weekly NickD's Photo52 Challenge - 2013 - Completed!

Thanks a lot guys!

Having dug the alternative version out and processed it in the same way, I now swing between which I prefer, whereas I didn't give it a second thought on the first pass, and rejected it out of hand. I guess the lesson is that it's sometimes worth processing first and revisiting an image a few times before making a decision. I'm grateful to all concerned for highlighting this... Cheers! :)
I like the first image best, although I'd prefer a big more light on the child's face.
Catching up with a few - really like your gluttony lard picture - the depth of field makes you look at it and then go back and realise what is actually on the plate and in the glass

Juxtaposition - lovely take on the theme with the old and new

Letter - I prefer the second with the focus on the letter, it does not look quite so grainy as the first
Many thanks for your input peeps... Onwards and sideways! :D

Week 11 - Electric.

Not fantastically happy with this, but I know I'm not going to get chance to shoot anything that isn't wedding related until next week (relax... only as a guest!). I know the processing will be a bit much for some, but I wanted a Rock 'n' Roll feel, and it works for me (or it does today:)).

Real men play on 10 by NickD71, on Flickr

Thanks for looking.
PP not really for me if I'm honest - also the markers seem to say that it's set to 8½ rather than 10.

But you must be commended for taking a different tack - maybe we all should once in a while. (y)
Way off for me too. Certainly never says Electric to me.

Interesting but not my cup of tea.

Enjoy the wedding. Rather you than me - I hate weddings !!!!
:LOL:Hi Nick

pp lends a touch of electric to it...is it an electric guitar twiddly bit ?

best of luck with the weddings....your mad you are
10? No it must go up,to 11! ;)
Nice idea, like the composition, but not so much the pp. would perhaps have preferred it straight out of the camera I think.


I did have an amp that went to 11... well I painted it on.:D

The out of camera shot was just a bit dull and I couldn't get it right (which on reflection was probably an indication that I should have re-shot). I thought this came out a bit like a gig poster background, which is why I decided to keep it.

PP not really for me if I'm honest - also the markers seem to say that it's set to 8½ rather than 10.

But you must be commended for taking a different tack - maybe we all should once in a while. (y)


I do like to faff about a bit... usually in a vain attempt to rescue something that a smarter bloke would have deleted.:D

Oddly enough there are no markers on the guitar, what you're looking at is caused by the effect of the processing on reflections. I see what you mean though.

Way off for me too. Certainly never says Electric to me.

Interesting but not my cup of tea.

Enjoy the wedding. Rather you than me - I hate weddings !!!!

Thanks for looking... you can't win 'em all I guess. I'm comfortable with the attachment to the theme myself, a rotary carbon track potentiometer on an electric geeetar and all, but I guess it's not that obvious to everyone. Vive la difference! :)

Not a big wedding fan myself, but at least this one is somewhere I've never been before and we're up there for long enough that I should get out with the camera.

Electric guitar?

Interesting composition and I like the angle.

PPs is a tad too much for me.

Enjoy the wedding (y)



I had a feeling I may have gone a bit too far PP wise... You live and learn!

:LOL:Hi Nick

pp lends a touch of electric to it...is it an electric guitar twiddly bit ?

best of luck with the weddings....your mad you are

It is indeed a twiddly bit, glad you got a bit of electric from the PP.

Not sure about mad, but if these weddings continue at this frequency I may well be soon! I might have to start playing at being 'Uncle Bob' to keep myself amused!
Hi Nick -

Electric - my first thought was of a guitar so I ma pleased that i have not looked gormless. On the comp, I think OK - could just do with the reflection below the knob not being there as it distracts and confuses. On the PP, I like. The colours and that form of stress often seen in plastic seem to emphasise the theme to me.
Nice idea for electric but i find the PP a bit off putting having done a guitar myself I know how hard it is to get a decent picture of a guitar (y)
I think I recognised the PS filter? Anyway, I thought this subject was a good use for it. Nice choice.

Keep it up, only 41 weeks to go!
Thanks chaps, glad the theme came out for some of you. I knew the processing was going to be a bit hard to swallow in some cases, but it kinda worked in my eyes. One of the great things about this whole shebang is that, not only has it made me take shots I'd never normally take, it's also made me experiment with processing. Some has worked, some totally hasn't, but it's all been an adventure so far!

Direction -

This one may be a bit obscure, but the few more obvious pics I took this week didn't really do anything for me. It's been an interesting week though, making me look at a lot of stuff that I usually walk past, as it's there for tourists and travellers... there's some interesting stuff about!

These labyrinth artworks have been springing up in underground stations as part of the Tube's 150th anniversary. The tie to direction (as I see it), is that the route out is the route in, but reversed. Shaky, granted, but it's Friday, and I've got nowt else!:D

DSC_4938 by NickD71, on Flickr

Thanks for looking. :)
I think that works to the theme Nick (y)
I always like seeing others take on the themes, yes it needs a little explaining but it is still very effective. The person in the background works we'll to the theme too.

I like the subtle colour tones too, it makes it a very pleasing on the eye photograph.

Not much more to say on it, it gets my vote (y)
I think that works to the theme Nick (y)
I always like seeing others take on the themes, yes it needs a little explaining but it is still very effective. The person in the background works we'll to the theme too.

I like the subtle colour tones too, it makes it a very pleasing on the eye photograph.

Not much more to say on it, it gets my vote (y)

Many thanks!:)

Having just acquired a 50 1.8, I get the feeling I'll be spamming this thread with a fair bit more of the same until I get bored, or learn something else!:D

I took a few shots at this point, but picked this one as it had the single figure in the background, as the original labyrinth story from my schooldays had just Theseus following his thread to get out... No mean feat at rush hour, I can tell you!
Many thanks!:)

Having just acquired a 50 1.8, I get the feeling I'll be spamming this thread with a fair bit more of the same until I get bored, or learn something else!:D

I took a few shots at this point, but picked this one as it had the single figure in the background, as the original labyrinth story from my schooldays had just Theseus following his thread to get out... No mean feat at rush hour, I can tell you!

Useful piece of kit you've got there.
Shallow dof such as what you've captured here is very pleasing on the eye IMHO. Nowt wrong with making the most of the wide aperture qualities, I look forward to more of the same Nick.
Your patience paid off, no mean feat as you say at rush hour.
Juxtaposition....this is spot on theme and is a cracking shot in it's on right with the reflections.

Letter....nice personal family shot, maybe the A could have been held slightly closer to the camera to make it a little larger in the frame. I'm glad you have shown one with he A in focus as it does make it hard to choose between both.

Electric....something a little different, the processing works well with this shot. It does give it the rock and roll feel.......from the seventies though :D
agree with everyone else there is nothing wrong with doing something a little different with the theme (y)
like your direction here Nick - almost a photo of two halves, either could almost stand up on their own, the maze or tha chap leaving the tube station. Together they work rather well too.
Hi Nick :)

Electric - Very unusual... makes me feel like I have taken something I should do at my age :nuts:

Direction - I think the focus could have been a tiny bit further to the right, but other than that I really like that, works well :)


Hi Nick

On theme for me and well constructed. Figure in the b/g helps enormously

Cheers! I took a fair few, and just lucked in getting a frame (can we still call them that?) with a single figure. I really like what the lens did to him too.

Juxtaposition....this is spot on theme and is a cracking shot in it's on right with the reflections.

Letter....nice personal family shot, maybe the A could have been held slightly closer to the camera to make it a little larger in the frame. I'm glad you have shown one with he A in focus as it does make it hard to choose between both.

Electric....something a little different, the processing works well with this shot. It does give it the rock and roll feel.......from the seventies though :D

Thanks! I knew Juxtaposition would be ok... It's just one of those classic London shots that's set up ready to be photographed... Maybe a cliche, but... well, you've got to haven't you?

I'm glad letter left someone else undecided too. You're absolutely right about the A being larger... I can see how that would work now you mention it.

agree with everyone else there is nothing wrong with doing something a little different with the theme (y)

I couldn't agree more. I love looking round at what others have taken for a theme, apart from the 'damn, I wish I'd thought of that' element!:D

like your direction here Nick - almost a photo of two halves, either could almost stand up on their own, the maze or tha chap leaving the tube station. Together they work rather well too.

Cheers Graham, I'd not looked at it like that. I might experiment with splitting the image when I get a quiet week, and explore that idea further.
Week 13 - Tacky.

A bit of a last minute lunge this week, as can be seen from the exif. I thought I had a few good ideas, but as I looked through the entries, I realised that all my favourite tacky ideas had been used, and mostly in a way that I couldn't compete with.:bang:

I managed to free up an hour at lunch today, and did a quick round of the London tat emporia, but found that the proprietors don't like people photographing their junk ('Eigo wakarimasen' is maybe not the most convincing version of 'I don't speak English' for an obvious Yorkshireman to use, but it was hard to tell which European language attempt they would have seen through).

Long story short - I came away with nothing... so I went with sticky tacky, rather than tacky tacky.

Sticky tacky, not tacky tacky. by NickD71, on Flickr

Thanks for looking. :)
Hi, nick, first thing I noticed about Direction and Tacky was the lighting. Both seem a tad under exposed. I suspect you could get them to pop a bit more in post

Anyway, Direction, liking the Celtic type pattern in the FG and the guy walking into the pub :naughty: adds another dimension to direction.

Tacky, indeed, bag in theme. Nice shallow DOF and good fall off. Nice low perspective.

Love the shallow dof here. Captured the stickiness of the glue really well
Hi ya

Direction...interesting sign there , a maze..keep following the lines to see where I get to ....cracking DOF :)

Sticky tacky...your attempt at foreign language made me giggle....have memorised that line for future use :LOL: certainly on theme...just needs a little something to make it pop a bit more...maybe :thinking:
Direction......the oof person is a little distracting, a slightly less shallow of an angle for me.

Tacky......I see you've stuck with something simple ;) I think a slightly wider dof would be better as I'd like to see more detail in the tube.

Another one i like. Maybe a bit more depth of field to get the head in focus as well as the glue could make it really stand out.

Thanks! The more I look at it the more I agree with you, a fair bit more DOF would help lots. As it stands it's a picture of the glue and not much else.

Hi, nick, first thing I noticed about Direction and Tacky was the lighting. Both seem a tad under exposed. I suspect you could get them to pop a bit more in post

Anyway, Direction, liking the Celtic type pattern in the FG and the guy walking into the pub :naughty: adds another dimension to direction.

Tacky, indeed, bag in theme. Nice shallow DOF and good fall off. Nice low perspective.


Had a quick play in Snapseed and with a quick 'auto' adjustment they popped.


Cheers! I'm generally picking up where and how to point a camera, but making the most of the result is still somewhat lost on me. I need to get some time to run through tutorials and such, but at the moment I'm up to the neck in work related study.

I experimented a little with the auto-fix type things in Elements and it did seem to lift it a little. Something to start with for future submissions I guess.

Love the shallow dof here. Captured the stickiness of the glue really well

Many thanks... The glue is the one bit of the shot that I'm pretty happy with. Pretty sharp for hand held, indoors and after dark. I'm starting to love the 50 1.8 almost as much as I hated the 35 1.8! :D

Hi ya

Direction...interesting sign there , a maze..keep following the lines to see where I get to ....cracking DOF :)

Sticky tacky...your attempt at foreign language made me giggle....have memorised that line for future use :LOL: certainly on theme...just needs a little something to make it pop a bit more...maybe :thinking:

Thanks. I just wanted something that I knew they wouldn't recognise, to buy me time... In the end I just gave it up.

I know what you mean about 'pop'. As suggested above, I reckon more DOF and better PP would do the trick. More practice needed!

Direction......the oof person is a little distracting, a slightly less shallow of an angle for me.

Tacky......I see you've stuck with something simple ;) I think a slightly wider dof would be better as I'd like to see more detail in the tube.



Stuck... I geddit! :D
Yup, more DOF is obvious to me now. Something to think about for the next shot of this kind!
Week 14 - Value.

A different kind of shot this week... no attempts at shallow DOF, clever angles, PP effects. It's a bit of a grabbed snapshot from lunchtime, but I did have time to walk around and try for a reasonable composition (while not getting in anyone's way of course). I'm a sucker for a walkabout lens, but since picking up the 50mm 1.8 I've not taken it off the camera, so that's what I had with me today... I'd have loved a bit of zoom on reflection.

Maybe a bit of a shoehorn job, but I assume I knew what (or who) he was being asked about... someone with diametrically opposed values to his.

A question of values... by NickD71, on Flickr

Thanks for looking. :)
Week 14 - Value.

A different kind of shot this week... no attempts at shallow DOF, clever angles, PP effects. It's a bit of a grabbed snapshot from lunchtime, but I did have time to walk around and try for a reasonable composition (while not getting in anyone's way of course). I'm a sucker for a walkabout lens, but since picking up the 50mm 1.8 I've not taken it off the camera, so that's what I had with me today... I'd have loved a bit of zoom on reflection.

Maybe a bit of a shoehorn job, but I assume I knew what (or who) he was being asked about... someone with diametrically opposed values to his.

A question of values... by NickD71, on Flickr

Thanks for looking. :)

Interesting take on the theme, when I saw it over in the other thread I'd don't get it at first
As you mention it has that "snapshot" feel about it...not really got any crit, but not a shot that leaps out at me really
I would say that compositionally, you've done an excellent job..... especially like the statue up in the top left - looking over them.

No crit from me either - apart from the bloke in the bushes... :LOL:
Interesting take on the theme, when I saw it over in the other thread I'd don't get it at first
As you mention it has that "snapshot" feel about it...not really got any crit, but not a shot that leaps out at me really

Thanks. It's most certainly not a clever shot, and probably lacks interest in any kind of arty sense, but I saw interest in the story given the events of this week. To be honest my judgement is probably skewed a little, as someone who grew up in a northern mining town during her tenure I guess I see more in it than is actually there.
I would say that compositionally, you've done an excellent job..... especially like the statue up in the top left - looking over them.

No crit from me either - apart from the bloke in the bushes... :LOL:


As much of a grab shot as it is, I did have time to walk around and try a few angles composition-wise. The statue was a conscious decision, as it's Emmeline Pankhurst, which also tied in with the theme for me.

As for the bloke in the bushes, I had a choice between him, a couple of cyclists and a group of Spanish tourists struggling with a map!
As others have said, the composition is great as well as the exposure. The subject is very shoe-horned in though :)

As others have said, the composition is great as well as the exposure. The subject is very shoe-horned in though :)


Thanks. I was struggling with this week's theme TBH, so as soon as I got something that fitted in my head, that was it... Job done!

Hi Nick :)

Tacky - Agree it could be a tad brighter but it sure fits and liking the good DoF (y)

Value - Sorry, looks a bit oof to me... good composition and nice to see the kit about :)

Thanks for looking. :)

I've since messed with the autofixes in Elements on Tacky, and it really lifted the shot. It'll be a good starting point for future shots... Maybe start getting my head around PP.

Value - Can't win 'em all I guess! Focus looks reasonable on my screen, and to my eyes, but not great. It was nice just walking round with the camera looking for opportunities though. Ah well... Tomorrow's another week.