weekly NickD's Photo52 Challenge - 2013 - Completed!

Hi Nick

hmmmm...as others have mentioned , a little shoe horned but hey , whats that between friends :LOL: Really sharp & you choose a good angle..:)


If you think this is shoehorned in, just wait and see what I manage to shoot for this week's theme if I can get down to Thatchers funeral on my lunch break! (Kidding, I think I have an idea for greed... not sure how well I can execute it though).
Value - I think it works to be honest! At least with a bit of explanation / justification it works with the theme - I'd sooner see that than the more literal takes on the weekly themes that have minimal effort put into them. As mentioned above, it's well composed and focus looks to be good! Nice work!
Thanks a lot.:)

One of the things I enjoy most about this is the different takes people have on a theme. I'd be pretty rubbish if we all dashed out and took the same shot.
Week 15 - Greed

I hope this is self explanatory. It was the first thing that came to mind, and given that last night was going to be my only chance I was praying for reasonable weather. The more astute among you may spot a clumsy attempt at dust bunny removal... difficult on a graduated sky... more so when you don't really know how. I don't often shoot at small apertures, so they were a bit of an unwelcome surprise... anyone recommend a cleaning kit?

Week 15 - Greed

Temple of Avarice by NickD71, on Flickr

Thanks for looking. :)
Definately on theme for me, only noticed the spot removal because you mentioned it, what software do you use to edit?

Great colours and very eye catching, only thing which I think would have improved this is having no movement in the water, which obviously you can't control. Would have given a brilliant reflection had it been clear.
Great shot Nick - couldn't be more on theme - depicting what could be seen as the very home of greed.

Perfect timing to catch the blue in the sky to. (y)

Didn't notice the spot till I went looking.
That image for Greed is amazing. Perfect shot, and as close to the theme as you can get, short of Scrooge McDuck rolling around in his money pit.
bang on theme surprised there weren't more banking shots, cant see the offending spot either
Value..... not a shoehorn more of a crowbar :D as already spotted except for the flasher in the bushes it's a very pleasing shot of others at work.

Greed.....nice evening sky, and a great collection of w.....bankers.

Definately on theme for me, only noticed the spot removal because you mentioned it, what software do you use to edit?

Great colours and very eye catching, only thing which I think would have improved this is having no movement in the water, which obviously you can't control. Would have given a brilliant reflection had it been clear.


I used PSE 10. I have just got hold of the beta version of LR5, and was going to have a crack with that, but it was a bit overwhelming so I figured I'd work it all out another day. A still day would have been ideal, and the wind did drop later on, but by then it was darker, so while the reflections were better I still preferred the earlier shots with some colour in the sky.

Great shot Nick - couldn't be more on theme - depicting what could be seen as the very home of greed.

Perfect timing to catch the blue in the sky to. (y)

Didn't notice the spot till I went looking.


It was my first (and only) thought, and I though it was a pretty obvious, direct take on the theme, glad you agree.

I've done a few of these night shoots now, and I've found it's just a case of taking shot after shot over that crucial 10 minutes as the light changes so quickly, then keeping the best of them. I knew if I got a clear evening and shot it from the east the light would be nice.

Greed indeed.

Im feeling a little left out as i cant see the famous spot :thinking:

Thanks... That'll be my l33t Photoshop skillz innit!:D

That image for Greed is amazing. Perfect shot, and as close to the theme as you can get, short of Scrooge McDuck rolling around in his money pit.

Thanks, kind words indeed!

To be honest, it's one of those scenes that's hard to get wrong... point a camera at it, wait for the light, and shoot. Having said that, I found a lovely little pub (The Gun - for reference) around the corner serving a great pint of Jugged Hare as I waited for the sun to drop, and as a result I forgot to switch my VR off, so while it could probably be sharper, if sunset had been much later I might have managed to mess it up! :D

bang on theme surprised there weren't more banking shots, cant see the offending spot either

Thanks. I was surprised too, I'd half expected a Canary Wharf shot to have cropped up before I managed to get mine, but it seems I got lucky. I did have a couple of attempts at the bunnies, and decided it was about as close as I could get it. My sensor's a bit of a mess on further examination... 3 spots and a little smear over to the left and a single spot on the right. I have swabs and fluid on order, so I'll see how I get on.

Value..... not a shoehorn more of a crowbar :D as already spotted except for the flasher in the bushes it's a very pleasing shot of others at work.

Greed.....nice evening sky, and a great collection of w.....bankers.


Cheers... I class taking any picture in London with less than 5 unwanted people in the frame as a result!
Hi NIck

I just love night time shots of buildings , more so when they're near water....looks like you timed it just right to capture the sky before it went totally dark , right on theme , great colors & look sharp to me...top shot mister (y)
Great take on the theme Nick. (y)
I too can't see the offending spot, it certainly doesn't detract from the scene.
I particularly like the colour tones in there.

Not much else to add to what everyone else has said. Good work.

Oh, a question if you will?
Where did you take this from? I have taken shots of Canary Wharf before from one of the DLR stations and got warned off by some anonymous station announcer :LOL:
Hi NIck

I just love night time shots of buildings , more so when they're near water....looks like you timed it just right to capture the sky before it went totally dark , right on theme , great colors & look sharp to me...top shot mister (y)


They are my favourite kind of shot (bikes excepted). Find your location, a relaxed pint nearby until the time is right, out, set up, bide your time, shoot, then retire to the pub to warm up. Just a lovely relaxed kind of photography, you and the scene and the light changing every minute.

Great take on the theme Nick. (y)
I too can't see the offending spot, it certainly doesn't detract from the scene.
I particularly like the colour tones in there.

Not much else to add to what everyone else has said. Good work.

Oh, a question if you will?
Where did you take this from? I have taken shots of Canary Wharf before from one of the DLR stations and got warned off by some anonymous station announcer :LOL:


I took this from Blackwall Basin. Blackwall DLR, left out of the station and under the underpass, then just follow the road down and it's on your right in about 5 mins, there's a little cut with a steel bridge over it that you can see from the road. It's residential and has 'Private' notices up, but if you look closely it states that the footpath down to the bridge is a public right of way between 7am and 9pm. These were taken from the bridge.
Hi Nick

Tacky - good idea on theme. like the pov but maybe a bit more dof on the head. Looks a bit of a sickly colour on my monitor

Value - excellent cos the only control that you had was the position. I get the connection ok. Good comp, partic as mentioned, the statue top left.

Greed - what would we do without the bankers eh? Good comp, lovely capture of the light and colours. Nice water. I cannot see the offending spot removal either :thinking:
Hi Nick

Tacky - good idea on theme. like the pov but maybe a bit more dof on the head. Looks a bit of a sickly colour on my monitor

Value - excellent cos the only control that you had was the position. I get the connection ok. Good comp, partic as mentioned, the statue top left.

Greed - what would we do without the bankers eh? Good comp, lovely capture of the light and colours. Nice water. I cannot see the offending spot removal either :thinking:


Starting to wish I'd not mentioned the dust bunnies now... I'd have probably got away with it!
Week 16 - Angle.

For some reason this was always going to be architectural, but I didn't have time to go for the buildings I wanted so my shortlisted shots were all within a couple of minutes of work. In the end I went for Barclays Bank in Westminster, largely because it's not particularly famous, but is a pretty interesting, angular concrete thing.

Barclays Westminster by NickD71, on Flickr

Thanks for looking! :)
Works for me. Very angular and sharp. On theme and a lovely blue sky. might be worth a quick look at lifting the shadows a tad. Or maybe a horizontal flip? Good work and keeping up well.
Last edited:
Greed, on theme, well composed and cracking colours. Just looks a little soft.

Angles, like it, but does make my head spin :nuts: looks a tad under exposed and I think this one is a real b&w candidate.

I never knew I had vertigo until just now! Great idea and great angles. I'd agree with the above comments that it's perhaps a tad flat in the shadows, though.
I really like the Angle shot, I can't think of anything to change. I maybe just would have hoped for a few fluffy clouds in the sky but not sure.

Nick, in the Value shot, d'you think Ken is maybe a bit too far over to the left [oh dear, pun NOT intended, sorry!]? And it might have been better without the left-hand bag (the right one seems to be serving a compositional purpose). (I know you didn't have much choice in either case, but just thinking about the composition.)

Greed, a lovely night time shot, and I really liked Angle as well; the angled shot as well as the angles in the shot!
Works for me. Very angular and sharp. On theme and a lovely blue sky. might be worth a quick look at lifting the shadows a tad. Or maybe a horizontal flip? Good work and keeping up well.


The sky was a gift that day. I did think some fluffy white clouds would have been nice, but I'm just grateful there was at least some colour. I did experiment with different flips, but settled on this one as I thought it made most sense. Lifting the shadows never occurred to me though... something to bear in mind!

Greed, on theme, well composed and cracking colours. Just looks a little soft.

Angles, like it, but does make my head spin :nuts: looks a tad under exposed and I think this one is a real b&w candidate.



A possible explanation for Greed's softness, is that after a couple of pints of Jugged Hare at the pub down the road, I forgot to turn of VR. :bonk:

I did try a few B&W conversions with Angles, but I kept coming back to the blue sky version.

I never knew I had vertigo until just now! Great idea and great angles. I'd agree with the above comments that it's perhaps a tad flat in the shadows, though.

Thanks, it's an interesting building from pretty much any angle. I'm not entirely sure I understand what 'flat in the shadows' means, any chance you could expand on it a little bit?:)

I like the sky and the colours, the shape of the building is hypnotic :)

Cheers, it's one of those buildings that most people walk past without even looking up, but it's a gem!

I really like the Angle shot, I can't think of anything to change. I maybe just would have hoped for a few fluffy clouds in the sky but not sure.


Ah skies... the photographers lottery!:D

You're entirely right of course, that would really finish it off, but given the recent weather I was just happy to have some colour!

Thanks. I'm pretty pleased with how it came out with a sense of size, it makes me a little dizzy too.

Excellent shot for angles taken at a great angle :clap:

Cheers... My back's still knackered after contorting myself to take it!:D

I like angle, looks like it could be from a Batman movie! (y)


If I could have got the B&W conversion right, that would have really given it that kind of feel... More practice needed!

Nick, in the Value shot, d'you think Ken is maybe a bit too far over to the left [oh dear, pun NOT intended, sorry!]? And it might have been better without the left-hand bag (the right one seems to be serving a compositional purpose). (I know you didn't have much choice in either case, but just thinking about the composition.)

Greed, a lovely night time shot, and I really liked Angle as well; the angled shot as well as the angles in the shot!


I did mess about with crops for Value, but with other things around it had to be a bit of a compromise.

Greed is such a lovely kind of shot to take, simple to execute, but really flatters your abilities. Angles is just one of those things, I pass the building regularly, and I knew it'd come in handy one day!:)
Week 17 - Rustic.

The last theme I wanted for this week to be fair. Busy last weekend with two Kendo competitions, working in central London, and no time to get out in the evenings I was hoping for something I could tie in to what I was doing anyway... then 'rustic' came out. :bonk:

The only shots I managed were of the scene below, maybe a bit rustic I guess, but a bit of a stretch, which I've tried to cover up with PP along the lines of an old photo. I think it half works!

Those who know the scene will know why I was a bit restricted composition-wise, so it's maybe not the angle I would have liked, but hey... you do what you can with what you've got.

Tumbledown Cottage by NickD71, on Flickr

Thanks for looking! :)
Thanks, it's an interesting building from pretty much any angle. I'm not entirely sure I understand what 'flat in the shadows' means, any chance you could expand on it a little bit?:)
By that I meant it could use a touch more brightness and/or contrast.

Great photo for rustic, does the job for me. :)
Hi Nick

Angles - does the job well. Nice colour of the sky and minimal colour in the building. good pov and comp - ticks all the boxes for me

Rustic - peaceful scene and on theme. That bush in the middle foreground is a bit distracting but not sure if you could have got a better viewpoint.

I like the idea of the old postcard treatment but my crit would be that the shot is too sharp/clean and it is simply a sepia translation. I have no idea about how to do it in PP but I think that it would work if it was a bit softer as if shot thro gauze and then had a faded colour wash type treatment. But my PP skills would not stretch that far
Great shot for 'angle'. Like the colours. Didnt realise the building was concrete. It has almost a metallic sheen to it.
Hi Nick,
Rustic, bang on theme for me (y)
I agree with Allan, I too think you have pushed the pp just a little more to give an older feel to the frame.
You have handled what looks like strong sunlight well too, the detail is still there in the walls of the building. Good work (y)
By that I meant it could use a touch more brightness and/or contrast.

Great photo for rustic, does the job for me. :)

Brilliant, thanks! It's one of those phrases that get's bandied about a fair bit, but doesn't often get explained!

Hi Nick

Angles - does the job well. Nice colour of the sky and minimal colour in the building. good pov and comp - ticks all the boxes for me

Rustic - peaceful scene and on theme. That bush in the middle foreground is a bit distracting but not sure if you could have got a better viewpoint.

I like the idea of the old postcard treatment but my crit would be that the shot is too sharp/clean and it is simply a sepia translation. I have no idea about how to do it in PP but I think that it would work if it was a bit softer as if shot thro gauze and then had a faded colour wash type treatment. But my PP skills would not stretch that far


I did try to add a bit of grain to Rustic, but erring on the side of caution I guess I bottled it and didn't go far enough. Might have to have a second crack at it given the time. I see what you mean about the bush, but this was the best angle available I'm afraid.

Great shot for 'angle'. Like the colours. Didnt realise the building was concrete. It has almost a metallic sheen to it.


Yup, it's like a regular office building, with that odd concrete lattice wrapped around it.

Quick catch up, I'm afraid :D

Rustic, works for me. Well composed and the processing works well.



Hi Nick,
Rustic, bang on theme for me (y)
I agree with Allan, I too think you have pushed the pp just a little more to give an older feel to the frame.
You have handled what looks like strong sunlight well too, the detail is still there in the walls of the building. Good work (y)


I'm glad I managed to get rustic across, as I was really stuck for getting out and about. As I said above, I did try to add a bit of grain, but wish I'd been a bit braver with it. I'll have a play with it and see what comes out.
I like the angle and the subject fits but the processing is not for me I would have preferred some lush greens.
liking the shot for rustic - as you seems aware not the best angle, fence is a bit of a "barrier" to the shot, but there you go....

Processing almost works, I knid of associate the sepia look with older / vintage wild west type images, not necessarily country ones, you have to try though!!
Thanks people!

I did do a lush green version, but felt that 'olding' it up a bit added to the theme. I probably fixated on the rustic idea a bit as I knew it was all a bit of a lie. It's actually the office in St James's Park, and If I turned 90 degrees right I could have shot the back of the treasury, Churchill War Rooms and the back of Downing Street.
Week 18 - Kind.

Totally stuck for time and ideas this week. I'd decided that literal was probably my only option and had assembled a mental list of things that contained the word. Having come to a decision (largely based on colours) I spent my lunchbreak on my belly in the park. When my little friend came along I didn't want to risk faffing about to focus specifically on him for fear of missing, so I just rattled off a few and hoped for the best... Just about got him!

Ok, I'll share! by NickD71, on Flickr

Thanks for looking! :)