iPhone 5S/C and iOS7

Why? I never connect my iPad or iPhone to my MacBook. Everything is done wirelessly.

The iPad is linked to my wife's account on one of our networked PCs, as she is seldom logged into that account it's easier to use a wired connection
Ok so have updated iPad mini to ios7 again and then immediately did the 7.02 patch. So far so good - no noticeable lag in safari.

But has Safari changed again? On the iPhone I get all my open tabs in a time machine style view but on the iPad they are laid out across the top like iOS 6?

Also how does one remove the 4 annoying icons when you open a new tab - I don't need or want espn or disney.
Ok so have updated iPad mini to ios7 again and then immediately did the 7.02 patch. So far so good - no noticeable lag in safari.

But has Safari changed again? On the iPhone I get all my open tabs in a time machine style view but on the iPad they are laid out across the top like iOS 6?

Also how does one remove the 4 annoying icons when you open a new tab - I don't need or want espn or disney.

You have them set as favourites. Enter bookmarks, then favourites, then delete them.
The iPad is linked to my wife's account on one of our networked PCs, as she is seldom logged into that account it's easier to use a wired connection

I don't see how it can be easier than doing it directly from the iPad.
why does every update re-enable bluetooth :|

First thing I noticed. It's infuriating. Settings which a user has already set should be left alone!

I always go through all the settings to see if it's switched on anything else I've turned off.

It's illogical as when you restart the phone it leaves bluetooth of it is already off so it is the update choosing to over-ride a user's choice.
Just placed my order for a 5S through the business team. No idea when I will get it, they just said sometime in October... :(
I placed my order on release day and was told October :(
:crying: Mine still says just October :(
Shame you're not on 3. A space grey 5S could be in your paws by Monday....
You could also buy the locked stock at CarphoneWarehouse, activate it with a PAYG Three simcard, fill out the unlocking request on the Three web page and have the phone unlocked the following day (a number of people have successfully done this and reported it at MacRumours).
I got mine on an o2 refresh, delivered in 24 hrs and can unlock in 3 months, not that it really matters as I'm not planning on leaving them.
What's your opinion of the HTC One v iPhone 5s? I suspect I am probably going to get a very much one sided argument in this thread, but I'm due an upgrade from my iPhone 4 and I'm struggling to choose.

I respectfully decline to comment as it will just decline into the usual andros vs apple fisticuffs (y)
If you want the apple eco system then get the 5s. If you don't then get the HTC. I think that is what it boils down to really.
What's your opinion of the HTC One v iPhone 5s? I suspect I am probably going to get a very much one sided argument in this thread, but I'm due an upgrade from my iPhone 4 and I'm struggling to choose.
From an iPhone person:

I really like the hardware. The main complaint I hear about HTC is that they stop supporting their hardware with software releases too soon - perhaps not an issue if you change every 1/2 years but if you keep them for a while it could become frustrating (and may affect resale value?).

From a UI perspective, I also dislike their Sense UI. But that's easy enough to fix by using another launcher.

Prettiest Android phone in my opinion, followed closely by the recent Xperia phones.
Can I ask what the 3G performance had been like for 5s, 5c and 5 owners .... Also that of other models on ios7

My 5s seems to be pants at staying on 3G compared to my old 4s.

Not sure if it's a handset issue or ios7.

I did a carrier update from O2 yesterday but that's not helped anything.
Can I ask what the 3G performance had been like for 5s, 5c and 5 owners .... Also that of other models on ios7

My 5s seems to be pants at staying on 3G compared to my old 4s.

Not sure if it's a handset issue or ios7.

I did a carrier update from O2 yesterday but that's not helped anything.

I'm finding better 3G signal (and call holding ability) on the 5s than what I experienced on the 4s.

Also on O2 and had the carrier setting update over the weekend.
If you create a new mail account from scratch, Google no longer support the old Exchange method of connecting - still works for those that created them before the change.