Briony's 52 2010 Week 34 SURFACES added 24/08

Lovely set of shots Nicki... I think 3 works best.. Not sure about the lens... I've wondered that myself from time to time with my 55-250, but when I carry out controlled tests, it always seems to be fine...
Aww - these are so cute!

Do keep persevering - it may not be the lens that is at fault. For instance in no.3 the focus looks to be correct, judging by the grass, but maybe your shutter speed is not fast enough to freeze the animal?
I am going for a Reshoot on "Play"

I have been out playing with the buttons again this morning:-

Aww - that is cute! And you have nailed the focus this time. :clap:

See, I told you it was worth persevering!
Lovely shot, and very well captured. Only slight thing is the soil in the background blends a little into his back.
Hi Nicki. Nice enough shot but I think there is to much grass in the foreground, it does nothing for the image so perhaps cropping the bottom might make the image a lot stronger. Also at the moment the tree rat is in the center of the frame, not an ideal position, the crop would put it closer to the bottom of the frame.

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Ok, so the compostion ain't great but nothing a crop won't sort out.

It's great Nicki, really, really great :D
Had a bit more of a play around with it, I am just a bit wary of cropping too much but hope this one is better.

;) One good week then about 3 bad ones! god only knows what it will throw at us today - PLEASE DO NOT LET IT INVOLVE PEOPLE :LOL::LOL:
;) One good week then about 3 bad ones! god only knows what it will throw at us today - PLEASE DO NOT LET IT INVOLVE PEOPLE :LOL::LOL:

:LOL: Don't be daft, you've not had 3 bad weeks. If it does involve people you can shoot me.
A great set of images for quad Nicki well done.
Your reshoot is great too, focus is spot on and the crop works well.
I too hope this week does not involve people.
:LOL: Don't be daft, you've not had 3 bad weeks. If it does involve people you can shoot me.

What literally :LOL::LOL::LOL: You have not seen my 12 bore yet :LOL:


We will be sorting out chicken houses in the next week so there will be plenty of Kite fodder if you want to come over for some more practice.

Just pick a day with blue skies though(y)
I didn't see your Quad submission !!

3,4 & 5 are spot on, 1 & 2 might be a tad 'soft' but it's prolly my laptop and/or eyesight.

What a 'dear' little thing. The light looks a tad harsh, so well done on compensating as you did.

Would love to come over but it's Easter hols and I have two horrors to look after ...... I guess we could always feed the smallest to your pets :)
Light was awful, really dull and overcast but I still blame it on the "bloody" lens :LOL: I will get this right one day, have too many good opportunities here to mess up.

Don't wind those kids up too much and stop eating all that chocolate :puke:
I prefer the shot of the guy refuelling the plane for candid.

The first shot for produce of the eggs in the basket works well with the shadows.

The cropped squirrel is great, nice and sharpe.

Very nicely done Nicki good and sharp too. The crop is much better.
Right "Shoot" Uhmmmmmm I thought and thought to come up with something exciting but it was not doing anything for me, I caught this one of the gamekeeper on his daily rounds and thought ah:thinking: "shoot" so here it is:-


Then soon after I decided to "shoot" (not with the gun :LOL:) this.

Both images for shoot are great Nicki. If i had to choose, I'd say the gamekeeper wins it. I like the green tones in the image, nice dof too. Well done, another good week for you(y)
Two good images here - well done. I'd be tempted to try cropping the the left side of the first one a bit to emphasise the gamekeeper more and make him less central.
Nice shoot shot, i like the hazy look you have with the dof on the gamekeeper shot, i'm curious what's in the blue bottle? Nice wildlife shot too but its a pity about the blue drum behind. Tricky to clone out but maybe a colour change to green or brown would help it blend in.
Some great stuff there, Briony. The squirrel shoot is awesome. Perfect focus and the light is great.
Nice shoot shot, i like the hazy look you have with the dof on the gamekeeper shot, i'm curious what's in the blue bottle? Nice wildlife shot too but its a pity about the blue drum behind. Tricky to clone out but maybe a colour change to green or brown would help it blend in.

The blue bottle is a cut down plastic container he has made to feed the pheasants with, it is easier to scoop the food out with it!
The gamekeeper shot's a winner Nicki. It has a really nice 'feel' to it. Must be the lighting.

The muntjac is great too, pity about the barrel but I guess asking the little chap to 'move slightly to the right' was out of the question.
The gamekeeper shot's a winner Nicki. It has a really nice 'feel' to it. Must be the lighting.

The muntjac is great too, pity about the barrel but I guess asking the little chap to 'move slightly to the right' was out of the question.

Ha Ha very funny,

I did actually have a go at editing this but have lost in in the computer somewhere :bang: I will find it though,

Here it is

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Just catching up a bit, Nicki. :)

The squirrel is brilliant - pin sharp and still pin sharp in the cropped version. Fantastic. :clap::clap::clap:

Shoot: I love the gamekeeper shot for content - a good take on the theme, well composed, good lighting, and as RobC says, a nice 'feel' to it. (y)

The muntjac is lovely - well caught, nice and sharp and probably a more difficult shot to get because you would have had to act quickly. The edited version works fine for me - what blue barrel? :shrug: :D

I hope you're chuffed with these - your perseverence is paying off. :)

Just catching up a bit, Nicki. :)

The squirrel is brilliant - pin sharp and still pin sharp in the cropped version. Fantastic. :clap::clap::clap:

Shoot: I love the gamekeeper shot for content - a good take on the theme, well composed, good lighting, and as RobC says, a nice 'feel' to it. (y)

The muntjac is lovely - well caught, nice and sharp and probably a more difficult shot to get because you would have had to act quickly. The edited version works fine for me - what blue barrel? :shrug: :D

I hope you're chuffed with these - your perseverence is paying off. :)


Yes I am, and I realise now that not every photo is perfect and have to put up with the imperfections,:shrug: but just trying to improve all the time.
Nicki, the gamekeeper is bang on theme.

Excellent shot of the Muntjac too (y)
Catch up time for me Nicki.

Quad baby Muntjac shots are very, very cute :love: and you managed to catch a lovely pose in the first one.
I have to agree that they were a little soft though.

But what had happened by your reshoot week ???!!!!
You certainly got your focusing issue sorted out. That squirrel is brilliant (y) Especially the cropped version.

Really like the gamekeeper shot for shoot too. A huge improvement over your earlier people shots.
Compositionally, he's a little too central in the frame for me though. I'd prefer a bit more space to his left.

The Muntjac shot for shoot is nice too. Good effort with cloning the barrel out.
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Nice 1st shot for shoot Nikki, bang on theme and nice subject.

Would like to have seen a crop which placed the man on either the left or right third of the shot rather than the centre but thats just me being picky.

Well done

P.S Great PP work removing the blue barrel
Another vote for your gamekeeper shot....I agree with the others that a small crop would make it better compositionally...but really nice image. The muntjac is just gorgeous! ...and that's a really good bit of pp work to get rid of the barrel (y)
Quad: You say you're having problems focussing, but #'s 2 & 3 seems sharp to me.

Play; Great shot and as others have said, the focus is nailed. Practise will get you there eventually! The cropped version is much better.

Shoot works well too although as Tracer said, a crop might help here. Spot on theme and certainly an unusual subject. Not something we see every day. Is that a supressor on his rifle?

There is a definite improvement in your work Nicki. Keep it up!

Wow Nicki,

What happened? I haven't seen your thread for a few weeks and when I come back to it all these wonderful sharp images are on there. Well done for sticking with it. The focus issue is well and truely nailed now.

Brilliant bit of PP to get rid of the blue barrel (y)

I look forward to more exciting images in the coming weeks.
