OptimusBri's self portrait 365

like the composition today. the focus is, as ever, excellent...
agree, fabulous focus and light.. you are nailing these shots briony.. will be a pretty impressive set by the end of the year
Thank you :)



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Don't really like this. Final Major Project work is calling though and I don't have the time or patience to attempt another 365 shot right now.
Hi Briony,

Steadily trying to catch up on ther people's threads, and I have to say that out of the last two pages, #556 (82/365) is by far the best. I love the way you made it look candid, yet it clearly isn't as it's a self-portrait. How did you manage to look like you surprised yourself? :)

As to the one above (84/365) I think it's a good attempt, but the composition is letting it down. Lord knows how you manage to compose these shots when you're not in them, but for this one, it looks "wrong" somehow. Not the best description I know, and hardly very helpful but I hope you know what I mean...

nice use of dof today, the texture and detail of the brickwork in the foreground contrast nicely with the soft background. like the b&w...

I've been meaning to get through your 365 for ages but never had the time! Glad I did though.

Some lovely shots, all well executed and great portraits. how you never have a bad hair day or whopping spot is beyond me :LOL:

I agree with the last pic, I think its the composition. It's neither on a third or dead centre so looks a little 'wonky'. I think it would have benefitted from some extra breathing space to the right and you on the left third but how you manage to take such great shots each day is really beyond me!

Keep it up...
Liking the simplicity of 85 and the intensity of 86...

Great shots!
Hi Briony,

Have been watching this thread from afar and have to say your images are stunning.

Photographer use many different techniques to capture the eyes as well as you do, may I ask yours and do you take these yourself (i.e on a tripod with a remote?) or get a helping hand?

Do you use single point focus and then recompose?

Once again, cracking shots, look forward to coming back and seeing more

86 is excellent...

I've been following you on flickr alot recently, but i'd thought I'd drop a comment here too. Like always some awesome shots recently! 85 captures your eyes brilliantly! Nice parallel lines in 86. and with 84 (like I said on flickr) this one has a lovely italian feel to it! :)

Keep up the ace work! (y)
Liking the simplicity of 85 and the intensity of 86...

Great shots!

Thank you! :)

Hi Briony,

Have been watching this thread from afar and have to say your images are stunning.

Photographer use many different techniques to capture the eyes as well as you do, may I ask yours and do you take these yourself (i.e on a tripod with a remote?) or get a helping hand?

Do you use single point focus and then recompose?

Once again, cracking shots, look forward to coming back and seeing more


Thanks very much Dan :)
Yes, all these images I have taken myself, with no help from anyone else. I use a tripod and a remote. I just use single point focus, but I generally don't recompose as I use autofocus. I find that using manual focus is pretty time consuming and difficult to get good results all the time when doing self portraits.

86 is excellent...

Thanks Ian :)


I've been following you on flickr alot recently, but i'd thought I'd drop a comment here too. Like always some awesome shots recently! 85 captures your eyes brilliantly! Nice parallel lines in 86. and with 84 (like I said on flickr) this one has a lovely italian feel to it! :)

Keep up the ace work! (y)

Aw thanks a lot Toby :) glad you like them!
87 is stunning Briony. Really bright colours and tack sharp. Well done (y)

Looks superb on black as well. I may have to try that with some of my shots.

What can I say, just a genius and a so beautiful! Love 77, 81, 82 and 87. I like the way that you take them, as if in a studio, very vogue esq. Wish I had the time(and birds!:D) to do my mine properly, I'm going to give up, impossible for me to keep up. ;)
great colours in 87. use of dof and composition is spot on...
I've been following your project on flickr, hadn't realized you were on here too. Loving your work, keep up the good work
Just had a catch up, although I have been following on Flickr! Great shots, I have to say I think some of your simpler shots are the best. I love your eyes!

This last one is also great. Great colours and composition!

Well Done

Back on form with no 87 although it does look as though you have been skewered by that rock in your neck! :LOL:
Thanks for the comments everyone.

I'm back home until Monday now, just installed Photoshop CS3 on my Mum's computer, but iPhoto doesn't want to install my Raw photos...if I can't find a way round it, i'll just have to upload a weeks worth of photos when I get back to Uni next week, and post them all at once :) so if I don't update this thread for a while, that's why...
great shots briony.. love the last one.. even with the rock, which I hadnt noticed until gary mentioned it :)
LOVE 87, Briony. It's also the first shot for a while where you've looked quite different. I know that's weird as it's all YOU, but I mean you could easily be somebody else. Love it.
Fab stuff Briony :) still loving everything your doing!
Thanks for the comments everyone.

I'm back home until Monday now, just installed Photoshop CS3 on my Mum's computer, but iPhoto doesn't want to install my Raw photos...if I can't find a way round it, i'll just have to upload a weeks worth of photos when I get back to Uni next week, and post them all at once :) so if I don't update this thread for a while, that's why...

Im gonna end up trying to work out which amazing Beverley locations are in your photos :LOL:
I really like the pose in 87 but not too keen on the green cast!
Thanks everyone :) i haven't been keeping up to date with everyone's 365s this week...going to have a massive catch up next week!!

Im gonna end up trying to work out which amazing Beverley locations are in your photos :LOL:

Haha, well the last 2 shots have been in my house because the weather has been pretty rubbish outside! Today however, it is sunny (quite cold and windy still though) so I am going to make the most of it and get some shots outside :D
Sorry it's been a while! If you didn't know, I have been at home for a week and was unable to upload my RAW files on to my Mum's computer, which meant that I had to wait until I got back to University today to upload and edit all my images.

I have been taking them each day, I haven't cheated :D I also have quite a few photos that I took which aren't part of my 365 project, which I have posted up on Flickr, and have also posted some here.

Okay, here comes all the photos!



Sorry for the HORRIBLE noise on this photo. For some reason that I can't remember, I set my ISO to 1600 and forgot to change it back until the next day. Also, if you didn't know, Adieu is farewell in French :)



So this was the first day of being at home for the holidays. The weather was rubbish outside, so I decided to take a shot inside. I wasn't feeling very inspired that day, but it was nice to have a change of house and scenery :)



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Please view large here. It was so windy when I was out taking these shots! The idea that I had in mind could have been executed so much better, but due to lack of time, props and motivation, it didn't work out exactly as I had hoped. Definitely one to come back to at a later date during the summer I think :)



Please view large here. My younger brother came with me to take this photo, and I warned him that I might look ridiculous when I was taking it, being all up in the air in stupid poses! He did find it pretty funny, and was laughing at me for quite a while, and the man who was walking his dog gradually getting closer towards me along the path must have thought I was quite odd too!

Quite pleased with this one though :D



Please view large here. Discovering new things in Photoshop is fun :D Rather pleased with this considering that the shoot didn't go as planned! (Sorry it's another black and white! Going through a bit of a phase I think haha)

I have two more shots to edit and post up, then I'm back on track haha! Shall do them soooooon :)
nice set of images here. 89 is a real stand-out for me, great composition! i also like 92, for some reason i find it rather disturbing...
92 is great, definitely the a more powerful one. 90 is also good (y) 88 reminds me of a girl on flickr, might be called jennipenni?
Thanks Vicky :) no idea who she is, might have to have a look at some point!









Sorry for the rubbish shots :( I have so much work to do and I'm so busy, meaning my 365 is definitely not my priority at the moment. Argh! Annoyed at myself for taking bad shots, but I just can't spare the time to plan out ideas or spend lots of time on the shots...

On a brighter note, I have almost reached 100 self portraits - wahoo!
don't beat yourself up bri...the point is, we all have lives to live. i worked out a while ago that if you are busy you do one of two things...a, give up! b, take a filler or two! so, you took some filler shots, they are pretty good and your 365 continues. well done! oh, btw, i rather like the blue starry one, good lighting...
#87 + #92 really stand out for me. I also really like #95, i'd love to know what the little box was?
Some really great photos and ideas, I'm especially liking 88, 89 and 95. I found it hard enough trying one self portrait so well done for keeping it up so far!