FILM Photographer of the year

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That's a shame, Dean. I have a vague feeling that there's a decent shot still in camera, but since I haven't yet got on to my own processing, I've had to make do with one from much earlier. Hope you got your acknowledgement?
Nothing yet, I'm hoping because the receiving machine was switched off. My email is showing the time sent as 23:57 so I'm hoping it arrived in time!
Yeah, same here. :)

It was all a mad rush when I realised it was the last day of the month yesterday. Had a lot of other concerns recently so this had dropped down the list of priorities.
Nothing yet, I'm hoping because the receiving machine was switched off. My email is showing the time sent as 23:57 so I'm hoping it arrived in time!

That's exactly it Dean... Marc is in hospital today for Surgery on his knee, and the auto-responder only works when he's on his computer, with the email client open and running. He warned everyone not to leave things to the last minute on Sunday in the main POTY thread, and stated it's unlikely that he'll be able to do much of anything until Friday now.
My email is showing the time sent as 23:57 so I'm hoping it arrived in time!

Incidentally, a handy "trick" to use with submissions by email, to check that your email provider is actually not delaying the "relay" is to send the email as normal, but to include another of YOUR OWN email addresses - ideally not on the same email system as the one you sent from - as a BCC recipient.

That way, when you recieve the BCC to your "spare" email account, you can check the email headers and see what time it was recieved at the main email system, and what time delay was involved in relaying it to the destination.

OR, better still, submit your entry with a week or so before the deadline and be sure...
There are some great entries this month, so not at all expecting anything from mine at all.
Some very interesting interpretations this month, even if a a couple of shots are "crowbar'ed" into the theme I reckon...

Good to see a decent volume of entries from the film contingent as well.
Just had a quick look and there are some super shots this month and some of the film shots are top notch. I think I'm out of the run ing this month, should have given it more thought.
I think I'm out of the run ing this month, should have given it more thought.

You and me both mate... I'd pretty much written off this month in the StaffPOTY when I read the list of themes, and frankly, it'd be fair to say I didn't try... i'd say "I just Phoned it In", but at least 2 of the entries that are wiping the floor with mine WERE phoned in, so I can't even use that excuse...
Can't believe I've missed a month already :facepalm:
was in a rush packing for a trip to bucharest, managed to forget to submit my photo. I had it saved up for ages as well, (no reflection of its quality haha) could have done it anytime...

here it is anyway

Olympic Velodrome by Jordan.Carroll, on Flickr
Can't believe I've missed a month already :facepalm:
was in a rush packing for a trip to bucharest, managed to forget to submit my photo. I had it saved up for ages as well, (no reflection of its quality haha) could have done it anytime...

here it is anyway

Olympic Velodrome by Jordan.Carroll, on Flickr

That's bang on theme so shame you didn't get to submit it. Have a concellation vote from me (y)
Can't believe I've missed a month already :facepalm:
was in a rush packing for a trip to bucharest, managed to forget to submit my photo. I had it saved up for ages as well, (no reflection of its quality haha) could have done it anytime...

here it is anyway

Olympic Velodrome by Jordan.Carroll, on Flickr

Awesome shot, really fits the theme well and is a stunner to look at.

PS. If you could forget to enter for the next few months too, that would be great. My last film entry came last in the film POTY but I still got a point because there were only 9 entries... If you enter then I won't get diddly squat :LOL:
Well done Carl, a super shot and a worthy winner.
Cheers guys :) I did actually take my film cameras there with the intention of getting that photo on film, but I wasn't able to get wide enough with the lenses I have for the RB67 or Arca Swiss!
Cheers guys :) I did actually take my film cameras there with the intention of getting that photo on film, but I wasn't able to get wide enough with the lenses I have for the RB67 or Arca Swiss!

That is such a pathetic excuse. :) congratulation on the win and the reflected glory for F&C.(y)
Still scanning the four films back from Peak when we arrived back late Tuesday, hoping there's something there...
I submitted my April entry a few days ago, well in advance of the deadline, which makes a nice change. :)
mines in, i think its one of the best images ive ever made, i also think im in for a big fat 0 this month as i cant see it being the judges cup of tea.
How did it go? Did you get one to enter?

Just sent it in, got confirmation. Two shots looked reasonable. One's in reserve, the other I really liked at the time, but it needed quite a bit of PP work to lift the shot a bit above ordinary. Not that hopeful, I may have over-processed it as I did last month (I think).
Third and two joint 9th places, well done filmies, and especially @Andysnap for that gorgeous flower (bet you're glad you didn't save it for next month, now!), and to @Strappy and @steveo_mcg, both really fine images.
Third and two joint 9th places, well done filmies, and especially @Andysnap for that gorgeous flower (bet you're glad you didn't save it for next month, now!), and to @Strappy and @steveo_mcg, both really fine images.

Between me and you if that one had failed I was going to give the whole thing up!

mines in, i think its one of the best images ive ever made, i also think im in for a big fat 0 this month as i cant see it being the judges cup of tea.

Au contraire mon ami ! Cracking shot.
yeah gotta admit i didn't think they would of "got" it. Cracking winner from Mr Andy of Snap though
yeah gotta admit i didn't think they would of "got" it. Cracking winner from Mr Andy of Snap though

Ashley, sorry I left you off the "credits"! That's my memory, going from that thread to this.

Could you elaborate on this shot? IIRC one of the judges thought it might have been a double exposure. I was fascinated by it but couldn't see the "face", as in "A face full of spring". I think maybe I'm being obtuse, or at least not thinking laterally enough!
i just meant a "face full" as it was "in your face" , so much of the subject matter just blasted everywhere in the frame, rather than anything representing a face.

This wasn't a double exposure , i just put 2 negatives on top of each other and scanned them in as one. That gave the impressionistic effect that i was after. See Claude Monet. Ive been trying to apply various painting styles to my photography during my OCA course to mixed effect, but I do love this one and i like the fact that the judge used the word "painterly" it gives hope that one of the judges at least can see past the chocolate box images.

The film section this year has been fantastic and im felling a bit annoyed that its been separated from the digital, its like them saying digital isnt really up to what film can do which is a shame ;)
Yhsnks guys, slightly surprised it got so high but it was one I was pleased with.
Congratulations all round! I'm really pleased with that result, I admit that I was getting close to sacking it off as it's been difficult to keep up enthusiasm for it with my results thus far but to score points in the main competition is more than I expected :D
Got mine in, ignoring the disaster of yesterday's non-film! I KNOW there were better ones on the non-film, but they are lost in the aether somewhere...

Now what's next month?

E2A: Faces!!!???
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Trying to get the will power to go to a cikpurrr to send mine, feeling crook.
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