weekly aljazzeras 2013 52-week 52 WATER added COMPLETE

Really like both of those. #1 as said perhaps a little dark but regardless, fantastic architectural photos, very good composition and presentation. #2 does the job too - simple, bright, vibrant and contrasty, very on theme.
no real crit from me, I think both are really strong images. if I had to chose, I'd go with #1 of the building. I think the three images like that work really well together and there is a lot to hold the viewers interest
Two very good and totally different shots, I think the second is very vibrant but I prefer the first with the reflections and darker tones and plenty of angles.

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Hi Allan

WOW...think your inspiration has returned , 2 really strong images for the theme , difficult to choose but I think the Paper edges ahead....really vibrant colors , perfect layout & good detail in the texture.....luvly jubly :clap::clap:
Been a few graveyard pics recently... have to see if I can find myself one!

I think the wall on it's own would have worked for rustic - although the simplicity of the headstones also passes.

Processing suits the subject. (y)
Been a few graveyard pics recently... have to see if I can find myself one!

I think the wall on it's own would have worked for rustic - although the simplicity of the headstones also passes.

Processing suits the subject. (y)

I think thats mostly me thats been hanging round graveyards :cautious:

I have deliberately toned down the colour didn't want to go B+W but wanted to lose some vibrancy in the original

Thanks for commenting
LIke it. as Graham said processing goes well with the subject matter & composition.

I'm not sure if it's 100% rustic, but I see things this way, the theme is meant to inspire us to shoot, not restrict us from shooting! So if you went out and got a pic that you probably wouldn't have done otherwise then it "counts" in my book!

17 down and 35 to go! (y)
Angles: I really like both shots but i think 2 takes it for me, thinks its the colours.

Rustic: I like it thats the colours have been toned down, helps give it a feel. Nice textures in there too.
Angle #1 for me, the three pics work really well. The colours, sharpness and reflections are really nice, only the flat white sky lets it down, but there's nothing you can do about that... it is what it is on the day. The 3rd pic has a lovely effect of almost looking like just a framework from about halfway up too!

Rustic is on theme for me, while not being an obvious choice, and the processing reinforces that. Great tones.
Hi Allan
Rustic - on theme for me - quite a wide range of subjects come to mind for this theme and this fits. Like the desaturated treatment. Its a cracking wall. Perhaps would be better with 3 headstones, altho dont know which ones and whether there was sapce to do that and still get a landscape balanced shot.
the coloured paper one for angles gets my vote Alan, simple but very effective (y)

Rustic, on theme for me. The wall in itself would work but the addition of the headstones add to the scene. Lots of detail in there makes for an interesting scene. Good work (y)
It fits rustic but the gravestones almost blend into the wall too much for me.
Its awfully quite on here for this topic :tumbleweed:
So I will break the silence its a big shoe horn so enjoy it while I..... :exit:

Two of a kind:cautious:

dandelions by allanhowe, on Flickr

'Ello, I had a similar idea. It's no shoehorn, IMO. Well composed and cracking detail.

Crit, well, I think nice warm sunset lighting would improve it a tad.

Thanks Andy I agree with the warm sunset lighting but it wasn't what i was going out to take it was a happy accident. I also didn't notice the insect till i saw it on the computer.
"Two of a kind" has been my thinking for the theme this week also, but not worked out exactly what.

I really like this personally, like the colours as is
I may have rotated it cw a little to make it more like the two flowers were on a level

...sort of looks like a face with a small open round mouth :)
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:LOL: It's a stow away!

I also thought about something similar, but not as good as this! Nice one (y) Simple and spot on.
Hi Allan :)

Angle - Both shots are very good, I prefer the brightness of the second, but wonderful angles on the first... I can't decide out of the two :)

Rustic - That fits well mate, both the wall and the headstones, like the muted colours too - nice one (y)

Kind - Again a great idea, i'd like to see the flowers a bit brighter, but nicely framed shot and nice touch catching the bug (y)
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perfectly acceptable for the theme for me, loving the insect photo-bombing your dandelion shot.. :LOL:

nice and bright and well composed, with good focus and detail captured, nice and bright as it is, but could take a tiny bit more maybe?
Very good take on the theme, the the bright yellow colour and detail.
Just to echo the others Allan, bang on theme, well composed with, as Graham said the bonus of a photo-bombing insect :LOL:

I like the colour tones in here, bright yellow against the subdued green background works well.
Works for me. Comp, DOF and colours are lovely, the bug is a great bonus!
Two this week, not sure which one :thinking:

STONES REMOVED (you didn't miss anything)

Bamboo by allanhowe, on Flickr

might have another try as i am on holiday this week will definitely try a reshoot
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As much as i like pebbles Allan (well who doesn't :wacky: :LOL:), my vote goes to #2.
The bright vivid colour of the abstract works best for me.

I like #1 but feel the pebbles need stacking higher to be more 'on theme'.
The second for me - I love a bit of ICM and this one really works. (y)

Thanks Brian

As much as i like pebbles Allan (well who doesn't :wacky: :LOL:), my vote goes to #2.
The bright vivid colour of the abstract works best for me.

I like #1 but feel the pebbles need stacking higher to be more 'on theme'.

I have to agree with you Iain they do need to be stacked higher, my first choice was the vertical pan but thought nobody would get it

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If you could have got ALL those stones into one pile... I'd have gone for that.

I'm not normally one for abstracts - but love the colours and blurry waviness of the bamboo shot. (y)
Two of a Kind, lovely colours and details in the flowers with a bit of wild life thrown in too, I maybe would have removed the faint petals top right as they are only slightly distracting.

Vertical, something different is always welcome and this is definitely different, nice muted colours although I think your sensor may need a clean as it looks like there's some dust spots showing.

Would look great as a canvas in Ikea :D

If you could have got ALL those stones into one pile... I'd have gone for that.

I'm not normally one for abstracts - but love the colours and blurry waviness of the bamboo shot. (y)

Yes I agree about the stones, thanks for the comments (y)

Two of a Kind, lovely colours and details in the flowers with a bit of wild life thrown in too, I maybe would have removed the faint petals top right as they are only slightly distracting.

Vertical, something different is always welcome and this is definitely different, nice muted colours although I think your sensor may need a clean as it looks like there's some dust spots showing.

Would look great as a canvas in Ikea :D


will have a look for the dust spots not shown up today I think :thinking:

Rather like Vertical. You've pushed it to the extreme but it works well. Lovley colours and nice impressionist feel to it.


Thanks Andy

Hey Allan :)

Vertical - No pebbles to see... so has to be number 2 for me :D

Nice colours, very vertical, couldn't work out what it was until read but definitely a great one for the theme - nice one :)

What pebbles? :wacky: thanks (y)

Taken today for the traditionalists amongst us

vertical by allanhowe, on Flickr
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