Carl's 2016 TP52 Challenge **Completed**

Your dice shot has a very "Athena" poster feel to it if you get my drift. I like it.
What a great idea for spooky - very simple but effective.
I like your pose self-portrait very much - beautiful lighting and composition - a proper artist at work shot :)
The dice are brilliant - the best of these that I've seen. I've fancied having a go at this myself, so I was pleased that you gave us more info - not having ocf you've just saved me from some frustrated messing about!
Thought I'd missed your Pose....shoehorn aside, I like it. Gritty processing works really well, as does the lighting and thoughtful expression.Cheers.
Ooo nice re-shoot Carl, love how you have caught the movement, not so keen on the size of the border, but really like the concentrated light of the image its self, and how the outline separates it from the border, which in black is spot on (y)
Nice dice shot really well captured
Your dice shot has a very "Athena" poster feel to it if you get my drift. I like it.
Hi Carl, love your re shoot as everyone else has said nice sense of motion and nicely lit (y)
What a great idea for spooky - very simple but effective. I like your pose self-portrait very much - beautiful lighting and composition - a proper artist at work shot :) The dice are brilliant - the best of these that I've seen. I've fancied having a go at this myself, so I was pleased that you gave us more info - not having ocf you've just saved me from some frustrated messing about!

Thank you all for popping by and for your very complimentary remarks.
Week 46 - NewsStand

This was my test set-up; came out ok and haven't the will now to re-do with a better cut-out ho hum!

Newsflash by Carl Ayling, on Flickr
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Interesting Carl, not sure it works, but then I can talk after my submission, nice shadows it looks oddly out of shape not sure if that adds or takes away
Interesting Carl, not sure it works, but then I can talk after my submission, nice shadows it looks oddly out of shape not sure if that adds or takes away
Hey thanks Allan. Many thoughts about this one and I might still pursue another option - but this one just fell into place. The forward shadow is distorted I think due to the circular beam from the torch held overhead - it would have been better maybe if that was corrected and definition improved.
Interesting idea Carl, I quite like the distorted shadows.
Interesting idea Carl, I quite like the distorted shadows.
Thank you Mr.C.

Well, I like it Carl. Though, I might have gone with more of an angle, as it is only just off straight, which looks a little accidental. Very interesting shadows :)
Thanks Tim. Very accidental ... didn't even realise ha ha.

Very interesting Carl, nice shadows in all directions, nice idea for the theme :)
Thanks Dean - need a bit more practice with cardboard cutting.
Put's me in mind of the way they portrayed the news in those 1930's films, also seems to have a kind of art-deco feel to it, I quite like it.
Put's me in mind of the way they portrayed the news in those 1930's films, also seems to have a kind of art-deco feel to it, I quite like it.
I immediately thought Pathe News, but I'm not sure why! I really like the shadows and darker mood of this. Very inventive again, Carl :clap:

Thanks Chris, thank you Emma. Never thought about it before but see what you mean about the 1930's/Pathe News comparison - I see it now .... wish I was clever enough to have thought to do that intentionally :LOL:!

I did something similar a few years ago. I like it. Left field, but good use flash. Cheers.
Thanks Andy. Great minds .... except mine seems to be running behind the times :)
like that Carl a different take on the theme, it has a vintage feel to it. I really like the shadows
I think the imperfection of the cut-out works, as does the material with writing and scribbles. And most intriguing lighting.
Lots of interest in this image, so mnay smaller detaills that catch the eye.

A good idea for the theme.
Great self portrait in the thinker pose! Great colours and lighting.

News works as an interesting study in lighting, but doesn't work for me beyond that I'm afraid.
Really like this one Carl ....I like the dark looming shadows. every week you come up with something different :clap:..
Thank you Susie. I do like experimenting and TP52 seems to encourage that.

I think the imperfection of the cut-out works, as does the material with writing and scribbles. And most intriguing lighting.
Thanks David. Shame the front shadow is distorted - would have been better straight on hey ho.

Lots of interest in this image, so mnay smaller detaills that catch the eye. A good idea for the theme.
Thanks you Mark - wish I'd either re-done with newspaper wrapping around the letters or at the very least made a bit more of the scribbles.

Great self portrait in the thinker pose! Great colours and lighting. News works as an interesting study in lighting, but doesn't work for me beyond that I'm afraid.
Thanks Bernd. Nothing particularly dynamic about News, just a pictorial play on the word really.
It looks rather dark and foreboding and I see that Trumps name is the headline.(y) Spot on Carl.
I'm not convinced about the background either, Carl, but its not really that distracting,
I'd say it was just about on theme :)
I like the figures Carl but the BG I am not so sure about
Thanks Allan - it just looked too plain without the bg. Was looking for paper with hearts for a lovey dovey effect.

Just had a check that it is indeed your thread(y) and young lovers they are.
Thanks Shirley - Ben & Hollie (supposedly)

I'm not convinced about the background either, Carl, but its not really that distracting, I'd say it was just about on theme :)
Thanks Mr.C. - got a busy week ahead and was desperate to get something down for the week.
I'm going to go against the grain and say I love the background. The vibrant colours complement the vibrancy of the couple.
Thank you Tim - that's what I thought. Plain would be too sombre for a fun couple like them !! (That bg suggests to my wife that there may be a Scottish connection!)
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Just good friends I'm sure Carl ;) They're far too busy creating magic & mischief and running round after that pesky ladybird!

I do like the background, but the highlights are a bit distracting maybe? I'm now feeling a bit nostalgic for those days before the dreaded Ninja turtles took over morning TV in this house :)
Personally I find the background a bit busy but I think it does add some more interest to the photo
Just good friends I'm sure Carl ;) They're far too busy creating magic & mischief and running round after that pesky ladybird! I do like the background, but the highlights are a bit distracting maybe? I'm now feeling a bit nostalgic for those days before the dreaded Ninja turtles took over morning TV in this house :)
Thanks Emma. Christmas is coming - I'm hoping Santa comes along with one of them table top photo tents thingys. That should help with the highlights eh! Never heard of Ben & Hollie before ... they look a cute couple though.

Personally I find the background a bit busy but I think it does add some more interest to the photo
Thanks Chris. Just between us, I like the bg better than the models.
Hi Carl I like that I also quite like the BG and the reflections it's almost like they're floating.