not used Color or Silver Efex, just various combinations of exposure, curves and brightness and contrast control mixed in with Noiseware Pro filter.

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That looks cool, almost CGI.
A lot of it just looks like a 3D line drawing on white or something, if you get me?
Fair play if you do, because I don't...:thinking:
Thanks Jonny, did look at my old fav the bleach bypass, but killed the contrast.

Yeah, very subtle. The one thing this 365 has given me is a certain fondness for angles and buildings :)