Is this forum over moderated?

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just realised what RTM is - some funny people around or maybe that's normal these days - presumably the Mods "little helpers"
Bets are now OPEN!
You have the appropriate licence I take it? :D
If not, one can be granted by sending a huge amount of :jaffa: in a brown envelope to the usual address (y)

Try moderating a multi religion forum..
I bet that was a laugh a minute ... NOT!

just realised what RTM is - some funny people around or maybe that's normal these days - presumably the Mods "little helpers"
All manner of people RTM for what ever reason, reporting spammers that we have missed, members asking for a thread to be moved as they posted it in the wrong place....
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"moan about someone else they don't like"
a bit harsh, but if that's how you chose to see it :mooning:
If you want to allow free speech, you have to allow all speech without any "buts" (providing no laws are broken, obviously).

With freedom comes responsibility, the reason we have laws as you mention is because some people just don't seem to be able to accept the responsibilities that come along with free speech. One of those responsibilities is simply to stop, think and then decide not to say (or post) what is in your mind,

If you turn up at a football match and start shouting about how boring and rubbish football is, in my view you will get what you deserve, however should things get out of hand, the police will be left with no option but to prosecute those football fans who sought to persuade you of their opinion. Would someone posting "Honestly cant think of anything more mind numbingly boring" in response to a posted photo be tolerated?
If you turn up at a football match and start shouting about how boring and rubbish football is.................
Good analogy, (y) I really don't like football, so
1) I never watch it
2) I never enter the football threads. ( I leave them to the sports minded mods )
3) Therefore never go in there and feel the need to post derogatory comments about something a lot of people rave about.
With freedom comes responsibility, the reason we have laws as you mention is because some people just don't seem to be able to accept the responsibilities that come along with free speech. One of those responsibilities is simply to stop, think and then decide not to say (or post) what is in your mind,

If you turn up at a football match and start shouting about how boring and rubbish football is, in my view you will get what you deserve, however should things get out of hand, the police will be left with no option but to prosecute those football fans who sought to persuade you of their opinion. Would someone posting "Honestly cant think of anything more mind numbingly boring" in response to a posted photo be tolerated?

Exactly, I agree. Like I said, in a moderated forum there is no such thing as "free speech", only "selectively free speech".

If someone has the freedom to post something unconstructive such as "I honestly can't think of anything more boring.. Etc" or a racist view for example, then others should have the freedom to call him/her an idiot.

To allow one but not the other is not "freedom of speech", it's giving trolls an open license.
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I haven't noticed it been over policed but then I haven't been moderated yet, I'm far too new. You're not a real member until you are moderated anyway, so when can I get moderated. Have you to put your name forward or be proposed to get moderated and whats is the dress.
I haven't noticed it been over policed but then I haven't been moderated yet, I'm far too new. You're not a real member until you are moderated anyway, so when can I get moderated. Have you to put your name forward or be proposed to get moderated and whats is the dress.
I can offer you a 24 hr / 48hr / 72hr ban?
As its you have a free sample on me (y)

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I haven't noticed it been over policed but then I haven't been moderated yet, I'm far too new. You're not a real member until you are moderated anyway, so when can I get moderated. Have you to put your name forward or be proposed to get moderated and whats is the dress.

I reckon they keep an eye on people, and ask a sensible level headed person. Well that is how I reckon they do it :rolleyes:

Surely you don't ask to be a mod :)
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With freedom comes responsibility, the reason we have laws as you mention is because some people just don't seem to be able to accept the responsibilities that come along with free speech. One of those responsibilities is simply to stop, think and then decide not to say (or post) what is in your mind,

If you turn up at a football match and start shouting about how boring and rubbish football is, in my view you will get what you deserve, however should things get out of hand, the police will be left with no option but to prosecute those football fans who sought to persuade you of their opinion. Would someone posting "Honestly cant think of anything more mind numbingly boring" in response to a posted photo be tolerated?
And I've said similar before. I'm no arty intellectual, so I sit on the fence somewhat on arty threads, but nor am I a bird or macro photographer. It wouldn't occur to me to go into those sub sections just to tell people that their area of interest is pointless. I personally like both guys at the centre of this, they're both great at what they do and helpful to others too.
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Four pages of posts since 10am? You people got no jobs to go to? :)

I hereby formally apologuse to Kelly. My treatment of you this morning was perhaps, in retrospect uncalled for.

However, even you yourself Kelly have to acknowledge that Kipax's comments served no purpose. They were not critique, not intended to promote discussion or debate, they were clearly orchestrated to be inflammatory towards a certain type of photography he is constantly vocal in denigrating. Many people have been involved in organising a huge, free, 2 day event to further photography in the north west, an area that (with the exception of Manchester) is often considered... perhaps correctly, as a bit of a creative vacuum. Hundreds of man hours, phone calls, proposals to industry and fund-raising has been embarked upon for almost 6 months to create this event, and the organisers managed to get some big names to attend for free. They've got Northern Rail to dip into their coffers to sponsor it. Just because you feel it may not be your cup of tea can not, by ANYONE'S standards justify barging in and saying

"I would be horrified to be sent on this for some sort of camera the speeding course they do.. Honestly cant think of anything more mind numbingly boring.."

If you have no interest in it... just leave the damned thread.

That's all I'm saying... as for this thread's subject... I'm not going anywhere near it :)

over and out.
Surely you don't ask to be a mod :)
Poacher turned gamekeeper in my case :D

(You've not been around long enough to know what I'm talking about :D and no, you don't ask, you get invited (y) )
I hereby formally apologuse to Kelly. My treatment of you this morning was perhaps, in retrospect uncalled for.
It takes a big man to say that (y)
Can I start with the 24 please and work my way up when I get the stamina.
No problem (y) Any preference as to when you would like it to start?

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I'm running a book on when the next anti Muslim topic makes an appearance.

Good odds available...

Place your bets! :D
At the risk of being accused of 'offended on behalf of...', it might be time to close the doors on the religious discussions, the 'friendliest photo forum' isn't a welcoming place for some sections of society if they stumble into the wrong thread and have to witness the witless rantings of the class clown and his hangers-on.
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At the risk of being accused of 'offended on behalf of...', it might be time to close the doors on the religious discussions, the 'friendliest photo forum' isn't a welcoming place for some sections of society if they stumble into the wrong thread and have to witness the witless rankings of the class clown and his hangers-on.

For sure, Phil (IMO of course). I posted this on page 1 of this thread:

I'm surprised so much borderline racism is allowed to be posted so openly and so often.

It must be very off-putting for Muslim forum members (and anyone with a working braincell inside their skull).

It seems ridiculous to let them continue, unless it's good for "clicks"/forum traffic or something? I dunno.
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I shall never understand why some people go into a thread and effectively say something along the lines of, "the subject of this thread is of no interest to me. It's all a load of b*****ks and people who are interested in this are fools or con artists."

It's beyond bizarre.
I have the upmost respect for the moderating team of this forum even if I've had both public and private provocative discourse with individuals in the past as they do a mostly thankless task often where no one but the team ever actually sees what they do, this can make it look like they've done nothing with I truly think a shame...

Is the forum over moderated, not in my opinion and to be honest I don't think normal members can truly make a call that It is or isn't overly moderated as frankly we normal members don't get all the information that a mod or admin does when viewing a situation, the back stories etc
At the risk of being accused of 'offended on behalf of...', it might be time to close the doors on the religious discussions, the 'friendliest photo forum' isn't a welcoming place for some sections of society if they stumble into the wrong thread and have to witness the witless rankings of the class clown and his hangers-on.

I always thought we were not allowed to discuss this topic, or was this relaxed maybe? :thinking:
I always thought we were not allowed to discuss this topic, or was this relaxed maybe? :thinking:

Sadly, Yes. The Religion and Politics rule was dropped in the last re-shuffle.

(Removing my Moderators Hat for a Moment.)

In my own personal opinion (and I've expressed this at length in the staffroom as well) it was a bloody terrible decision. Sadly though, now the Genie is out of the Bottle, and people now have realised what despicable examples of humanity some of the forum members are, what has been seen cannot be un-seen. So, even if the rule WAS reinstated, people would still snipe at their "mortal enemies" on here - though at least we'd have the perfect justification for instituting swift and permanent bans on the protagonists. Sadly, I think though, that some of the major thread creating s*** stirrers would be clever enough to keep schtumm and let the "other side" get themselves all earn permabans.
Sadly, Yes. The Religion and Politics rule was dropped in the last re-shuffle.

(Removing my Moderators Hat for a Moment.)

In my own personal opinion (and I've expressed this at length in the staffroom as well) it was a bloody terrible decision. Sadly though, now the Genie is out of the Bottle, and people now have realised what despicable examples of humanity some of the forum members are, what has been seen cannot be un-seen. So, even if the rule WAS reinstated, people would still snipe at their "mortal enemies" on here - though at least we'd have the perfect justification for instituting swift and permanent bans on the protagonists. Sadly, I think though, that some of the major thread creating s*** stirrers would be clever enough to keep schtumm and let the "other side" get themselves all earn permabans.

That is the trouble when threads veer off like that and get very in-depth, they never end well :(
That is the trouble when threads veer off like that and get very in-depth, they never end well :(
They may get in depth, but it's just the same content as previous threads.
Thanks for apology @Pookeyhead. Please remember in future to keep the insults off the forum. @KIPAX, please stop being so grumpy with your posts. If you don't like something then say but don't put someone's hard work down in the way you did.
Casablanca -
Someone got it anyway :D

sometime this forum is more BNP than BJP.
And sometimes too many people read far to much into an innocuous comment, which ever side of the argument they happen to be on.
Be that race, religion, or any other contentious subject.
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