weekly It is what it is, Sirching for 52/2016 - 52 - Celebrate

I've had a play and a better example with less keystoning is below
That looks straighter :) but its difficult to tell if its natural or not, as some of those ancient walls learn further than some tower or other, in Italy :D
Ooo now that does look old, I like the old photo look, shame they ruin all these ruins with wooden steps nowadays, but I suppose it gets visitors in... the clouds sure make it for me, help the stonework stand out a treat :)

Thanks Dean, appreciate it.
That sky is fantastic and makes a great backdrop for the ruins Chris. The 52 can be a great way to get out to places we should have been before!
Thanks Emma, I agree it certainly makes me make the effort.

Perfect processing Chris, really like the aged effect, reminds me of some old photos I have here of me :eek:
Thanks Susie, I know the feeling ;)
52-2016-Urban (1) by TheWub, on Flickr

So only a few hours late, I wanted some light trails and I got them, just, after a 25 minute drive to our nearest proper bit of urban, the things we do for a 52...

Here's another
52-2016-Urban (2) by TheWub, on Flickr
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Looks like Kendal?...
I like the senses of its possibly the early hours and the town is still all quiet and yet to start to come to life.

To be honest though, for me it's doesn't shout "urban" and it seems other things are dominating the picture, mainly the river and wall.

the focus perhaps (could be my tired eyes I admit!) does not seem right. If it was hand held and you were trying for the lights trails then hats off that it's this good!

For me I prefer the composition of the second, the large wall in the first distracts too much IMHO given how it is lit.
Looks like Kendal?...
I like the senses of its possibly the early hours and the town is still all quiet and yet to start to come to life.

To be honest though, for me it's doesn't shout "urban" and it seems other things are dominating the picture, mainly the river and wall.

the focus perhaps (could be my tired eyes I admit!) does not seem right. If it was hand held and you were trying for the lights trails then hats off that it's this good!

For me I prefer the composition of the second, the large wall in the first distracts too much IMHO given how it is lit.
Thanks for looking Chris, it is Kendal but about 9.00 on a Thursday night, the camera was resting on the wall but I think there is a bit of motion blur, it was a bit of a rush job so I didn't get behind with the 52. For me there is plenty that says urban, the canalised river, the light trails, the buildings and lights and I was going for the way the Urban impinges on the natural.
Oh very Urban ;) ... clone out that green A-road sign and you could be in Emmerdale. :D

I like the first one Chris but the wall at bottom is a little too much so I'd be inclined to trim that a bit.
Oh very Urban ;) ... clone out that green A-road sign and you could be in Emmerdale. :D

I like the first one Chris but the wall at bottom is a little too much so I'd be inclined to trim that a bit.

:D Yeah well it's our bit of bright-lights, big-city. The flippin' council has replaced a lot of the streetlights with really quite bright white LEDs so to some extent I was struggling with the lighting because they were too bright and that is what was lighting up the wall. Thanks for commenting
Ah yes Kendal, I've driven through it once, didn't stop though :D

Nice low light images Chris :)
Well Kendal looks like an urban jungle, there are enough hints of urban things but they are both rather dominated by the wall and river
Ah yes Kendal, I've driven through it once, didn't stop though :D

Nice low light images Chris :)
Stop next time, it's got shops and a one-way system and Quaker tapestry museum ... on second thoughts you were right :)

Well Kendal looks like an urban jungle, there are enough hints of urban things but they are both rather dominated by the wall and river
Thanks Allan, as I said above I was going for the kind of urbanised nature thing but I guess the balance between the two could have been better

Hi Chris ... love the softness of the flowing water, I really like the idea of the night time shot with the light trails, it definitely adds to the urban look :) Must admit that's about as urban as I like to get ...peace and quiet suits me.
Thanks Susie, me too (y)
I like all the night lights and the way the water is still but there is a strong current underneath.
Stop next time, it's got shops and a one-way system and Quaker tapestry museum ... on second thoughts you were right :)
#2 is my fave Chris - love the soft water and the light trails. Excellent :clap:
I think I prefer your second urban shot - I like the curved lines in the river bank and the first seems a bit disjointed to me with the wall cutting through the image.
Nice choice for pair with excellent use of dof...I'm just trying to work out what sort of book you were reading!
Hi Chris,
I think the re-edit of Kendal Castle is the better image, though I was fully happy to believe that the angle of the original was true to life, many old ruins look like that.
Urban - Nice bit of long exposure there, quite a contrast of the calm river with the light trails of the passing cars.
Pair - Well executed and fits the theme, the tight crop suits it.
well composed particularly like the focus on the lenses of the glasses took me a while to figure that out, good choice for the theme
I think I prefer your second urban shot - I like the curved lines in the river bank and the first seems a bit disjointed to me with the wall cutting through the image.
Nice choice for pair with excellent use of dof...I'm just trying to work out what sort of book you were reading!
Thanks Emma, a bit of light reading before bed :)

Hi Chris,
I think the re-edit of Kendal Castle is the better image, though I was fully happy to believe that the angle of the original was true to life, many old ruins look like that.
Urban - Nice bit of long exposure there, quite a contrast of the calm river with the light trails of the passing cars.
Pair - Well executed and fits the theme, the tight crop suits it.
Thansk for taking the time Tim

Nicely set up pair chris, although I'd love to see a tad more depth of focus, well lit, I'm liking the diagonals of the book and especially the highlighted rims of the glasses :)
I was after a bit of distinction beteen the text throught the glasses and the rest hence th shallow DoF but I really needed a stronger pair to emphasise the effect more I think

well composed particularly like the focus on the lenses of the glasses took me a while to figure that out, good choice for the theme
Thanks Allan, thats what I was going for but a stronger pair of glasses would have made it mroe obvious I think
Hi Chris. Excellent use of DoF - like the clarity of the words through the lens. Intrigued by the book but do like that table cover.
A nice pair of specs there Chris, and nicely set up too :)
Hi Chris. Excellent use of DoF - like the clarity of the words through the lens. Intrigued by the book but do like that table cover.
Thanks Carl, the book is an old encyclopedia that we have probably never opened since google came along. I opened it at the camera page, not that you can tell. I think the table cover is a William Morris print.

Ahhhh II see, nicely done then :)
Way things are going I'll have a stronger pair of specs fairly soon :(

A nice pair of specs there Chris, and nicely set up too :)
Thanks Chris
Nice shot for pair, very clever set up that you managed to get the text through the lenses in focus.