Marks 52 the next 6 months..... Week 52 Texture and I'm done!

0 out of 10 for originality this week:| I had other ideas but it's Sunday evening and none of them have been tried...where do the weeks go!

So here's one I grabbed as a back up shot, just in case!

It's quite a heavy crop hence the noise! The 400d doesn't handle noise very well!

The original is on my Flickr if you're interested.

Thanks for looking.

Well I'm glad that you didn't get time to try your other ideas.
I really, really love this one :love:

It's one of those photos where I think that the noise actually adds something. Without the noise it would be a very nice flower macro, with the noise there's that sort of painted / sketch-like quality to it.
The colours are beautiful and I love the starburst composition.

Obvious subject choice or not it's the photo of the week for me so far!!!! (y)
You've mentioned it... but it's a damn pity about the noise! It's a very interesting photo otherwise. Love the almost symmetry of the flower. Get's a (y)... but still such a damn pity about this noise!
You've mentioned it... but it's a damn pity about the noise! It's a very interesting photo otherwise. Love the almost symmetry of the flower. Get's a (y)... but still such a damn pity about this noise!

I've got to agree with Karma - I like the composition and you have captured all the lovely colours but the noise is too much for me I'm afraid.
Lovely colours and composition, and I really like it for that. The problem is the noise... I couldn't decide looking at the shot if you'd run some heavy NR on it or not, as it looks smooth in places and grainy in others.
Lovely colours and composition, and I really like it for that. The problem is the noise... I couldn't decide looking at the shot if you'd run some heavy NR on it or not, as it looks smooth in places and grainy in others.

Sorry , have to agree. Would have been a cracking shot otherwise.
Seems to be a marmite shot this one. I did run it through Photoshops NR which never seems to make much difference if you ask me. I may try shooting it again, if the flowers are still there.

this is the shot I cropped it from
:shrug: Looks like I was on my own in liking the noise, but I'm sticking to my guns on this one. :)
It reminds me of a pencil sketch . . . maybe not to everyone's taste, but it still really works for me.

The original shot was nice, but I think the crop and edit is stunning.
I really like the composition and colours in the crop but the IQ is degraded by the crop its a shame you couldnt get closer to the flower with out croping.
So I've reshot my Passion picture. Less noise but not quite as impact on this one. :bonk:

Added to that water, this was harder than I thought and not overly happy with my efforts, my first lacks interest (on my flickr), the second is better since I turned it into a pano, but still not sure I nailed it. :|

Thanks for looking (y)

Looking at your passion shots Mark the reshoot has the impact in my opinion - the dof and head on viewpoint gives it a 3D effect! My first view was 'wow' that really has some punch!

I like it and the colours are great! (y)

Water has less impact for me I'm afraid - dof is good but its not doing a great deal for me I'm afraid :(
Thanks for the comments John

I'm not happy with my water shot, if inspiration strikes tomorrow I may yet change it.
The reshoot is excellent. I keep going back to it and re-examining it. Can't stop looking at it. Excellent. Love that flower, it's got such fascinating detail which you've captured so well. (y)

Water shot is ok. I can see why you're not fully happy with it. Like the idea, think if you work on it there's definitely something there.

Actually looking back at the water shot my crit/advice is that the water bottles get a bit lost out of the left of the photo. I think you should try keep them all in the photo, maybe a person in the distance at the far end and the water bottles leading your attention to the "model". Just a thought
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The reshoot is VAST improvement - loads of oompf (y)

Water - I can also see why you're not happy with it. Technically I can't see anything wrong but it's just not very exciting. Fingers crossed that you come back with another reshoot today ;)
LOVE the reshoot, fab! Really nice, and agree, has a big 'punch' to it!

Water shot, on theme and a nice set up (y)
(y) (y) (y)

Loved your first passion shot, but that reshoot is really something special. There's an amazing 3D element to it . . . I don't know if that was deliberate but it works brilliantly either way!

Water - bang on theme, very well taken and a good idea, but somehow it's lacking a bit of the "wow" factor for me :(
Thanks for all the comments folks, glad you like the reshoot.:)

I'm afraid I have nothing else to offer on water. Maybe may inspiration is a week behind. This is the shot that didn't make it.

As you can see it's even more boring than my first attempt.:LOL:
The reshoot of Passion is superb. Excellent work Mark... I'm afraid that whilst both water shots are technically spot on, they don't really do much for me. Of the two I think I prefer the second one.
Mark - I think I'm going to be on my own on this one. I prefer your first Passion shot. It's one of my all-time favourite flowers and I loved the intricate graphic quality in the first one. The reshoot emphasises the pinky bit in the middle (stemens?) too much for me and detracts from the fabulous shapes and colours. I'm so sorry - it's just personal preference. :)

Water: I sympathise with trying to get a row of bottles to look sexy (I tried it with 10 green wine bottles some time ago :LOL:), and it's by no means a cop out/easy shot. This is fine technically, but your heart wasn't in it - nor in the second one, methinks.

Onwards and upwards for next week. (y)

Mark - I think I'm going to be on my own on this one. I prefer your first Passion shot. It's one of my all-time favourite flowers and I loved the intricate graphic quality in the first one. The reshoot emphasises the pinky bit in the middle (stemens?) too much for me and detracts from the fabulous shapes and colours. I'm so sorry - it's just personal preference. :)

Water: I sympathise with trying to get a row of bottles to look sexy (I tried it with 10 green wine bottles some time ago :LOL:), and it's by no means a cop out/easy shot. This is fine technically, but your heart wasn't in it - nor in the second one, methinks.

Onwards and upwards for next week. (y)


:agree: Jean has said it all for me ( hows that for a cop out!) ;)
Tbh i really like the shot that didn't make. The composition is fantastic and holds my intrest much more than the bottels on the wall.
I think the shot could have worked better if you had gone for something a bit abstract and filled the frame with the receeding bottles...I think it's the other elements; the wall, the sky, the trees that distract the eye....

a much more interesting shot than no.1 and well composed
You might have rejected the second water shot, but I prefer it to the first one.

There might be less in it, but strangely I find it more interesting.
Not one that I'd want to print for the wall, but it's well composed and has nice dof. I could actually see something like this on the front of a brochure for a water cooler company.
Thanks for all the comments folks and apologies that I've not commented on your threads, I will catch up soon. So the second water shot is the best of a bad bunch then. Didn't see that coming or I'd have picked it.

Off to try and conjure up an idea for this weeks shot now!
Passion...yes it's got to be the reshoot for me...first one way too much noise for me...:(

But yes the second one works for me much better...:clap:

Water... not sure about the first one...a bit bland but ok to fit the theme, the second one...:thinking: same again fits but not doing much for me really...:shake:
Passion - I love the first shot for it's dreamy quality and the reshoot because it's stunning :clap::clap::clap: I'd frame either of them!

Water - boy I know that feeling well, when a topic just doesn't inspire you and you can tell. Both competent shots but not much impact sorry :(
Thank you for the comments and apologies if I've been slow commenting this week, all will become clear below!
Not a great week, I spent Monday unwell, then 2 days work before full on man flu hit and laid me out for three days :thumbsdown:

But I managed to make my long standing meet with ..MD.. and his family today and had a great day with them all.

This was as close to out of context as I could get so it'll have to do.

Thanks for looking(y)

Now can we have some easy stuff please, my brain can't cope:rules:

Now can we have some easy stuff please, my brain can't cope:rules:

:D my sentiments exactly! And I'm one of the newer members to this.

The photo really suits the theme. And it's not a bad photo. Not your best though I'm afraid :( but considering you've been ill it's a great effort :)

Hope your feeling better mate (y)
Thank you and having thought about it, perhaps I should have gone with this one?

Thank you and having thought about it, perhaps I should have gone with this one?

:D:D I think you should! That's very funny, I actually laughed out loud when I saw it :LOL:! Very apt indeed. And for me, the photo is better in composition too. (y)
:D That second one is great!

Hope you're feeling better soon ;)
:LOL: (y)

Both of those made me laugh, but the second one is brilliant.
How did you find that and who put it there? Just totally bizarre :D :LOL:
Photographically it's nice and sharp, although I'd like to see the full reflection in the foreground and perhaps a little less background.

I've struggled with flu this week too, so I know how you're feeling and how much of a struggle it is to work up the enthusiasm to get the camera out. Hope you're better soon.
Ok so I'll officially change it then. Believe it or not there were two of them, they stop the Broads cruisers entering Ranworth Broad, which is run by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.

The man-flu is on the wane thanks, thought it might be the piggy one for a while, but thankfully didn't last that long!
Both very good, but I have to agree, you're new shot that you've swapped to is much better... Hope you're feeling much better and roll on the next theme, may it be something that's a helluva lot easier to shoot, but somehow I doubt it...