weekly Boots' 52 for 2022

Very clever.. and reference to one excellent album. I don't recall my mum being in agreement when I first played it!

A year or so before NB&P came out, I sent my Grandmother into her local town (Totnes for those familiar with the area...) to get me "the Pistols' album for christmas". I'd have loved to see the look on her face when she saw what it (and they!) were called!
Week 2 - Old

From 1955 or 56 this Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex should count as old. It still works too.

View attachment 340663

Yup, that's old! Well, I was considering a selfie and I'm younger than that camera!!! Being VERY picky, the tripod's a bit new...
A year or so before NB&P came out, I sent my Grandmother into her local town (Totnes for those familiar with the area...) to get me "the Pistols' album for christmas". I'd have loved to see the look on her face when she saw what it (and they!) were called!

Yup, that's old! Well, I was considering a selfie and I'm younger than that camera!!! Being VERY picky, the tripod's a bit new...

Thanks for both comments Nod. I tried leaving out the tripod, but then the camera ended up on the floor, which is even newer.
Great shot Paul. Very old.

The tripod comment is very picky, but I was also going to mention it. Makes me picky too.

Perhaps it should have been balanced on your head?

Nice shot, bang on theme.
My old questoin would be does it need as much room at the top? It feels perhaps a little unbalanced (but maybe that's because I have to scroll up and down to see the whole thing on my HD res laptop).
Nicely shot Paul. A lovely camera too.

Thanks Pete!

Great shot Paul. Very old.

The tripod comment is very picky, but I was also going to mention it. Makes me picky too.

Perhaps it should have been balanced on your head?


Thanks Ian - gee, tough crowd tonight!

Nice shot, bang on theme.
My old questoin would be does it need as much room at the top? It feels perhaps a little unbalanced (but maybe that's because I have to scroll up and down to see the whole thing on my HD res laptop).

Thanks Tim! I did consider the composition quite a bit (well, a lot for me). A bit of tripod (got that wrong I guess), a bit of space on the left, more space on the right for the camera "to look into" (blah, blah, blah) and a fair bit of space above, because you need to get your head over the viewfinder. Can't win 'em all!
To be fair, I did say that I was being VERY picky! :p
Yes Nod, my flippant comment was just something I thought Ian would find funny. No offense intended.

The point about the tripod is perfectly valid, it is out of context for the camera and theme.

I do, really, appreciate the feedback.
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was just something I thought Ian would find funny.
I considered getting my keyboard warrior hat out and then I realised that I was probably more insulting...
Yes Nod, my flippant comment was just something I thought Ian would find funny. No offense intended.

The point about the tripod is perfectly valid, it is out of context for the camera and theme.

I do, really, appreciate the feedback.

None taken! Had I thought I had offended you, I'd have apologised.
Yep, that's old!
It's a lovely thing to look at, and the composition works nicely.
Lovely old camera! I'm trying to resist an old camera shot. I have about 30 or so lol.
Ikoflex ? I had to look that one up. Proper vintage
Thanks Alan!

Perfect for the theme. I like that you've shown us two aspects and left space in front of it. Looks a fun bit of kit too.
Thanks Bebop!

Lovely old camera! I'm trying to resist an old camera shot. I have about 30 or so lol.
Thanks Dave! Why not? We've had a few different takes on it, maybe you can come up with a new one? We are a photography forum, after all!
Nice TLR, and plenty of detail in the image.
My dad used to have a rollieflex about that time.
Lovely camera, well shot. If I was to be picky I too would have left less space at the top... but that is being picky...
Oh dear, if the empties could speak! It comes over in B&W much better than it would do in colour.
Nice!, it does work well in B&W .. oddly my bottles of Absolut are in the same condition ... MT ;)
Nice vodka bottle - hope it didn;t do too much damage :naughty:
Great shot Paul, I like where you placed the focus and how you've composed the image. I also think that your choice of b&w is bang on.