weekly Boots' 52 for 2022

Ah vodka does not agree with me, too many hazy memories and your picture brings that across. Looks great in black and white.
There's a stark, noir element to the mono. It's works really well. I like what you've done with the focus/DOF.
I like your pov and the subtle lighting. It actually does scream "hangover" to me so you've created an atmospheric image.
You're far too quick off the mark! I love this. fab colours, and depth of field, and enough shown so that we know what it is.
Thanks @Bebop! I just happened to be sat at my desk when the theme came up, had an idea and since there was a bit of weak, wintry sunshine it worked.
Well there is no doubt it is a bottle.
The colour and the crop give it impact.
Nice light and depth of colour ... good image.

Tanqueray bottles look well in the light
That's a beautiful shot Paul, I have something similar in mind (if I can find the right subject :) )

Love the blue background.
New - I had to look up the Ian Drury discography for the reference, I've only ever tried dry slope skiing at school which was many years ago. I can imagine it's a great sport to keep fit assuming you don't break anything in the process!!

Old - A lovely shot of the camera which is great for the theme. Good to know it still works

Receptacle - Well captured bottle with the lighting making it even better, the B&W conversion suits it too.

Bottle - A well defined image with great colours, I might have been tempted to crop from the right before the bottle shows it right hand side to give the overall image more balance.
I like the bottle image, a great abstract. Nice colours and interest.
New - I had to look up the Ian Drury discography for the reference, I've only ever tried dry slope skiing at school which was many years ago. I can imagine it's a great sport to keep fit assuming you don't break anything in the process!!

Old - A lovely shot of the camera which is great for the theme. Good to know it still works

Receptacle - Well captured bottle with the lighting making it even better, the B&W conversion suits it too.

Bottle - A well defined image with great colours, I might have been tempted to crop from the right before the bottle shows it right hand side to give the overall image more balance.

Thanks Stuart!

I like the bottle image, a great abstract. Nice colours and interest.

Thanks Jim!
Really deep colour you've captured. It makes a lovely semi-abstract shot.
Week 5 - Snapper's Choice & Tech - ICM

An abstract rendition of a walk along the canal.

Nice, the refection on the canal surface really add to the image. Definitely fulfils the ICM tech quest
That's a big tick for the ICM theme. I quite like it zoomed in to take away the solid white areas at the top
That's a good ICM Paul. Just enough to make the viewer think they know what it is but not enough to be sure.