Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

Well a fair bit of deliberation this week, I have found something! These have been sitting on my coffee table and it dawned on me, I can use these! So here we are, some hard sweets. Took quite a few pictures and quite a lot of rearranging was involved, this I felt was the best, as I kept missing gaps in the dish. lit with natural light at 1 second @ f22

Hi ;)

Liking the hard theme ... I bet not many people thought of that:D I like the colours..

Hi Michael - great pic! I really like idea and the colours. The detail on the red and orange ones is excellent. The yellow ones look a bit overexposed so you are losing detail.

I think I would have tried a slightly different composition with the red sweet more off to one side. Don't ask me to explain why, that's just what looks right to my eye!

Overall a colourful and imaginative pic that I like a lot.
Agree with Patrick that the yellow sweets look over exposed, but it's a nice image and a good take on the theme....and got my tastebuds going!! :)
Mmm yummy!

Very tasty photo Michael! Excellent interpretation of the theme, very good arrangement of the candies and on the spot lighting!

Keep them coming!


Thanks very much for commenting

Hi Michael - great pic! I really like idea and the colours. The detail on the red and orange ones is excellent. The yellow ones look a bit overexposed so you are losing detail.

I think I would have tried a slightly different composition with the red sweet more off to one side. Don't ask me to explain why, that's just what looks right to my eye!

Overall a colourful and imaginative pic that I like a lot.

Agree with Patrick that the yellow sweets look over exposed, but it's a nice image and a good take on the theme....and got my tastebuds going!! :)

I had looked at both the yellow sweet and its exposure as well as the red sweet. It was one of those times where it looked spot on through the eye and looked spot on on the screen, but I do see what you mean. Now the red sweet, was in the back of my mind after I had put them back in there jar, should I have moved it or not? I think its one of those where it would kind of work both ways. Many thanks for both of your replies, very much appreciated. (y)
I really like the detail in the sweets, well done. Lovely and vibrant

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I just love the vibrance of the colours and the detail you can see on the sweets - thats a great take on the theme, brilliant shot (y)
I like this, both as an image and in terms of the theme. I feel the yellows look a little overexposed but feel that is part of the complexity of the shot. You have captured the detail on the sweets well as I really feel I'm looking at a bowl of sweets.

As for the speed of this posting...I hate you ;)
Many thanks for those comments. Now I am going to admit that this weeks theme is out of my comfort zone! I have really had a hard time thinking of of a clutter scenario. So with clutter meaning a manner of different things, I decided to go with a staged shot. I emptied my "old" film cameras out of my bag, what a huge amount of stuff I had, and I decided to put some extra bits I had lying around. I am interested to see what you all think. Lighting was hard work, and I may do a reshoot at some point this week if I have the chance.

Hi Michael

the sepia version is a reall winner for me (y) ( & I'm envious of the vast amount of kit you have !)

I like your thinking behind the shot & can see why you added props ( cuddly toys & pine cones) but can't help wondering if they detract from the overall shot ? But thats just my thought .

Like you I'm well outside my comfort zone with the theme (especially as I hate clutter so don't have any,well not much,in the house) so well done to you for thinking outside the box & pushing your zone that little bit wider , you've done a great job :clap:
Hiya Lynne, thank you for your encouraging reply, I'm glad you like the sepia version, I too was wondering if I should have added the cuddly toys and pine cones. I took the first image and just thought there was to much wasted space, so i decided on the extras.

Hi Michael

the sepia version is a reall winner for me (y) ( & I'm envious of the vast amount of kit you have !)

I like your thinking behind the shot & can see why you added props ( cuddly toys & pine cones) but can't help wondering if they detract from the overall shot ? But thats just my thought .

Like you I'm well outside my comfort zone with the theme (especially as I hate clutter so don't have any,well not much,in the house) so well done to you for thinking outside the box & pushing your zone that little bit wider , you've done a great job :clap:
Sorry Michael, but neither the Clutter shots work for me. I think the problem is that it looks too organised, and there is too much empty space on the backdrop. Also I can't see how the components fit together. The camera kit, the pine cones, the magazines and the toys. I think i know what you were thinking, get loads of stuff in shot, but it just doesn't look cluttered, just posed (well to me anyway). Maybe a tighter shot on just the camera kit, in the camera bag?

anyway, hope you don't mind the comments.

PS, love your take on HARD.
Michael, I find these indoor shoots really hard so I'll prefer my sympathies.

The sepia shot looks easier on the eye as it distracts slightly from the composition. You have made this more difficult (IMO) by 'adding in' the various items round the outside. I agree that had you just gone in tight on your camera gear the composition would have been better and might not have needed further processing.
Thanks for the sympathies Tina! I have been trying to think of another idea for the theme, but alas, I just cant see anything photographic in my clutter! I may well have a photo of just the camera stuff on its own, will have to have a look to see what they are like.

Steve, glad you like the sepia version. I wonder what will be on the card for next week.....
Here we have it, most probably my quickest posting ever! And I acually like this theme.... Anyway my Grandma gave me some china, which never ever gets used for anything, apart from taking up cupboard space! So I thought I shall give the milk jug an airing. Took around 40 or shots for this one, was really tricky with the lighting, but got there in the end, couldn't decide so went for these 2.


Photo 1 for me. Better angle, and the shape plays with the light and shadows better. Photo 2 looks a little out of focus (but that's probably me viewing on a netbook and suffering jetlag!)

Nice interpretation. :)
I'm still finding 52 threads that I haven't looked at yet - and this is one of my favourites so far.
Definite feeling of progression here, and I love that you're taking all the feedback on board and re-posting . . . although I have absolutely no idea how you're finding the time :LOL:

My favourite so far is the perfume bottle. Absolutely stunning bottle and the final version with the graduated greens in the b/g is very pretty. As much as I like the idea of the starbursts, I think that the added ones look too fake so I'm glad that you took the feedback on board and lost them.

The saturated version of the sun is another standout shot. I'm fascinated by this astro stuff and the end effect that you've achieved is beautiful :clap:

And now onto delicate. Somebody else really quick off the mark this week!!!
Subject choice and black background work for me.(y)
In terms of composition I'm drawn more to the second one, because the delicate flower pattern seems to be prominent in that version. However, it does look to be a little on the soft side. It seems to have a bit of a lean to the right as well . . . which is a shame because I think the subject has huge potential.
Photo 1 for me. Better angle, and the shape plays with the light and shadows better. Photo 2 looks a little out of focus (but that's probably me viewing on a netbook and suffering jetlag!)

Nice interpretation. :)

I'm still finding 52 threads that I haven't looked at yet - and this is one of my favourites so far.
Definite feeling of progression here, and I love that you're taking all the feedback on board and re-posting . . . although I have absolutely no idea how you're finding the time :LOL:

My favourite so far is the perfume bottle. Absolutely stunning bottle and the final version with the graduated greens in the b/g is very pretty. As much as I like the idea of the starbursts, I think that the added ones look too fake so I'm glad that you took the feedback on board and lost them.

The saturated version of the sun is another standout shot. I'm fascinated by this astro stuff and the end effect that you've achieved is beautiful :clap:

And now onto delicate. Somebody else really quick off the mark this week!!!
Subject choice and black background work for me.(y)
In terms of composition I'm drawn more to the second one, because the delicate flower pattern seems to be prominent in that version. However, it does look to be a little on the soft side. It seems to have a bit of a lean to the right as well . . . which is a shame because I think the subject has huge potential.

Thanks Adie and Sarah for commenting. I still keep finding threads I hadn't seen also. Now onto the focus, I realise now that I gave the first one some sharpening in photoscape, I don't think I did so on number 2. Thanks for pointing out the lean Sarah, I had not noticed in that photo. I will have another bash at the pp on it and see what I can do.

I'm glad you like my others Sarah, the perfume bottle was tricky, and I really adore the bottle, that background was totally natural, involving a lawn and a brown fence behind it. The feedback on here is great, and I thank everyone for doing so.(y)
Blimey you're quick! I've only just found out what the theme is for week 7!

Very nice take on the theme and well done with the lighting on this shot as its difficult to get absolutely right. I really like the fact that you can see very clearly the detail on the jug (y)

Nice delicate subject buddy.. I think the latest version is the best..

i would have prefered a more in focus all over jug but thats just me..

Glad your keeping at it.. The weeks are flying by..

Regards MD(y)
I like it, but feel it would look better if the bottom of the jug was a sharp edge? I'm guessing the black background is a but furry?