Is this forum over moderated?

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Indeed, sometime this forum is more BNP than BJP.
Yes, that is exactly what a couple of photographers said to me at a zoo I was visiting a while back. A friend of mine who was browsing through the forum one day as a non photographer also remarked on the lack of non white contributors, which was remarkable considering it boasts over 50k members.
lack of non white contributors, which was remarkable considering it boasts over 50k members

How on earth can you tell their ethnicity?
looking back, it was indeed a bad idea to lift the no politics/religion rule, however in our defence, we didnt realise quite how extreme/blinkered some folk can be.
looking back, it was indeed a bad idea to lift the no politics/religion rule, however in our defence, we didnt realise quite how extreme/blinkered some folk can be.

Mistakes can be rectified however surely, and I know Mark as said about it would be hard to get the Genie back into the bottle but if it were seen as such a mistake, maybe that is an effort work undertaking, just my humble opinion of course but I much preferred a forum where I wasn't aware that it was also populated by knuckle dragging biffers, ignorance in this instance was bliss
I much preferred a forum where I wasn't aware that it was also populated by knuckle dragging biffers, ignorance in this instance was bliss

Happily I haven't ventured into areas where this is apparent (or I've just been incredibly dense); sadly, I now know that it exists and I'll always be wondering about who they are.

In passing - was this thread ever in the appropriate section anyway? If it hadn't been here I would probably never have seen it.
How on earth can you tell their ethnicity?
I think she was judging it on the avatars, the 'my other half' thread and photos from meet ups. Thinking about it, yeah, there are loads of photos of contributing members on the forum.
In passing - was this thread ever in the appropriate section anyway?

no, not really, it should have been in forum help, but people don't like to post in there, because the posts destined for there need admin/mod approval before they become visible. So - if there's anything slightly contentious, they post somewhere else instead and hope the thread gathers enough momentum that we (staff) would look draconian for moving or deleting it...
That's ridiculous - I'm far more handsome than this!
Who isn't?!? :exit:

Edit: Apologies in advance, in case you feel insulted by this comment
Edit: When I say "you", I mean the subject of the quip, not anyone else who just feels like being insulted on their behalf.
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Four pages of posts since 10am? You people got no jobs to go to? :)

I hereby formally apologuse to Kelly. My treatment of you this morning was perhaps, in retrospect uncalled for.

However, even you yourself Kelly have to acknowledge that @KIPAX's comments served no purpose. They were not critique, not intended to promote discussion or debate, they were clearly orchestrated to be inflammatory towards a certain type of photography he is constantly vocal in denigrating. Many people have been involved in organising a huge, free, 2 day event to further photography in the north west, an area that (with the exception of Manchester) is often considered... perhaps correctly, as a bit of a creative vacuum. Hundreds of man hours, phone calls, proposals to industry and fund-raising has been embarked upon for almost 6 months to create this event, and the organisers managed to get some big names to attend for free. They've got Northern Rail to dip into their coffers to sponsor it. Just because you feel it may not be your cup of tea can not, by ANYONE'S standards justify barging in and saying

"I would be horrified to be sent on this for some sort of camera the speeding course they do.. Honestly cant think of anything more mind numbingly boring.."

If you have no interest in it... just leave the damned thread.

That's all I'm saying... as for this thread's subject... I'm not going anywhere near it :)

over and out.

Happily I haven't ventured into areas where this is apparent (or I've just been incredibly dense); sadly, I now know that it exists and I'll always be wondering about who they are.

In passing - was this thread ever in the appropriate section anyway? If it hadn't been here I would probably never have seen it.

You are lucky then, as once seen there is no forgetting, I'll not point them out to you as it would taint your own use of the forum and that would not be fair, bad enough I know who they are
looking back, it was indeed a bad idea to lift the no politics/religion rule, however in our defence, we didnt realise quite how extreme/blinkered some folk can be.

I would be supportive of the rule being reintroduced

As to the question is this forum over moderated? The answer for me is no, it is a well moderated forum and the balance is just right
I'm not in favour of banning topics as the reasonable people can make their point and have their conversations and if the crazies move in the mods can always delete / ban / close the thread as most appropriate...
You could just get rid of the whole 'Out of Focus' section. There's too many who live in there and never post a bloody pic from month to month. You'ze know who you are:rolleyes:. Tiz a photography forum after all.
You could just get rid of the whole 'Out of Focus' section.
Don't think that we haven't discussed it many times, but we always reach the same conclusion, the crap / banter / general chat will just get spread about the other forums.
Its best left in one place don't you think?
Don't think that we haven't discussed it many times, but we always reach the same conclusion, the crap / banter / general chat will just get spread about the other forums.
Its best left in one place don't you think?

I don't doubt it but the lazy mugs who never post any pictures should get a rocket up their malingering @rses imo:). Just my thoughts like.
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I don't doubt it but the lazy mugs who never post any pictures should get a rocket up their malingering @rses imo:). Just my thoughts like.
I couldn't agree more TBH.
And we do try and encourage people to do so, But as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water ....
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Don't think that we haven't discussed it many times, but we always reach the same conclusion, the crap / banter / general chat will just get spread about the other forums.
Its best left in one place don't you think?

Yup. Agree
There's no problem with people having different opinions, it's just an issue with how some put it across. After all there's so much disinformation on the internet, it's down to the sensible, level headed people to point this out.

When it steps beyond that, or gets personal, then it's time for the mods to act and to be honest, they do it really well.

Here we have a really valuable resource, the best photo forum for us in the uk, professional contributors, people involved in photography tuition and some excellent hobbyists. All that for free.

Yes we'll have disagreements, different opinions, that's cos we're human. It's just some need to forget about the anominity of the web and write like they'd actually speak in person. It's hard enough sometimes to get a meaning into the words sometimes.

So if everyone could just stop acting like knobs at times, think before they type and then maybe we can all just get back to taking photos and using this wonderful place as it's intended.

I think the Buddhists have it right, show loving kindness to all.
Yup. Agree
There's no problem with people having different opinions, it's just an issue with how some put it across. After all there's so much disinformation on the internet, it's down to the sensible, level headed people to point this out.

When it steps beyond that, or gets personal, then it's time for the mods to act and to be honest, they do it really well.

Here we have a really valuable resource, the best photo forum for us in the uk, professional contributors, people involved in photography tuition and some excellent hobbyists. All that for free.

Yes we'll have disagreements, different opinions, that's cos we're human. It's just some need to forget about the anominity of the web and write like they'd actually speak in person. It's hard enough sometimes to get a meaning into the words sometimes.

So if everyone could just stop acting like knobs at times, think before they type and then maybe we can all just get back to taking photos and using this wonderful place as it's intended.

I think the Buddhists have it right, show loving kindness to all.

Excellent post (y)
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Yup. Agree
There's no problem with people having different opinions, it's just an issue with how some put it across. After all there's so much disinformation on the internet, it's down to the sensible, level headed people to point this out.

When it steps beyond that, or gets personal, then it's time for the mods to act and to be honest, they do it really well.

Here we have a really valuable resource, the best photo forum for us in the uk, professional contributors, people involved in photography tuition and some excellent hobbyists. All that for free.

Yes we'll have disagreements, different opinions, that's cos we're human. It's just some need to forget about the anominity of the web and write like they'd actually speak in person. It's hard enough sometimes to get a meaning into the words sometimes.

So if everyone could just stop acting like knobs at times, think before they type and then maybe we can all just get back to taking photos and using this wonderful place as it's intended.

I think the Buddhists have it right, show loving kindness to all.

Superb post..lets face it we can all have off days occasionally I know that I can, but sadly if someone has to many off days no matter how good there normal contribution they still maybe cause to much negativity so that it outweighs the good :( hopefully for most this however would not be an issue and not many thus would have to level the forum :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
It was never actually a rule/ban per se. It was a request and something that we decided each time (on a thread by thread basis) to not let happen.
It was written in the rules as "But politics or religion" IIRC.
I took it out of the wording when I rewrote the rules to make it simple.

There wasn't specifically an out right ban on the threads and to be fair, there shouldn't be.
Everyone on here is a grown up (Im paraphrasing), and if someone comes in and annoys 98% of the people then if they are too blind to see that then they should reconsider their joining in.

What I am absolutely sick of is what's happening with ST4 and many others in OOF.

For a start we have Steve with his moronic comments and Daily-Mail-esque rants about immigrants. It's p***ing a lot of people off, and it's p***ing us mod team off.
Then we have many others goading Steve with their comments, reminding him of the "Shoot them in the face" crap a while ago.

Infact, I can't even be arsed going through and typing this post as I originally intended.

Steve, if you went into a pub and joined in the conversation with extremist views you'd likely be laughed at and shunned out of the front entrance.
The same applies here. Keep your views civil, thoughtful and kind or keep them to yourself.
Also, stop reporting everyone for trolling when they're not.

Everyone else, stop goading Steve with your childish comments. We can see right through them and it's getting boring.

For the record, I think all religion is bloody stupid.

PS. @BRASH can you shrink your siggy please? It's huge.
I don't think this forum is over moderated, I would not visit if it was a free for all, with no mods keeping a check on things :)

Yeah...but those are not the only 2 options.

I for one welcome our Moderator Overlords :)
This is one of the best and good natured forums out there. This is down to is down to some really good content, from some really generous members. Plus a good Admin and Moderation team, who keep things flowing nicely. It certainly is not over moderated, very lenient if anything. Some post content to cause a reaction ruining a thread, that in turn ends up ruining a forum.

I doff my cap to the Admin and moderation team (y) ta
You could just get rid of the whole 'Out of Focus' section. There's too many who live in there and never post a bloody pic from month to month. You'ze know who you are:rolleyes:. Tiz a photography forum after all.

Yep I plead guilty to that in part.
All but given up posting pictures, the zoo and domestic forum has almost died, last 2 threads I have replied to have been ignored by the OP
and nice though it is for @sbowler579 to reply to the unanswered posts, and I do appreciate his efforts, it gets a bit pointless when others CBA.
Wild and free is much the same, Bird section, well you only have to look at the first page of posts, I'll say no more.
I do occasionally wander into the rural and scenic and comment, they at least acknowledge you if you take the time to comment, but
it's not something I want to take pictures of myself but do appreciate others,

So that's my view on things and as to why people don't post photos these days, but the help sections are just as useful and if people don't
like OOF then it is quite easy to collapse the forum and ignore unless you are too nosey :p
Yep I plead guilty to that in part.
All but given up posting pictures, the zoo and domestic forum has almost died, last 2 threads I have replied to have been ignored by the OP
and nice though it is for @sbowler579 to reply to the unanswered posts, and I do appreciate his efforts, it gets a bit pointless when others CBA.
Wild and free is much the same, Bird section, well you only have to look at the first page of posts, I'll say no more.
I do occasionally wander into the rural and scenic and comment, they at least acknowledge you if you take the time to comment, but
it's not something I want to take pictures of myself but do appreciate others,

So that's my view on things and as to why people don't post photos these days, but the help sections are just as useful and if people don't
like OOF then it is quite easy to collapse the forum and ignore unless you are too nosey :p

You too are exempt due to your kindness. It's not forgotten;)
You too are exempt due to your kindness. It's not forgotten;)

Think you need a Doctor or a Psychiatrist, you're going soft in your old age :D:p
Think you need a Doctor or a Psychiatrist, you're going soft in your old age :D:p

Ha, less of the old age. I've always been soft, I'm just very f****n' adept at not showing it.:)
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