weekly d00d's 52 in 2016 ... week 52 celebration

That's lovely David. What beautiful sculptures - excellent detail in the cherubs and the oof bg is just right ... quite like the foliage on lhs in particular.
Nice cherubs, agree with Carl above though a part of me would like to have seen the havoc in Hamleys.
Nicely done, the lighting and background set them off really well.
abandoned the idea of making a nuisance of myself in Hamleys.
Could have been interesting :D

And I agree, two lovely looking cherubs, nice DoF on the dark green background too.
A nice pair of Chrubs, :)
That's lovely David. What beautiful sculptures - excellent detail in the cherubs and the oof bg is just right ... quite like the foliage on lhs in particular.
Nice cherubs, agree with Carl above though a part of me would like to have seen the havoc in Hamleys.
Nicely done, the lighting and background set them off really well.
Could have been interesting :D

And I agree, two lovely looking cherubs, nice DoF on the dark green background too.
Oh my that would have been one for the evening news...! I love your cherubs - so full of character and very nicely taken. Especially brave out in the rain!
Thanks ... the young cherubs got wet but I was out there between showers, the towel was a precaution but didn't catch a single drop.
Hahaaa like your work flow :D
:D didn't mention the hours I spent on the weekend trying to make an interesting image out of a couple of Neil Young CDc.
Love those Cherubs d00d, they look lovely and clean and shiny, nice original idea for the theme.

Thanks all, I love my new Nikon 85mm 1.8 Nice glass as they say. Hamleys was just a mad idea, I'm glad I didn't go for it.
... was on a bus that stopped outside a Nandos, saw this sign and thought Fauna most peculiar, hopped off and took a HDR.

Week 38 reshoot of Week 31 Fauna.
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What is it? Nandos, originally Nando Frangos, Nandos is short for Fernando the founder, Frango is Portuguese for chicken. An emblem/symbol of Portugal is Galo de Barcelos, a thing sold in souvenir shops made of wood or terracotta, was adopted as Nando's logo. :D
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What is it? Nandos, originally Nando Frangos, Nandos is short for Fernando the founder, Frango is Portuguese for chicken. An emblem/symbol of Portugal is Galo de Barcelos, a thing sold in souvenir shops made of wood or terracotta, was adopted as Nando's logo. :D
Ahhh that explains it !!!

Love the colour of the metal, and although a bit odd, the composition works for me too :)
Nice cherubs, great sharpness, etc... but I would like to have seen the photo you come up with after causing havoc in Hamleys. :)
Good bit of hdr work there David - I like the vivid colour and the white hangers ... strange sign to have up.
a thing sold in souvenir shops made of wood or terracotta,
Just goes to show people will by any old tat :D

Nicely spotted and processed David :)
Pose is well captured David, I think we will see more and more of this in the future

Nice and sharp for the Young theme, well captured
Thanks guys HDR brings out some OTT colour ... but at the expense of sharpness.
More OTT processing ...

Over enthusiasm at Covent Garden today

week 48 Cultural
Love the movement in it, the girls face is a little blocked would be my only crit, but it does have a great sense of movement
Yes, I too like the movement, feet and bows ..... nice facial expressions as well. Brings out the vitality of life on the streets of London town.
As above, plenty of movement and a happy feel to the quartet, nicely captured and processed David :)
Yes, really nice sense of enjoyment an movement, a very nice take on a cultural activity.
lol, probably best not to have gotten yourself arrested in Hamleys
Young - Great separation of the cherubs from the background, I wouldn't have known it was raining without you saying though.
Fauna re-shoot - Great find, I'd assumed it was some kind of bar sign, so I guess I wasn't too far off having read your description.
I like the colour an the texture of the sign and the orange works well against the grey.
Cultural - I'm with Allan, the movement you've captured is excellent, just a bit of a shame about the girl's face. Would have been less of an issue if she was blurred and the chap at the front were sharp, but the fact that she's in sharp focus does draw you to her.
Great piece of street photography, their enthusiasm comes well across and nice bit of motion blur. Maybe a bit too closely cropped on the left hand side. I hope you bought one of their CDs for £10?
Wow, Ainsley Harriott has fallen far :)

Liking the expression of the guy center rear.

Culture, yup.

I feel there is a better composition in there but do like the low POV.

Love the movement in it, the girls face is a little blocked would be my only crit, but it does have a great sense of movement
Yes, I too like the movement, feet and bows ..... nice facial expressions as well. Brings out the vitality of life on the streets of London town.
As above, plenty of movement and a happy feel to the quartet, nicely captured and processed David :)
Yes, really nice sense of enjoyment an movement, a very nice take on a cultural activity.
lol, probably best not to have gotten yourself arrested in Hamleys
Young - Great separation of the cherubs from the background, I wouldn't have known it was raining without you saying though.
Fauna re-shoot - Great find, I'd assumed it was some kind of bar sign, so I guess I wasn't too far off having read your description.
I like the colour an the texture of the sign and the orange works well against the grey.
Cultural - I'm with Allan, the movement you've captured is excellent, just a bit of a shame about the girl's face. Would have been less of an issue if she was blurred and the chap at the front were sharp, but the fact that she's in sharp focus does draw you to her.
Crop wise its a tad awkward for me... but I too love the movement which sure does make the shot, theme wise yup (y)
Great piece of street photography, their enthusiasm comes well across and nice bit of motion blur. Maybe a bit too closely cropped on the left hand side. I hope you bought one of their CDs for £10?
Wow, Ainsley Harriott has fallen far :)

Liking the expression of the guy center rear.

Culture, yup.

I feel there is a better composition in there but do like the low POV.


(y)In agreement with all your comment, (except brrrnd's suggesting, buying a CD!!) I took about 20 shots and posted what was probably the worst technically, so here's another ....

I don't like people being cut in half at random heights and it doesn't have the energy of the first one, so my favourite is still #1.
Much, much better :)
The second might be better technically - but I prefer the energy of the first - the guy on the left looks like about to dance right out of the shot :)
I don't like people being cut in half at random heights and it doesn't have the energy of the first one, so my favourite is still #1.
:) Yes, it's not a thing I'd do normally, was being over creative with my cropping. We've seen enough of their shoes and the CDs.;)
Hi David

Young - Great take on the theme nice DoF and details

Re-shoot - Brilliant made me laugh.

Culture - I think I prefer the second image as it doesn't have the distraction in the upper BG of the first they both work for the theme for me.
Thanks guys ... lets say the two Culturals complement one another. #1 shows the action #2 shows what these folk actually look like.

Good time all round in London I hope susie. :wave:
Two this week, I was sitting at my desk wondering what I could arrange, in front of me is a glass bowl with camera bits, so I arranged them. :)

Then, on the mantelpiece is an arrangement of Xmas decs, I took some plus a wine bottle to the park across the road and arranged them. :)

week 49 Arranged


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First one is nicely lined up but I think I prefer the second. It's nice the way the OOF background tree to the right echos the subject in the bottle but I might have tried to make it just a tad brighter/warmer in the foreground
#1 looks a bit bland, in #2 there's so much more to see. Nice autumnal colours and good use of DoF.
Definitely #2 David .. .I think that's a very artistic composition. Lighting and DoF both good.