weekly It is what it is, Sirching for 52/2016 - 52 - Celebrate

Oo, I like that, and on theme too....

Whats the story ?
Glad you like it, I shot it for this theme, there's more on my facebook

Definitely looks Alien Chris ... a monster emerging from the depths. Underground is alien territory to the majority of us anyway.
"a monster emerging from the depths" - that's because it's a selfie :D. Caves being an alien environment is exactly what I was going for. Thanks Carl

Very atmospheric Chris.
I like the way you've used the light source to pick out the texture / formation of the rock.
The range of light give it an eerie, other worldly feel.
Thanks Tim, I was pleased with the back light.

Works very well, it does certainly look other-worldly.
Thanks Brnd

That works so well - very eerie and the rock formations look just like a set from a sci fi.
Thanks Emma
Hi Chris ...that's a very moving shot for After, the eyes seem to draw you in, it is sad, but I guess it's all part of the circle of life.

You've manged to make your subject look suitably blurry and otherworldly in you Alien shot. I like the choice of the location with that high cleft in the rock.
Hi Chris ...that's a very moving shot for After, the eyes seem to draw you in, it is sad, but I guess it's all part of the circle of life.

You've manged to make your subject look suitably blurry and otherworldly in you Alien shot. I like the choice of the location with that high cleft in the rock.
Thanks Susie, the location was a bit of lucky find.
Yeah, quite an eerie feeling. I wish the light was a little to the right, more behind the person.

However, I do like the contorted figure.

It has quite a sci fi, horror feel to it, works well and an unusualenviroment for most of us
Yeah, quite an eerie feeling. I wish the light was a little to the right, more behind the person.

However, I do like the contorted figure.


Have you any idea how hard it is photographing aliens in a cave? :D
I did consider standing infornt of the light but having only the one light with me the issue then would be a big shadow and lttile detail in the foreground. I also felt the bright light straight on had that kind of X-files feel.

It has quite a sci fi, horror feel to it, works well and an unusualenviroment for most of us
Thanks Allan
Pair ... nice idea, but I wish the writing thro the specs was a bit more legible.

Some lovely colour in that BIG view ... nice to see a FG anchor even if it is a bit of old fern.

Alien ... those people and places are alien to me. But you've captured a bit of drama there.
Pair ... nice idea, but I wish the writing thro the specs was a bit more legible.

Some lovely colour in that BIG view ... nice to see a FG anchor even if it is a bit of old fern.

Alien ... those people and places are alien to me. But you've captured a bit of drama there.
Thanks for taking the time David
Nice abstract Chris - like the grey/blue and brown mix of colours.
Can only agree with the above comments, can't get more liquid than that
Towards the top of the frame the waves look a bit OOF, but I agree, can't get more liquid than that.
Very liquid indeed, nice abstract Chris :)
Towards the top of the frame the waves look a bit OOF, but I agree, can't get more liquid than that.

Yes, it was quite a low angle to get the reflected colours

Very liquid indeed, nice abstract Chris :)
Thanks Chris

Nice golds 'n blues.
Thanks David

OOOoo, like it. I do like abstracts and water makes a great subject. I think a crop of the bottom works as well too.


Good point about the crop, I felt it suited a square crop but the bottom part does look better.

That cave works very well Chris, I can see that in a scary movie too !!!
Thanks Dean
Nice collage Chris, it works for me, but just 3 words,
SOD doing THAT!
Works for me a get collage of images, some great textures in the rock faces.
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all good images for the theme but i really like the bottom left one i think it would stand on its own
That's a good choice for liquid Chris, it makes a very nice abstract, I like the different tones in the water, it works very well.

Good idea too for the collage, I think the centre photo would stand alone, but the additions do add that extra bit of interest, especially with the rock climbers.
all good images for the theme but i really like the bottom left one i think it would stand on its own

The collage works really well I think - so many wonderful textures. Cracked? You'd have to be a little to do that (in my scaredy pants opinion!) ;)

That's a good choice for liquid Chris, it makes a very nice abstract, I like the different tones in the water, it works very well.

Good idea too for the collage, I think the centre photo would stand alone, but the additions do add that extra bit of interest, especially with the rock climbers.

Thanks all
Great images. Clever idea, made even better with the interesting angles and climbers to give the perspective.
Liquid - I think that would make a good computer background. Nice colours and abstract feel.
Cracked - Certainly fits the theme. Is @Cobra being a wuss? Having said that, it's many years and many lbs ago that I last did any rock climbing.
Great images. Clever idea, made even better with the interesting angles and climbers to give the perspective.
Thanks Debbie,

Liquid - I think that would make a good computer background. Nice colours and abstract feel.
Cracked - Certainly fits the theme. Is @Cobra being a wuss? Having said that, it's many years and many lbs ago that I last did any rock climbing.
Personally I find the issue with climbing is not so much about upper body strength as lower body weight :D
I like the collage Chris and a terrific response to the theme. I agree with Debbie that the inclusion of the two images with the climbers, adds added interest. You're right, the main image with those deep dark fissures is my fave too.
Nicely put together, and the climbers add to the photo. Works really well for "cracked".
I like the collage Chris and a terrific response to the theme. I agree with Debbie that the inclusion of the two images with the climbers, adds added interest. You're right, the main image with those deep dark fissures is my fave too.

Nicely put together, and the climbers add to the photo. Works really well for "cracked".

Thanks both, much appreciated
Hi, as I said on Dean's post, I'd rather be able to see the full photograph so I don't have to scroll up and down :)

Like it, works well, especially with the climbers on the upper left.

Good selection of images nicely put together, my fave being bottom middle.