Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

Hi, really nice work on your Delicate theme, and your determination is admirable. On first looking at the two I immediately preferred image 1. Then you made the decision more difficult by re-doing image 2. The clarity and colour in the detail of two stand out. Both images work great against the black, but for me, personal taste only, I still prefer the first by a narrow margin. I prefer the depth of the subject created by the angle you took it at.
Both great images though . Nice work

Hiya Martin, many thanks for your nice comments, I do like the 1st one also, as its totally different from the 2nd, I am glad I reworked image 2, it looks quite a bit better than the 1st version of it.

Hi, really nice work on your Delicate theme, and your determination is admirable. On first looking at the two I immediately preferred image 1. Then you made the decision more difficult by re-doing image 2. The clarity and colour in the detail of two stand out. Both images work great against the black, but for me, personal taste only, I still prefer the first by a narrow margin. I prefer the depth of the subject created by the angle you took it at.
Both great images though . Nice work


I must get a nice smooth background!! Its on my shopping list! :D
Right first of all, a little confession to make! This photo has not been taken specifically for this week, it was actually taken in October of last year on our holiday to the Isles Of Scilly. I was on a pelagic trip for seabirds and other wildlife, we did some fishing and on the return journey we used them as chum to attract the seabirds. I remembered this image, and I thought that it fitted very well for this theme, the gulls behaviour was certainly chaotic, and as soon as this piece of fish went down, a very chaotic fight broke out, and captured this moment. If I am able to get a new photograph for this weeks theme, I will do so, but for the time being I give you....

It's Mine, I skipped breakfast!

Great capture of a hectic moment! I may need to bring in some historic shots as back up!

Lighting is fab and you have frozen the action well!

Great work
I really like the image for week 8, you have managed to catch the action perfectly. Well done. (y)
Michael, your chaos is a nice catch. You've maintained a lot of detail/contrast, even in the feathers.

The right gull stands out for me - I like its head position and really like that it's wing is flat on the water.

Imagine if you had something like a 600mm and could have zoomed right in on the heads..

Superb photo for this week Michael, and well shot! :)
Very nice capture. Good sharpness and lighting. Lots of energy and it certainly looks "chaotic". Good composition and crop. Well done.
Great shot Michael!

There is nothing I don't like about this photo! When I saw it it reminded me of "Finding Nemo": Mine, Mine, Mine.... Hehe I guess it's in their nature!

Hello Everyone!! Firstly I can't believe that we will be on week 10's theme later on today!

Anyway onto my image for week 9 "finish". As I said it's been a mad week, and I'm still not feeling anywhere near 100% so as there are only some finishing touches to be done to my new kitchen on Monday, I plumped for a picture of it.
Nothing technical done in pp, apart from a jpeg conversion at the moment.


It's not the easiest of rooms to photograph, and we are seeing the effects here!
Hiya Michael,

I can't believe I have totally missed your project :bonk: I am sorry it has taken me so long to get here and I now have some quick catching up to do:

Week 1: I like your thought process for this one, but agree with what Tommy mentioned and suggested, which I see your later comment that you are taking those on board.

Week 2: I think the 2nd framed version is better. The colours are lovely.

Week 3: Agree with comments already made about the fingerprints, staging and starburst etc. That is one gorgeous perfume bottle and the colour is lovely. My only other comment would be to watch for reflections off glass as I find I am drawn to try to figure out what the reflection is.

Week 4: Oooh I like your sun shot, and agree prefer the colour version. Well done.

Week 5: Yummy they look so delish and the colours are very vibrant. Great take on the theme.

Week 6: Wow that is a lot of camera kit you have there, agree with Lynne the sepia version is a gem. But agree with Adie about the staged look of the cluttered shot.

Week 7: Glad to see you took all the others comments on board and the final version is far better. A lovely photo for this theme.

Week 8: Yep that fits the chaos bill well. Love the way you have caught the action and still maintained a sharp focus. Love the colour of the sea too.

Week 9: Indeed that looks finished to me. Probably not the easiest to photograph, but I think you have done fine. Only comment would be about the reflection of the tiles on the side of the cupboards, but nothing major (just me nit picking :LOL:)

Well, I have enjoyed looking through your project and I look forward to seeing the rest of the weeks to come (now that I have your thread tagged, I won't have any excuses not to see them :D).


Dawn :)
Great job on the kitchen and the photograph - now where's the kettle:)
Definitely conveys the theme for 'Finish'....but as Andy said, you need some beers on there to be completely finished :p

Hiya Dawn, thats fine, with so many threads going on, it's far too easy to miss a few! Many thanks for popping by and taking the time to look through my images.

Hiya Michael,

I can't believe I have totally missed your project :bonk: I am sorry it has taken me so long to get here and I now have some quick catching up to do:

Week 1: I like your thought process for this one, but agree with what Tommy mentioned and suggested, which I see your later comment that you are taking those on board.
I may well do a reshoot on it, I look at it every time I change my thread title!

Week 2: I think the 2nd framed version is better. The colours are lovely.
I am much preferring the framed version all the time now.

Week 3: Agree with comments already made about the fingerprints, staging and starburst etc. That is one gorgeous perfume bottle and the colour is lovely. My only other comment would be to watch for reflections off glass as I find I am drawn to try to figure out what the reflection is.
It's a bottle with a lot of photographic potential, I shall be exploring other ways of how to photograph it in the future

Week 4: Oooh I like your sun shot, and agree prefer the colour version. Well done.
I am looking forward to doing some more shots of the sun, hoping to improve on it also.

Week 5: Yummy they look so delish and the colours are very vibrant. Great take on the theme.
Has to be one of my most liked images so far in my 52

Week 6: Wow that is a lot of camera kit you have there, agree with Lynne the sepia version is a gem. But agree with Adie about the staged look of the cluttered shot.
This has been the hardest theme for me!

Week 7: Glad to see you took all the others comments on board and the final version is far better. A lovely photo for this theme.
Practice certainly aids the outocme, glad you like it.

Week 8: Yep that fits the chaos bill well. Love the way you have caught the action and still maintained a sharp focus. Love the colour of the sea too.

Week 9: Indeed that looks finished to me. Probably not the easiest to photograph, but I think you have done fine. Only comment would be about the reflection of the tiles on the side of the cupboards, but nothing major (just me nit picking :LOL:)
Nothing like having a good nitpic! :D

Well, I have enjoyed looking through your project and I look forward to seeing the rest of the weeks to come (now that I have your thread tagged, I won't have any excuses not to see them :D).


Dawn :)

Great job on the kitchen and the photograph - now where's the kettle:)

Definitely conveys the theme for 'Finish'....but as Andy said, you need some beers on there to be completely finished :p


The kettle was behind me, a nice new lighty up one!

Cheers Will (y)
Now I really like this theme as it has soooo much potential. Last week, I was doing some outdoor portraits of my daughter at a local country park, and as I processed them I thought of a combined image (a "Triptych" I believe its called :D) would do it justice, and then I saw this theme! So here we go, my first ever Triptych!


Only thing bugging me is the layout of the photos, I would be interested to hear opinions on the order of the photos. (y)
Hi Michael,
I think this is great and a wise choice to go for black and white. I think the three individual images really complement each other, and are really well shot with a sense of atmosphere. Very photogenic subject too.
With regards the layout, you may have it right. I was trying to picture it as a storyboard maybe. Re-ordered to 2,1,3. Arriving, playing. coming out to leave. I dunno. Maybe I just think that to balance the different compositions of the individual images. Others may see it differently and you might be spot on.
Regardless, fab shots and a speedy submission

Many thanks for the comments, I have just had a look at the order they were taken, and they are in exact order, but were not consecutive. I had a play around altering but I ended up at this one. I liked the pictures originally in colour, but somehow the white balance was a bit off, I managed to correct it. But they were so much better in the conversion. (y)
I am liking Trio very much buddy... I am very much into my outdoor shots at the moment and these tell a nice story I can see the light was very strong.. So you have done well with these.


I might not comment all the time bud But I look at most of your shots;)
When i saw the first of the triptych i thought you were going to show "See no evil, hear no evil..."

I notice you were shooting at 400 ISO and from 200mm , any reason? Parts of her face look a little blown and this might be why?

Your middle shot doesn't look quite in focus to my eye.

Having said all that I think this is a lovely idea and I'm not sure i could improve on the sequence, although she looks very playful in the first and rather static in the next two shots so maybe that is why they should flank #1?

I seldom photograph people myself so am rather poor at critiquing such.